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Course development and SFCC Curriculum Committee approval Fall 2014. Spokane Community College (SCC) Curriculum Committee approval Winter 2014. Biology.

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1 Course development and SFCC Curriculum Committee approval Fall 2014. Spokane Community College (SCC) Curriculum Committee approval Winter 2014. Biology 270: Biological Investigation offered Spring quarter 2015. Continue to offer Biology 270 at SFCC and provide more authentic research opportunities to undergraduate biology students. ComGen project faculty and staff at Bellevue College, Bellevue, WA have provided teaching strategies, course modules, learning assessment rubrics, specific authentic research opportunity, and financial assistance and technical support for laboratory equipment, materials, and protocols. SFCC Life Sciences Department has approved use of lab fees to purchase upgraded equipment and consumables. Colleagues at SCC have loaned equipment and provided technical support. PRODUCTS (& REFLECTIONS …) ACTIONS (& INTENTIONS ….) BARRIERS & CHALLENGES STRENGTHS & LEVERAGE RESOURCES & ALLIES NW-PULSE @ NW Biology instructors Conference 2015 SFCC Life Sciences Department plans to continue offering Biology 270: Biological Investigation at least once a year. NW-PULSE, NW-BIO, and/or other local, regional or national networks or communities could provide additional authentic research opportunities for SFCC Biology 270 students. VISION – Incorporate “Vision and Change” recommendations into department’s curriculum.. Gary Blevins, Ruth Kirkpatrick, and Scott Rollins “PULSE Development Report” Spokane Fall Community College MAIN GOAL– Our team developed a new course – Biology 270: Biological Investigation where students perform authentic research. The first offering of Biology 270 at SFCC is Spring quarter 2015….NOW! What students are saying about Biology 270: “Before this class, "scientific research" intimidated me. Now I'm realizing that I can do this and I love the process of discovery. Research isn't something that is over my head anymore, it is tangible and exciting.” “I’m feeling excited and amazed by the amount of hands on lab experience, and its only been 3 weeks!” “I'm really interested in doing undergraduate research at Washington State. Having a class like Bio 270 will not only help me if I get a position, but will provide good background experience when seeking a position.” This work was supported in part by an NSF RCN UBE award # 1345033. FUTURE GOALS Expenses behind implementation and maintenance of a research lab course. Student recruitment. Limited budget for lab consumables. UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES? Many individuals have provided help and offered their expertise in setting up lab, fine- tuning protocols, offering assistance, and spreading the word to students. Instructor and students are learning a LOT and having a GREAT time so far. PULSE team members, with expertise in three sub-disciplines within the Life Sciences Department, created well-defined learning outcomes designed to provide undergraduate students with training, experience, and practice in experimental design, performance, and refinement, and data collection and analysis in a scientific research setting, scientific writing, and an opportunity to work with, decipher, and utilize scientific literature. Institution’s administration enthusiastically supports and contributes to the continuation and further development of Biology 270. “We got DNA!” SUSTAINABILITY

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