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Political Socialization How do individuals acquire their political opinions?

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Presentation on theme: "Political Socialization How do individuals acquire their political opinions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Socialization How do individuals acquire their political opinions?

2 What influences in your life have shaped your political opinions thus far?


4 Politicization Role Playing Identify yourself to your group Think about the potential politics of each individual Discuss the prompt from the perspective of your character – why would each feel this way?

5 Should we have socialized health care similar to Canada’s model?

6 Do you agree with our commitment to fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan?

7 Should the government have more strict environmental protections?

8 Should homosexuals be a “protected class” and given complete de jure equality?

9 Should illegal immigrant workers be given amnesty to move toward citizenship?

10 “Political Socialization” – where are you on the political spectrum, and how did you get there?

11 Liberals are…

12 Conservatives are…

13 Agents of Political Socialization Family Schools Mass Media Peers Political Leaders and Institutions Churches

14 Frames of Reference Cultural Thinking Ideological Thinking Group Thinking Partisan Thinking

15 1) Cultural Thinking

16 \ 2) Ideological Thinking Ideology: a consistent pattern of political attitudes Liberals – Government for dynamic change – Collective emphasis – Strong central government – Equality of result Conservatives Classical – Social – Fiscal – Neo-Cons State, local autonomy Traditional emphasis Independence, opportunity, responsibility

17 \ Ideological Thinking Most Americans do not have one

18 Can you blame us? Two options to represent 307,006,550 people? Economic conservatives vs liberals? Social conservatives vs liberals? Libertarian Populist

19 3) Group Thinking What groups are you associated with in regards to political socialization trends?

20 Religion as a political influence?

21 Class: Income – Taxation Issues

22 Region/Geographic Politicization?

23 Race/Ethnicity

24 Age-cohort Tendency

25 Education Level?

26 Life and work experience?

27 4) Partisan Thinking Party Identification: a person’s ingrained sense of loyalty to a political party 2/3 Republican or Democrat 1/3 Independent Party affiliation is somewhat fluid; however, most adults do not change parties

28 Political Collage Assignment Topic: Democrats/Liberals vs. Conservatives/Republicans Left and Right sides – 10 statements each side—that’s 20 statements total (due Monday) Blue and Red theme I’ll provide the poster board—please bring old magazines if your parents would like to get rid of a few Have fun – you can be a little nasty, caustic, satirical, outrageous – but not profane!

29 Were just born a little baby republican? Quick Write: “What is your first political memory?” --What groups are you associated with and how have they impacted your political socialization? Which groups/frames of reference influence you the most? (you must write for at least 10 minutes…complete sentences) Be prepared to share in class Turn it in…

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