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Innovative Multidisciplinary Climate Change Education: Merging STEM Concepts and Climate Change Mitigation College of Menominee Nation Dr. Lisa Bosman.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovative Multidisciplinary Climate Change Education: Merging STEM Concepts and Climate Change Mitigation College of Menominee Nation Dr. Lisa Bosman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovative Multidisciplinary Climate Change Education: Merging STEM Concepts and Climate Change Mitigation College of Menominee Nation Dr. Lisa Bosman 715-799-5600 September 11, 2014

2 Project Overview  Objective 1: Establish innovative teaching curricula that fuse STEM concepts with climate change literacy, resulting in combined social science and physical science courses that would have wide appeal to many students.  Objective 2: Provide an experiential learning opportunity for 4-6 STEM students to construct a user friendly solar energy system evaluation tool, incorporating the real- world performance of solar modules, NASA weather and solar irradiation data, and detailed cost analysis and investment payback period. 29/11/2014

3 Project Team 9/11/20143  College of Menominee Nation  NASA  Argonne National Laboratory  University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee  University of Wisconsin-Madison  National Council for Science and Environment

4 Objective 1: Transform Curriculum for STEM Concepts and Climate Change Literacy 9/11/20144  August 2014: STEM Academy for Renewable Energy Education and Research  November 2014: Environmental Leadership Conference  April 2015: STEM Environmental Leadership Conference  Academic Year 2014-15:  Introduction to Statistics: Pilot of 5 scaffold lab projects incorporating Excel and statistical concepts using real-time solar energy data collection and analysis.  Global Climate Change Issues: Course modification to include STEM lab component.

5 STEM Academy for Renewable Energy Education and Research 9/11/20145  Week-long workshop included 10 students  Each morning and afternoon lab session offered a STEM- based, hands-on, project-based experiential learning opportunity.  Topics included:  General overview of renewable energy  Use of a variety of tools used for data collection  Introduction to statistical analysis in Excel  Overview of research and technical report writing in Word  Use of PowerPoint to create eye-catching research posters

6 STEM Academy for Renewable Energy Education and Research 9/11/20146  Solar Panel Lab

7 STEM Academy for Renewable Energy Education and Research 9/11/20147  Excel Lab

8 STEM Academy for Renewable Energy Education and Research 9/11/20148  Building Lego Solar Panels for Data Collection

9 STEM Academy for Renewable Energy Education and Research 9/11/20149  Technical Report Writing and Poster Creation

10 STEM Academy for Renewable Energy Education and Research 9/11/201410  Physics and Energy

11 STEM Academy for Renewable Energy Education and Research 9/11/201411  Wrap-Up: Games, Prizes, and Energy Bingo

12 STEM Academy for Renewable Energy Education and Research 9/11/201412  Preliminary Findings:  Finding 1: The major finding for the sample overall and for the high school subsample is a general trend toward higher scores. This indicates that Academy participation affected relevant student values, perceptions and beliefs in the desired direction.  Finding 2: Academies such as this one which had a strong Problem Based Learning focus on Renewable Resources may provide students substantially increased access to knowledge about renewable energy and the importance that students attribute to such knowledge.  Finding 3: Student Participation in the Academy was associated with increased interest in science and engineering as school subjects.  Finding 4: Student Participation in the Academy was associated with increased interest in pursuing college study and a career in science/STEM.

13 Objective 2: Development of Solar Energy Performance and Valuation Tool 9/11/201413

14 Motivation for Solar Energy Research 1. DOE SunShot Initiative aims to reduce installed cost of solar technologies by 75% between 2010 and 2020. This research will contribute to the body of knowledge related to performance of solar modules. 149/11/2014

15 Motivation for Solar Energy Research 2. Lack of real-world performance facilities in Midwest. 15 National Renewable Energy Laboratory Florida Solar Energy Center Sandia National Laboratories College of Menominee Nation Solar Initiative Facility Argonne National Laboratory’s Midwest PV Analysis Facility 9/11/2014

16 Motivation for Solar Energy Research 3. Solar electricity holds an estimated 17,600 billion kWh/yr in energy potential, assuming availability of 5% of all tribal lands (308 reservations) for solar development. 169/11/2014

17 Motivation for Solar Energy Research 4. Practically speaking, better understanding PV performance and valuation will assist electrical contractors, insurance appraisers, and homeowners with performance, warranty, and value expectations. 179/11/2014

18 Data Collection and Verification 18  Midwest Photovoltaics Analysis Facility (Argonne National Laboratory)  College of Menominee Nation Solar Initiative Facility 9/11/2014

19 Midwest Photovoltaic Analysis Facility (MPAF) 199/11/2014

20 MPAF: Types of Technologies 20 CdTe Poly-Si CIGS Mono-Si a-Si 9/11/2014

21 College of Menominee Nation (CMN) Solar Initiative: Types of Technologies 21 Polycrystalline Silicon Monocrystalline Silicon 9/11/2014

22 Objective: Development of Solar Energy Performance and Valuation Tool 9/11/201422  Team  Lisa Bosman (myself, Engineering Professor): Main role is to advise with regards to the context of solar energy performance and data analysis.  Ryan Winn (Humanities Professor): Main role is to advise with regards to technical writing, poster creation, artifact development, and general research efforts.  5 Native American STEM students (4 males, 1 female)  Major Goals (Year 1)  Article submission  Poster and presentation at a conference  Development of 2-3 creative artifacts: spoken word poetry, short video, graphic novels, debates, plays, children’s books, etc…

23 Questions 9/11/201423  (1) The main part of the project is research focused. Can anyone recommend a good article or have suggestions for evaluation and assessment related to student research opportunities? For example, when it comes to education- based research, evaluation and assessment is typically process-based associated with the learning objectives. However, when it comes to research, assessment is typically product-based associated with the deliverable.

24 Questions 9/11/201424  (2) Arts, crafts, and creative expression are an integral component of the Menominee culture. Thus, in addition to students producing a research article and poster for presentation, the students will be creating a variety of creative artifacts related to the solar energy research, such as spoken word poetry, short video, graphic novels, debates, plays, children’s books, etc... Does anyone have sug- gestions for an outlet (conference /magazine / journal) to showcase these materials?

25 Questions 9/11/201425  (3) When it comes to the budget, I am advised that I should keep a record of spending (similar to balancing a check book) to ensure the business office records match my own records. Can anyone recommend an App, software, or manual process that you have found useful to accomplish this task?

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