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One Campus – One Book at the University of Central Missouri Ms. Jerry R. Brown Associate Professor and Librarian James C. Kirkpatrick Library University.

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Presentation on theme: "One Campus – One Book at the University of Central Missouri Ms. Jerry R. Brown Associate Professor and Librarian James C. Kirkpatrick Library University."— Presentation transcript:

1 One Campus – One Book at the University of Central Missouri Ms. Jerry R. Brown Associate Professor and Librarian James C. Kirkpatrick Library University of Central Missouri

2 The UCM One Campus, One Book program began in 2013 as a cross- discipline effort among the Creative Writing program, the English composition program, and the American Democracy Project with the purpose of engaging our students and campus community in a shared, academically- driven experience. This program is intended to bring meaningful conversations on relevant, complex subjects beyond the classroom and into students’ daily lives, culminating in a campus visit by the author in November. The chosen book is available for use in any course offered in the fall at the discretion of faculty members.

3 The One Campus, One Book committee is made up of faculty and students from across campus with an interest in the program. The selection process for the next common reader book begins shortly after the fall author visit. A request is sent to UCM faculty asking for their suggestions for the next year’s common reader book. The committee meets shortly after the winter break to discuss the book suggestions received. A sub-committee is appointed to verify the suitability of the titles for use in the program. Committee Organization

4 Selection Criteria Among others: Will the book engage students with a text that addresses a contemporary social issue, encourage critical thought on the topics in the book vis-à-vis student lives, and support pedagogy across the curriculum? Will the author be able to travel and be available to visit campus the November following selection? Does the author fee/expenses fit our budget?

5 Selection Process After the initial title selection, copies of the books are obtained for the committee members review. The committee meets to discuss each title and a consensus is reached on first and second choices. The committee chair contacts the first choice’s business representative to verify that the author is available for a November date and the details of the contract. Should that choice not be workable, the second choice is contacted. When the contract is concluded the committee members are advised and plans begin for the fall.

6 Events Each year we host several supportive events on campus. Some are unique to a particular book and some seem to happen each year. We have several book talks during the fall geared to the classes that are using it. They are held in several places on campus; the James C. Kirkpatrick Library generally hosts at least two, as well as a faculty panel discussion of the book and the Speech Competition finals. As part of their course work, a class will plan and execute a display about the book in the library this coming October/November.

7 Events Continued Public speaking classes participate in a speech competition on the book. Initial judging is held in individual classes. The final competition is held in the weeks before the author visit and judged by a faculty panel at the Kirkpatrick Library Performance Corner. The winners receive the opportunity to have lunch with the author.

8 Author Visit Several opportunities for students to interact with the author are scheduled. The author will speak to a large audience in the morning and have lunch with some students. A meet and greet with faculty in held in the afternoon and is followed by another talk by the author for those who could not attend the morning event.

9 2013 Selection

10 2014 Selection

11 2015 Selection

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