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State of the ASG University of Connecticut Student Activities.

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1 State of the ASG University of Connecticut Student Activities

2 Tier System Overview  The University of Connecticut department of Student Activities has devised a three-tiered system to best assess organizational risk and financial responsibility  This system best ensures that each club be supported in the most efficient way  The Associated Student Government and the clubs that are funded through it are in different tiers

3 Tier III-Student Fee Funded Organizations  (Trustee Accounts and Fee Funded Groups) are recognized by the University and financially supported by student fees. They possess the following characteristics:  Organizations that are financially supported by student fees  High visibility on campus  High accountability to all students  Moderate to high risk activities  Regular interaction with University staff  Reliance on the University for funding, financial support, facilities and event planning support

4 Associated Student Government Tier III  The ASG is classified with Tier III  This is important because it specifies that we are the prime entity on campus  Regarding the regional campuses, almost all Tier III organizations are restricted to being student governments  This means we have a different financial and risk structure compared to the rest of student organizations  We will always be Tier III due to student fees each GHC student pays

5 Tier II Organizations  An association of students with similar interests  Higher visibility then Tier I  Greater detail in organizational structure  Low to high risk activities  Need space to meet  Rely on ASG for funding and for advertising

6 Distinction Is Important  The model of the ASG in previous years has not followed University standard  Distinction between the Tiers will help each organization with regard to financial risk  The ASG should NOT be treated as an “ATM”, each club should have a CFO (Chief Financial Officer, ie. Treasurer)

7 New Policies  Each student organization must submit weekly minutes (this may exclude certain athletic organizations who don’t hold traditional meetings)  Each organization will attend a workshop which will be required affective spring semester  This means a properly trained Secretary and Treasurer  Each organization must:  Properly reserve rooms (if not done then no meeting)  Funding request form for large scaled events  Create event registration and assessment form  Keep track of all ticket sales  Fill out an organization request form

8 Office Rules  Offices are for primarily ASG use only  Committee meetings should be held in there  PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF!!  There may be guests (but please keep the persons limited so the capacity of the room) This means don’t cram 30 people  All of you may get the key in the morning from the business office just state your name and position, however please return the key immediately  Shades go up when ASG members in office  Office hours need to be posted by next week  Food is allowed but come on..

9 Advertising/Graphic Design Committee  In charge of all graphic related productions of the ASG  Required to fully understand all graphic policies of the University of Connecticut  Will maintain the ASG website (yes we have one)  The most important goal of this committee is to have all advertising be maximized, correct, and for lack of a better term eye candy  The UConn graphics have updated so we shouldn’t continue the middle school flyers  All posters should look professional  Looking for two or three senators, would be a plus for someone specialized in Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator

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