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SENIOR PROJECT Class of 2016. Senior Project 2015-16 Why Senior Project? A hands-on opportunity to learn about and do what interests students with some.

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Presentation on theme: "SENIOR PROJECT Class of 2016. Senior Project 2015-16 Why Senior Project? A hands-on opportunity to learn about and do what interests students with some."— Presentation transcript:

1 SENIOR PROJECT Class of 2016

2 Senior Project 2015-16 Why Senior Project? A hands-on opportunity to learn about and do what interests students with some academic rigor. Every senior is required to take part in Senior Project as part of their graduation requirement.  Live out a passion  Investigate a career  Serve others

3 The 5 P’s of the Senior Project 1. Proposal (Letter of Intent and Poster in the Spring of their Junior year) 2. Paper (Begin an annotated bibliography in their Junior History class) 3. Project (Complete the project) 4. Portfolio (Notebook containing required pieces) 5. Presentation (Give a presentation of their project to members of the community in either Fall or Spring)

4 Proposal (part 1…the Letter of Intent) We ask students to:  Start thinking about what they might want to do.  Visit with people (and parents) who know something about their topic.  Make sure they can do it.  Write a Letter of Intent.

5 Proposal (part 2…the Poster) Students create a Poster that highlights what they plan to do.  Single page color poster  Has their picture and lists their topic

6 Annotated Bibliography  Written in APA format  5-10 sources  2 paragraphs per source  Includes works cited page  Helpful hints can be found on the Senior Project website.

7 Project Students work to complete their experience.  They spend at least 15 hours completing their project.  Research and working on portfolio items do not count as part of the 15 hours!  Keep an activity log (provided online)  They meet and work with a Mentor (at least 21 yrs old, not immediate family, and a level of expertise on the topic).

8 Portfolio Students combine all their project documents in a portfolio as outlined on the Senior Project website and in the handbook  This chronicles their experience and allows them to formally reflect on their project.  Portfolios are due to your Senior Project Coordinator TWO WEEKS prior to your presentation date  Provided to judges prior to their presentation.

9 Presentation The Senior Project culminates in a presentation to teachers and community members on various dates throughout the year.  Students dress professionally and, with some form of visual aid, they share their experience.  Judges will score the presentations.  Judges will provide feedback informally

10 Need to Change Your Project?  New project proposals must be submitted NO LATER THAN 4:30 pm on Tuesday, Dec. 1 st.  To change your Senior Project you must do the following before you can begin the activity portion:  Submit a new: Letter of Intent Poster One complete annotated bibliography

11 2015-2016 Presentation Dates  * November 18th  December 7  January 19  February 11  March 10  March 29  Presentations are scheduled between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm and take place in LHS classrooms *This date is for those who volunteer to present early. No one will be assigned this date unless they choose it.

12 How Do I Request a Presentation Date?  Complete the google form available on the Senior Project website  This form allows you to rank your preference of presentation nights  Dates are assigned on a first come, first served basis (the earlier you complete the form, the more likely you will receive one of your top choices for presentation dates)

13 How Do I Request a Presentation Date?  Things to consider when ordering your preference of dates:  When will my 15 hour activity be completed?  When is my sport in season?  What do I anticipate to be the least busy time for me this year?

14 How Do I Request a Presentation Date?  The Presentation Sign-Up will be available on the Senior Project homepage  Open Sept. 14 th at 8:30 am  Closes Sept. 25 th at 4:30 pm  If you do not follow instructions for completing the form OR you choose not to complete the form you will be assigned a presentation date.

15 Q & A  Questions???  Senior Project Coordinators  Mr. Erskine – D208  Ms. Snyder - Library  Mr. Trevino - Library

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