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Tue 8/26 1.When must you wear safety glasses in the lab? Anytime you use: Chemicals Heat Glassware.

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Presentation on theme: "Tue 8/26 1.When must you wear safety glasses in the lab? Anytime you use: Chemicals Heat Glassware."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tue 8/26 1.When must you wear safety glasses in the lab? Anytime you use: Chemicals Heat Glassware

2 Wed 8/27 2. If you find something is broken in the lab, what should you do? Tell your teacher

3 Thur 8/28 3. Explain the science procedure. Wafting - do not directly smell a substance.

4 Fri 8/29 4. Is it ok to enter the chemical supply storage room if you run out of a chemical? Never

5 Tue 9/2 5.What is science? P. 7 Is the investigation and exploration of natural events.

6 Wed 9/3 6. What are the 3 branches of science? Use p. 9 ( the pages you tore out) Earth science Life science Physical Science

7 Thur 9/4 7. What are the 4 possible ways you could test a hypothesis? P. 10-11 Design an experiment Make a model Gather evidence or research Collect data/ record obsevations

8 Fri 9/5 8. What are the 6 steps of scientific inquiry? P. 15 Questions Hypothesize and Predict Test Hypothesis (experiments) Analyze results Draw conclusions Communicate results

9 Mon 9/8 9. What should you do before stating a hypothesis?p10 Make observations State a problem Gather information

10 Wed 9/10 10. What was the independent variable and dependant variable in the paper towel lab? Independent variable – different brands of paper towels Dependant variable - water absorbed

11 Thur 9/11 1 11. Jose saw bats catching insects after dark. He asked, “How do bats find the insects in the dark?”What step of the scientific method is this? P problem

12 Fri 9/12 12. Describe the independent and dependant variable. IV – color of light DV – plant growth

13 Mon 9/15 13. What rule(s)do you see for an element symbol? Na not NA C not c

14 Wed 9/17 14.

15 Wed 9/17 15. What is an element? A substance that can not be broken down into any other substance.

16 Thur 9/18 16.What is a Compound? When two or more elements chemically combine, a compound is formed. ( draw the models below)

17 H Hydrogen Warm up

18 Mon 9/22 1. a.Mixture of 2 compounds b.1 compound c.1 Element d.Mixture of element and compound e. Mixture of 2 elements

19 Tue 9/23 2. Is air an element, compound or mixture? mixture

20 Thur 9/25 3. Lucky Charms is a(an) _________. Element Compound Mixture


22 Mon 9/29 4. Is salt water an element, compound, or mixture? Mixture of H 2 O and NaCl (salt)

23 Tue 9/30 5. When 2 liquids form a solid it’s called a _______________. Precipitate / this is a sign of a chemical reaction

24 Wed 10/01 5. What is the importance of the stair step line? Separates metalloids from metals and nonmetals

25 Thur 10/2 6. What is energy? The ability to cause change.

26 Fri 10/3 7. What determines the amount of kinetic energy a moving object has? P. 207 Speed and Mass


28 Friday tear out p. 204 - 214 5.5cm Voc. Energy Kinetic energy Potential energy Work Mechanical energy Sound energy Thermal energy Electric energy Radiant energy Nuclear energy Define and draw something Potential energy Work Mechanical Energy Energy Kinetic Energy

29 Mon 10/06 8. How are elements, compounds, mixtures identified? Elements – pure substance (homogenous) same Compounds – two elements chemically joined Mixture - E and C ( solution )Homogenous some are Heterogenous.

30 Thur 10/9 9.What happens when chemical bonds are broken ? Energy is released Heat Light



33 Draw a model of salt water. Be sure to make a key for the elements. Draw on the front of your bubble sheet





38 Element symbol – know the rules Element – definition Atmosphere – mix of elements and compounds, can the atm be separated Compound – definition Box of cereal – mixture can be separated Salt NaCl – compound H 2 SO 4 - how many different elements 2 liquids form a solid – chemical change, precipitate Nonmetal – no luster, not malleable, insulator Metalloid – semi conductor Metal – conductor, luster metallic, malleable, ductile

39 Evidence of a chemical change  Smoke  Burning  Rust  Heat  Cold  Fizz  Bubbles  Solid forms

40 Tue 9/30 1.Complete p. 60 from text, front and use text to answer. #4 omit 2.Complete model cut out, turn in 3.Week 6 test review cw hw



43 Page 2 Define the word compound and draw a picture of the compound Nitrous Oxide.p. 46. N2O Draw the square 6cm x 5cm Page 3 Copy the list of elements and compounds. AlLi 2 OHAg O 2 Fe 2 O 3 H 2 O 2 CO 2 HeCuO H 2 O Write element or compound next to each. If a compound give how many atoms of each. What did you notice about the number in a formula for a compound?

44 Page Two Define the word compound and draw a picture of the compound Nitrous Oxide.p. 46. N2O Draw the square 6cm x 5cm Page Three Copy the list of elements and compounds. AlLi 2 OH Ag O 2 Fe 2 O 3 H 2 O 2 HCl CO 2 HeCuO H 2 O Write element or compound next to each. If a compound give how many atoms of each. What did you notice about the number in a formula for a compound

45 Page Three Copy the list of elements and compounds. AlLi 2 OHAg O 2 Fe 2 O 3 H 2 O 2 HCl CO 2 HeCuO H 2 O Write element or compound next to each. If a compound give how many atoms of each. What did you notice about the number in a formula for a compound?

46 Mon 9/15 13.


48 Business



51 Scientific Inquiry Observation Inference Hypothesis Prediction Scientific Theory Scientific Law Variable Dependant variable Independent variable

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