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Page 1 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS It's Time for a paradigm change... Workshop 28. - 30. May 2003, Rome

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS It's Time for a paradigm change... Workshop 28. - 30. May 2003, Rome"— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS It's Time for a paradigm change... Workshop 28. - 30. May 2003, Rome

2 Page 2 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS... in our ATM system

3 Page 3 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS 100 25 20 5 150 Arrival delaysResources Fuel for flight acceleration Total cost additional 470.000 left behind Bags in FRA Passenger rebooking & care Delay Cost for Lufthansa in FRA only...... est. 150 Mio € in 2002

4 Page 4 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS  Fragmented airspace (political & organisation)  Potential Data link widely unused  No common use of data sources (air & ground)  Lack of automation support  No co-operative system approach  No challenge for cost effectiveness through competition Key ATM Problems to be solved Today’s ATC operational infrastructure is still based on radar tracking, voice communication & ground based radio beacons

5 Page 5 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS ATC is positioned as a bottleneck ACC Radar Surveillance

6 Page 6 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS Innovation required one human J = one sector = number of aircraft More traffic = More sectors M = more inefficiency L = more cost L Controllers do an excellent job – but they are lacking the kind of progress pilots have experienced in the aircraft technology Ä

7 Page 7 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS State-of-the-art is distributed intelligence ACC Radar Surveillance Cooperative 4D flow management Co – operative data network ADS-B Surveillance

8 Page 8 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS Airspace needs to be managed to best accommodate its prime objective:  save & efficiently serve flights from gate to gate Structured ATM system approach needed:  What needs to be worked on centralised?  What shall be accommodated in a distributed fashion? Redefinition of tasks

9 Page 9 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS The future is co-operative...... use of distributed intelligence, responsibilities shared according to best task accomplishment Thank you! Go ahead

10 Page 10 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS Phases of co-operative Air Traffic Management ACAS (->STCA) Aircraft Surveillance ASAS (->MTCD) Pre-flight FP co-ordination 0-10-20-30distance in minutes (not to scale) current position (time reference) In-flight FPL co-ordination (Aircraft Flight Plan data exchange with ATM-units/airports) strategictactical AFAS VDL M.2 / ATN ADS-B 1090 Safety net C - ATM

11 Page 11 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS Today  Air Traffic Control with constraints to grow  Air and Ground System  ground based surveillance  oriented on manual ground procedures – human centred  Limited safety horizon (ACAS)  voice infrastructure  airspace fragmented into small sectors  C-ATM  Air Traffic Management with growth capability  Co-operative Air-/Ground System  air and ground based surveillance  oriented on best capabilities – distributed ATM system  Enhanced Safety horizon (ASAS)  data infrastructure (voice for abnormal only)  flow oriented functional blocks of airspace Safety Efficiency Capacity Where to go to... Improvements

12 Page 12 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS  Largely enhanced safety (surveillance will be available where it is most needed – in the airplane, more effectively through the closed loop nature of ADS-B using source data – no prediction)  Distributed surveillance system caters for more effectiveness & capacity  Distributed responsibility will significantly reduce controller workload  avoid double work  participants to focus efficiently on their assigned task  reduction of workload in the overall process ASAS – Benefits tactical

13 Page 13 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS ASAS – Benefits con´t  Common situational awareness available in air & on ground  Use of data rather than voice will allow automation support to be available not only for pilots but also controllers  “Congestion resistant” due to its distributed nature  Allows larger sectors, with ground controller workload focused on strategic flow management  Availability independent of ground infrastructure – world-wide  Use of global ADS-B infrastructure standards will support use of common data tactical

14 Page 14 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS Flow management - Benefits  Co-operative use of 4D trajectory will largely enhance efficiency  Use of existing VDL Mode 2 / ATN standards will support use of common data  Seamless data communication will significantly reduce controller workload  Use of data rather than voice will allow automation support to be available not only for pilots but also controllers strategic

15 Page 15 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS It's time to decide... CARE/ASAS ANSPs FREER NUP EC LINK 2000+ ADS-B AFAS MA-AFAS IATA AEA JAA/EASA Industry... Incl. benefits & incentives! C- ATM

16 Page 16 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS Spain France Germany Sweden Potential C-ATM Partners Austria Italy

17 Page 17 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS Nothing will materialise without commitments

18 Page 18 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS  Pave the way for a common Europe wide operational and technical infrastructure based on global standards (Single European Sky)  Focus on the definition of operational requirements at places where the problems exist (e.g. high density not in remote areas)  Operational & technical infrastructure for large scale trials with revenue aircraft has to be established cost effectively (e.g. single link)  Benefits & Incentives need to generate a payback and encourage users to equip & participate in new operational ATM applications  Transition planning (taking local specialities into account)  Establishment of an User Network (National pairs of airlines/ATSP‘s)  assure an interoperable air & ground system approach What needs to be done next?

19 Page 19 28.04. 2003 Lufthansa ASAS

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