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MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 1 Galileo & EGNOS for regulated markets from a Service Provider perspective Galileo & EGNOS for public interest services.

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Presentation on theme: "MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 1 Galileo & EGNOS for regulated markets from a Service Provider perspective Galileo & EGNOS for public interest services."— Presentation transcript:

1 MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 1 Galileo & EGNOS for regulated markets from a Service Provider perspective Galileo & EGNOS for public interest services

2 MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 2 The business of Telespazio The Operator and Service Provider of the Finmeccanica/Thales Space Alliance: Satellite Operations Defence Networks and Connectivity Earth Observation Satellite Navigation MISSION DESIGN MISSION DESIGN SATELLITE MANU- FACTURING LAUNCH GROUND SEGMENT SATELLITE OPERATION S NETWORKIN G & SERVICES NETWORKIN G & SERVICES VAS & APPLICATIO NS DESIGN VAS & APPLICATIO NS DESIGN SatNav references:

3 MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 3 Telespazio position in SatNav MISSION DESIGN MISSION DESIGN SATELLITE MANU- FACTURING LAUNCH GROUND SEGMENT SATELLITE OPERATION S NETWORKIN G & SERVICES NETWORKIN G & SERVICES VAS & APPLICATIO NS DESIGN VAS & APPLICATIO NS DESIGN GNSS Operator GNSS Operator GNSS Service Provider GNSS Service Provider VAS Service Provider VAS Service Provider Equipmen t Maps Applicatio ns Telecoms Users

4 MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 4 Short-term priorities in EGNOS VAS Service Provider VAS Service Provider Equipmen t Maps Applicatio ns Telecoms Users EGNOS CS for Telespazio: Professional users and Authorities Location & VAS SP Service Providers can exploit EGNOS CS into a value for the final users, by implementing solutions that use EGNOS data (from EDAS), and deliver it and/or products built on it

5 MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 5 Telespazio vision of EGNOS CS Value Added Services Two classes of VAS:

6 MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 6 Telespazio vision of EGNOS CS-NAV services Tracking & tracing services Combined use of EGNOS OS and CS-NAV Target markets: Professional regulated users Authorities Land transport sectors Added values: guaranteed positioning augmentation of availability

7 MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 7 Telespazio EGNOS CS-NAV R&D Service Platform Services for road (HAZMAT, HGV, urban regulated fleets,…) and freight (maritime, rail, road, inland waterways) transport Various sat and terrestrial telecoms EGNOS CS-NAV solution EGNOS-assisted proprietary solution to: - augment the availability of EGNOS service and - exploit the value of the EGNOS integrity Different user receiver technologies and service architectures Compliant to EDAS architecture Proven for different uses, operational conditions and geographic areas

8 MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 8 Telespazio exploitation plan for EGNOS CS-NAV 2009 priorities: EGNOS CS-NAV solution enhancement to interface EDAS Characterisation/product specification Solution use in large scale demonstrations VAS service performance assessment Definition of VAS Service Level Agreement Definition of VAS marketing policy

9 MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 9 Telespazio expectations for the next two years Availability of EDAS for extensive test Sharing of experiences with other EDAS users for: Technology Service architectures Performances Applications Establishment of a working process for: Definition of minimum operative standards for services/classes of services Definition of EDAS CS SLAs Marketing strategies (in Europe and out of Europe)

10 MENTORE event, Brussels 25.11.2008 10 THANK YOU Raniero Pasquali Galileo Applications

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