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Almost 200 million people live in Brazil. This makes it the fifth largest country in the world in terms of population. The official language of Brazil.

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3 Almost 200 million people live in Brazil. This makes it the fifth largest country in the world in terms of population. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese. Most of the country has a tropical climate. Scientists have estimated that there may be up to four million species of plants and animals in Brazil. More and more species are discovered everyday. Brazil has the world’s tenth largest economy. Some of the major exports are aircraft, coffee, cars, iron ore, corned beef, shoes, steel, orange juice and textiles. About 88% of the population is literate. Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in Brazil. The national side has won the FIFA World Cup five times- in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002. Brazil is hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

4 Brazil Soccer is famous all over the world for its brilliant performance and unique technique of playing the game. It is the most envied teams in the field of soccer. Reputed for being ruthless in the field the Brazil Soccer players give their heart and soul into the game. The Brazil Soccer team has produced most of the renowned soccer players in the world.


6 Candomblé is a religion based on African beliefs which is particularly popular in Brazil. Enslaved Africans brought their beliefs with them when they were shipped to Brazil during the slave trade The name Candomblé means 'dance in honor of the gods'. Practitioners of Candomblé believe in one all powerful God called Oludumaré who is served by lesser deities. These deities are called orixas. Candomblé practitioners believe that every person has their own individual orixa which controls his or her destiny and acts as a protector. Music and dance are important parts of Candomblé ceremonies. Specially choreographed dances are performed by worshippers to enable them to become possessed by the orixas. There is no concept of good or bad in Candomblé. Each person is only required to fulfill his or her destiny to the fullest, regardless of what that is.

7 Vatapá a Brazilian dish made from bread, shrimp, coc onut milk, finely ground peanuts & palm oil mashed into a creamy paste. This food is very popular in the North and Northeast, but it is more typical in the northeastern state of Bahia where it is commonly eaten with acarajé, although Vatapá is often eaten with white rice in other regions of Brazil. Coxinha A popular Brazilian snack. It is made from shredded chicken and spices, enclosed in wheat flour batter, and deep fried. It is shaped to roughly resemble a chicken drumstick, and sometimes a toothpick is inserted where the bone would be. Moqueca Traditional Brazilian se afood stew. Brazilians have been making Moquecas for 300 years. It basically consists of fish, onions, garlic,to matoes, cilantro, and additional ingredients. It is cooked slowly, with no water added. Brigadeiro Simple Brazilian chocola te bonbon, whose shape is reminiscent of that of some varieties of chocolate truffles. It is a very popular candy in Brazil usually served at birthday parties. The Candy is made by mixing condensed milk, butter and cocoa powder together. The mixture is then heated in a pan on the stove or in a microwave oven to obtain a smooth, sticky texture. It is then usually rolled into balls which are covered in granulated chocolate.


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10 Home to many transsexuals; separate washrooms with "T" on the doors alongside the usual "W" for women's and "M" for males In Brazil a guy can live in his parents house is entire life and no one thinks that’s strange.

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