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Option Spreads Intro Presented at ABQ Market Traders Meetup June 26, 2013 By Ted Heath.

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1 Option Spreads Intro Presented at ABQ Market Traders Meetup June 26, 2013 By Ted Heath

2 Introduction to Option Spreads There are many different kinds of Option Spreads Traders like Option Spread because there is less risk involved. In fact, for most Option Spreads you know up front your max loss and max gain. They all involve Buying and Selling more than one option (usually in the same brokerage transaction)

3 Vertical Option Spreads The most commonly used Option Spreads are Vertical Option Spreads They are called Vertical because they involve Buying and Selling a Call or Buying and Selling a Put for the same stock and the same expiration date.

4 Types of Vertical Option Spreads Bull Call Spread (Debit Spread) Bull Put Spread (Credit Spread) Bear Call Spread (Credit Spread) Bear Put Spread (Debit Spread) Debit = You Buy It Credit = You Sell It

5 MORE Definitions? Terms you need to know: –Strike Price –Intrinsic Value –Extrinsic Value –In The Money (ITM) –At The Money (ATM) –Out of The Money (OTM)

6 IBM Options Expiring 08/17/2013

7 Strike Price The price of the stock at which option is written. It may above, below, or at the current price of the stock.

8 Intrinsic Value The amount the Option is “In The Money” and is the difference between the Strike Price and the Current Market Price of the underlying asset. For a Call –Strike Price LESS than the Stock Price Intrinsic Value = Stock Price – Strike Price For a Put –Strike Price Greater than the Stock Price Intrinsic Value = Strike Price – Stock Price

9 Extrinsic Value Extrinsic Value (EV) is calculated by the Black Scholes formula and is a decaying asset. EV is the difference between an option’s price and its Intrinsic Value and will be worth $0.00 at expiration.

10 In The Money (ITM) An ITM Option has Intrinsic Value ITM Calls –Options which have a Strike Price LESS THAN the Current Stock Price ITM Puts –Options which have a Strike Price GREATER THAN the Current Stock Price

11 At The Money (ATM) An ATM Option has no Intrinsic Value ATM Calls –Options which have a Strike Price EQUAL TO the Current Stock Price ATM Puts –Options which have a Strike Price EQUAL TO the Current Stock Price

12 Out of The Money An OTM Option has no Intrinsic Value OTM Calls –Options which have a Strike Price GREATER THAN the Current Stock Price OTM Puts –Options which have a Strike Price LESS THAN the Current Stock Price

13 IBM Options Expiring 08/17/2013

14 Remember Types of Vertical Option Spreads Bull Call Spread (Debit Spread) Bull Put Spread (Credit Spread) Bear Call Spread (Credit Spread) Bear Put Spread (Debit Spread) Debit = You Buy It Credit = You Sell It

15 Bull Call Spread Generally used when we anticipate profiting from a mild rise in a particular stock while maintaining a lower-risk profile than owning the stock or a straight call option Involves buying lower strike calls while at the same time selling an equal number of higher strike calls of the same stock with the same expiration

16 UNH Chart

17 Bull Call UNH Buy Sep 55 Call Sell Sep 70 Call

18 UNH SEP 55/70 Bull Call Risk Graph

19 Profit/Loss Bull Call UNH

20 Bull Put Spread Generally used when we anticipate profiting from a mild rise in a particular stock while maintaining a lower-risk profile than owning the stock or a straight call option Involves buying lower strike Put Options while at the same time selling an equal number of higher strike Puts of the same stock with the same expiration

21 Bull Put UNH Buy Sep 57.5 Put Sell Sep 60 Put

22 UNH SEP 57.5/60 Bull Put Risk Graph

23 Profit/Loss Bull Put UNH

24 Bear Put Spread Generally used when there is anticipation from a mild decline in a particular stock while maintaining a lower risk profile as opposed to shorting a stock or buying a straight put option. Involves buying higher strike Put Options while at the same time selling an equal number of lower strike Puts of the same stock with the same expiration

25 IBM Chart

26 Bear Put IBM Buy Aug 210 Put Sell Aug 195 Put

27 IBM Aug 210/195 Bear Put Risk Graph

28 Profit Loss Bear Put IBM

29 Bear Call Spread Generally used when there is anticipation from a mild decline in a particular stock while maintaining a lower risk profile as opposed to shorting a stock or buying a straight put option. Involves buying higher strike Call Options while at the same time selling an equal number of lower strike Calls of the same stock with the same expiration

30 Bear Call IBM Buy Aug 220 Call Sell Aug 215 Call

31 IBM SEP 57.5/60 Bear Call Risk Graph

32 Profit Loss Bear Call IBM

33 Horizontal Call Calendar Spread The Horizontal Call Calendar Spread is generally used when there is anticipation of profiting from stagnation or bullish rise in a particular stock. In the simplest terms, it involves simultaneously buying long term call options while selling an equal number of short term call options with the same strike price.

34 Horizontal Call Calendar Guidelines Buy to open ATM or OTM call options with 3-6 months or more until expiration. Sell to open an equal number of short term (2-6 weeks out expiration) call options at the same Strike Price as the ones you are buying, Make sure the premium you receive is worth selling (> or = 10% of cost of ones bought). (This is a debit spread)

35 Horizontal Call Calendar Process Sell Close in 2-6 Weeks out expiration Options Buy 3-6 Month out expiration Options If Close in Option is In The Money (ITM), roll to next month If Close in Option is Out of The Money (OTM) let it expire and sell next month Option at same Strike Price Repeat until reach expiration month of Option bought If market turns or gain is good enough close out

36 Example GOOG 875 Horizontal Calls Sell Buy Net Grand Net Jun @15.04 Cr Sep @ 42.23 Dr27.19 Dr 27.19 Dr Jul @ 31.60 Cr Jun @ 16.10 Dr 15.50 Cr 11.69 Dr Sep @ 54.20 Cr Jul @ 30.20 Dr 24.00 Cr 23.41 Cr Net Gain = $2341

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