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Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI)

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 1 Research topics, methodology and Action plan of WP2a ‘Software and Services’ Sylvia Ilieva

2 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 2 Outline 1.Introduction 2.Research topics 3.Methodology and results 4.Further steps 5.Action plan of WP2a

3 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 3 Introduction S&S related goals determining joint research agenda in S&S One of the main tasks in the area of S&S is determining joint research agenda in S&S. identify topics of S&S research We have to identify topics of S&S research that European/world (i) constitute research urgencies at European/world levels regional (ii) map on local and regional interests and capacities, and FMI (iii) are in the research focus of FMI research group.

4 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 4 Sources of information Publications of BG authors in BG (conferences + journals) Publications of BG authors in the world (conferences + journals) PhD theses defended in BG PhD students in BG Research projects with Bulgarian teams involvement (national + international) Citations Partners’ opinion

5 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 5 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Conferences - Bulgaria Here we present the results of our research on publications made by Bulgarian authors in the S&S area in 2004/2008. Bulgarian authors Bulgarian authors are those working for research organization established on Bulgarian territory, regardless of their actual nationality.

6 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 6 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Conferences – Bulgaria - 2 conferences proceedings Our focus is on the following conferences and respective proceedings:  CompSysTech, 2004-2008  SAER and later InfoTech, 2004-2008  i.TECH, 2004-2008 in Varna  Balkan Conference in Informatics (BCI), 2007 in Sofia  Computer Science Conference, 2005-2006  SAI Automatics and Informatics conf – 2005-2008  conf. John Attanasof Days - 2006  Challenges in Higher Education (CHER) in Sozopol  International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy (ICEST)

7 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 7 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Journals - Bulgaria journals and on the following journals:  International Journal “Information Theories & Applications”, volumes – 14/2007 and 15/2008, published by the Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA, Bulgaria.  Journal of Information Technologies and control, published by the Union of Automatics and Informatics in Bulgaria.  Journal Computer Engineering - 2006, 2007  Serdica journal of Computing, published by the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.  Cybernetics and Information Technologies, published by the Institute of Information Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

8 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 8 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Results – conferences and journals in Bulgaria research areas number of papersBulgaria The following research areas were identified (ACM classification) with the respective number of papers published in Bulgaria  D.2.2 Design Tools and Techniques66  H.3.5 Online Information Services 53  D.2.9 Management (of software development) 9  D.2.5 Testing and Debugging 6  D.2.4 Software/Program Verification4  D.2.13 Reusable Software2

9 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 9 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Results – conferences and journals in Bulgaria

10 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 10 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Bulgarian authors in the world Bulgarian authorsCurrent information is for Bulgarian authors working in FMI and Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI) at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Further investigation will cover Bulgarian authors from other Universities, institutes at BAS, SMEs

11 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 11 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Results – Bulgarian authors in the world research areas number of papersin the world The following research areas were identified (ACM classification) with the respective number of papers of Bulgarian authors published in the world  D.2.2 Design Tools and Techniques45  H.3.5 Online Information Services 22  D.2.9 Management (of software development)13  D.2.4 Software/Program Verification8  D.2.5 Testing and Debugging3  D.2.13 Reusable Software3

12 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 12 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Results – Bulgarian authors in the world

13 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 13 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community PhD students in Bulgaria Bulgarian PhD studentsCurrent information is for Bulgarian PhD students studyin in the period 2004 - 2008 in FMI, Sofia University and Technical University, Sofia Further investigation will cover PhD students from other Universities, institutes at BAS

14 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 14 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Results - PhD students in Bulgaria research areas PhD students in BulgariaThe following research areas were identified (ACM classification) with the respective PhD students in Bulgaria  D.2.2 Design Tools and Techniques5  D.2.1 Requirements/Specifications 4  H.2.4 Information Systems3  H.3.5 Online Information Services2  D.2.4 Software/Program Verification2  D.2.9 Management (of software development)2  D.2.5 Testing and Debugging1  D.2.11 Software Architectures1  D.2.13 Reusable Software-  D.4.6 Security and Protection1  D.1.3 Concurrent Programming1

15 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 15 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Results - PhD students in Bulgaria

16 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 16 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Results - PhD theses defended research areas PhD theses defended in BulgariaThe following research areas were identified (ACM classification) with the respective PhD theses defended in Bulgaria D.2.2 Design Tools and Techniques1 D.2.4 Software/Program Verification1 D.2.5 Testing and Debugging1 D.2.9 Management (of software development)1 D.2.11 Software Architectures1 D.2.13 Reusable Software- D.4.6 Security and Protection2 H.3.5 Online Information Services2

17 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 17 Research topics of the academic community Research topics of the academic community Results - PhD theses defended

18 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 18 Research topics of the academic community National and International research projects National research sources – limited information: The National Science Fund (2005-2008) Bulgarian Current Research Information System (2005-2008) National Innovation Fund (2005-2008) International research sources: CORDIS – FP6 and FP7

19 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 19 Research topics of the academic community National research projects research areas number of national projects The following main research areas were identified (ACM classification) with the respective number of national projects  C.1.3 Other Architecture Styles – Mobile architectures  C.2.1 Computer-Communication Networks - Security and protection  D.2.0 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - General  D.2.2 Design Tools and Techniques  D.2.11 Software Architectures  D.2.13 Reusable Software  H.3.5 Online Information Services - Commercial services and Web services H.4.0 INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS – General J.2 PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING – General J.3 LIFE AND MEDICAL SCIENCES – General K.4.2 Social Issues

20 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 20 Research topics of the academic community Results - National research projects

21 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 21 Research topics of the academic community European research projects research areas number of European projects (Bulgarian participation) The following main research areas were identified (ACM classification) with the respective number of European projects (Bulgarian participation)  C. Computer Systems Organization 6  D.2.m SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - Miscellaneous 15  D.2.5 Testing and Debugging 1  D.2.11 Software Architectures8  D.2.12 Interoperability3 H.3.5 Online Information Services  Commercial services and Web services12  H.4.0 INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS – General1 H.5.1 Multimedia Information Systems3 H.5.3 Group and Organization Interfaces - Computer-supported cooperative work2 J.1 ADMINISTRATIVE DATA PROCESSING - Government J.2 PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING – General J.3 LIFE AND MEDICAL SCIENCES – General J.7 COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS - Process control

22 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 22 Research topics of the academic community Results - European research projects Participation in 85 ICT related research projects in total within FP6 and FP7 72 IST projects in FP6 of which 52 in S&S 13 ICT projects in FP7 of which 11 in S&S

23 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 23 Methodology The basic idea of the methodology applied is inspired by the fundamental ideas of I. Prigojin 1, as well as by research results of E. Pavlovska 2. The flow of publications, citations, PhD theses, projects in the S&S area is investigated, systemized and quantified in order to reach some ranking of priorities. As usual in such cases both objective measurements (numbers), as well as experts’ judgments (also quantified at the end) are used. 1 Order Out of Chaos, (with I. Stengers), Bantam Books, New York, 1983 2 Early Identification of Development Trends in Science, II International Forum on Information and Documentation, vol.16, 1991, No 1, 28-33.

24 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 24 Methodology - 2 A very tempting instrument is to consider and compare the number of appearances of the candidate areas when searching with Google (or another engine). However such an approach would contain a high degree of noise. Another possibility is to compare the number of queries made in Google within a given period. Unfortunately this is difficult to implement for the moment.

25 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 25 Methodology - 3 Seven criteria were determined to be used when priorities will have to be fixed. Several experts were asked to determine the mutual relative importance of every pair of criteria. After collecting the expert answers the standard AHP method was applied to obtain the weight of importance of each criterion. Here are the results obtained.

26 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 26 Results Weights of criteria importance Number of publications of BG authors in the world (journals+conferences)0,23 Number of citations of BG authors0,21 Research projects – national and international0,17 Number of PhD theses defended in BG0,13 Number of publications of BG authors in BG (journals+ conferences)0,09 Number of PhD Students in BG0,08 Project Partners’ opinion0,08

27 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 27 Results - 2 The table on the next slide represents the results obtained up until now. A few areas were left out due to not sufficient data collected. There is an explanation of the fact that on this set of data the weights used do not influence the end ranking. This might change after enhancing the data.

28 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 28 Results - 3

29 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 29 WP2A next steps Further refinement is envisaged in the following directions: Make a difference between national and international projects Consider partners’ opinion Consider Bulgarian industry opinion Resolve the problem with publications/theses covering more than one area Break down the H.3.5 Online information services into at least two sub-areas

30 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 30 Action plan – First draft Research agenda Joint research program with WP2A partners ATOS Origin Malardalen University, Sweeden University of Bolzen, Italy University of Readung. UK Personal plans of young researchers and update of it for current PhD students Joint research of Bulgarian PhD student and research project PROGRESS of Malardalen University Joint PhD studies with Universities

31 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Action plan – First draft -2 S&S lab establishment Equipment is ordered Workshops/Seminars WP2A Workshop on S&S in October 2008 Workshop with tutorials – planed for end of March Seminar with results of Bulgarian and partners’ researchers Summer school – planed for second project year Mobility visits Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 31

32 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 32 WP2A Team Members of the team working within WP2A and contributing to this presentation Avram Eskenazi Alexander Dimov Irena Pavlova Dessislava Petrova Adelina Aleksieva

33 Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University Expert panel workshop “Definition of ICT Research, technology, development and innovation (RTDI) Strategy of FMI” 30 October 2008, Sofia 33 Thank you for your attention

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