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Biology 1/21/14 Mrs. Turgeon “I have decided to stick to love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” –Martin Luther King Jr. DO NOW: 1. 1. In your notes:

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Presentation on theme: "Biology 1/21/14 Mrs. Turgeon “I have decided to stick to love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” –Martin Luther King Jr. DO NOW: 1. 1. In your notes:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology 1/21/14 Mrs. Turgeon “I have decided to stick to love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” –Martin Luther King Jr. DO NOW: 1. 1. In your notes: How are the following terms related to one another? genes, chromosomes, traits, DNA AGENDA: 1. 1. Students will understand basic DNA structure by taking notes and using the textbook ANNOUNCEMENT: Science club is meeting Tuesday, 1/21

2 Biology 1/22/14 Mrs. Turgeon “Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.” – Dr. Seuss DO NOW: 1. Pass your homework forward 2. In your notes: What are the three parts of a nucleotide? AGENDA: 1. 1. Students will understand basic DNA structure by taking notes and using the textbook

3 Biology 1/23/14 Mrs. Turgeon “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss DO NOW: 1. Pass your homework forward 2. In your notes: We often refer to DNA as a spiral staircase. What structures would be the steps? AGENDA: 1. 1. Students will understand basic DNA structure by working in groups to answer questions

4 Biology 1/29/14 Mrs. Turgeon “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” – Steve Jobs DO NOW: 1. Pass your worksheet forward that we completed Friday. Make sure BOTH of your names are added 2. In your notes: What are the building blocks of the DNA strand called? Name the 3 parts. AGENDA: 1. 1. Students will understand basic DNA structure by working in groups HOMEWORK: T Notes 11.1 & 11.2 due Friday (12 entries each)

5 Biology 1/30/14 Mrs. Turgeon “The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. DO NOW: 1. 1. In your notes: What is the term we use for two bases bonded together by a hydrogen bond? AGENDA: 1. 1. Students will understand basic DNA structure by working in groups HOMEWORK: T Notes 11.1 & 11.2 due Friday (12 entries each) Study for content quiz

6 Biology 1/31/14 Mrs. Turgeon “The quality, not the longevity, of one’s life is what is important.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. DO NOW: 1. Pass forward T Notes (11.1 and 11.2) 2. 2. In your notes: If a DNA strand is made of 500 bases, & 100 of them are thymine, how many bases are cytosine? AGENDA: 1. 1. Students will demonstrate that they understand basic DNA structure by completing a quiz

7 Notes and Textbook Today you will be taking notes using the provided lazy notes. You will also use our textbooks to answer questions with your partner Please QUICKLY get one textbook per table

8 DNA and Genes (Chapter 11)

9  History of DNA 1800’s Mendel determined that offspring inherited traits from parents 1944 Biomolecule that was involved with heredity was DNA (originally proteins were thought to pass on traits because DNA was too simple)

10 Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins took diffracted photographs of DNA X-rays were passed through DNA crystals, the X-rays were bent by the atoms in the DNA molecule producing an image of the shape

11 1953 Watson & Crick developed a model of DNA using the diffraction photographs Double Helix = DNA comes in 2 long strands that wrap around each other, “spiral staircase”

12 Turn to page 283 Look at figure 11.2 (don’t forget to read the caption!) Answer the following question and be ready to share with the class! 1. what is another analogy used for the shape of DNA (besides a spiral staircase)

13  Why is DNA so important? DNA is known as “blueprint of life” DNA contains instructions for making proteins within the cell Genes are on our chromosomes, chromosomes are made of DNA

14 Turn to page 281 Read the paragraph with the heading What is DNA? Answer the following question and be ready to share! Answer the following question and be ready to share! 1. List 3 places in your body that contain proteins 2. Enzymes are a type of protein. Why do we need them?

15 n/tour/

16 Why is DNA so important? Important for all life on Earth, makes each individual plant or animal unique Helps us understand diseases better & find potential cures Better food crops

17 2/13/15 BIOLOGY MRS.TURGEON “ You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss OBJECTIVES SWBAT: Identify the key components of DNA DO NOW: what type of chemical bond is between the complementary base pairs in DNA?

18 2/13/15 BIOLOGY MRS.TURGEON REMINDERS: 1.Tutoring Tues & Thur after school(rm 309) 2. Field trip form must be turned in today 3. Foldable 11.1 due Tuesday, Feb. 17

19 TODAY’S ASSIGNMENT: 1.In the textbook, read section 11.1 2.Answer questions 1-5 in the section assessment on page 287 3.Each student completes your own questions 4.Turn in the questions and work on your foldable for 11.1 (12 entries minimum)

20 2/12/15 BIOLOGY MRS.TURGEON REMINDERS: 1.Tutoring Tues & Thur after school(rm 309) 2. Field trip form must be turned in today 3. Foldable 11.1 due Tuesday, Feb. 17

21 TODAY’S ACTIVITY: 1.Work in POGIL groups 2. Put together DNA model according to instructions 3. You will turn in one model per group

22  DNA Nucleotides DNA is a nucleic acid made from subunits called nucleotides Nucleotide = 3 parts: five-carbon sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous base –Deoxyribose = the sugar in a DNA nucleotide

23  How the Double Helix stays together Double Helix has two strands that twist together One strand of DNA is like one half of a zipper – –The backbone of the molecule is alternating phosphates and deoxyribose sugar – –The teeth are nitrogenous bases phosphates deoxyribose bases

24 One strand of DNA (half of a zipper) is a polymer of nucleotides One strand of DNA has millions of nucleotides

25  Nitrogenous Bases DNA has four different bases CytosineC ThymineT AdenineA GuanineG

26 2 kinds of Nitrogenous Bases Purines = double ring bases, A and G Pyrimidines = single ring bases, T and C

27  Complementary Bases Nitrogenous bases on the 2 strands of DNA pair up with one another Cytosine pairs with Guanine with 3 (triple) Hydrogen Bonds Adenine pairs with Thymine with 2 (double) Hydrogen Bonds

28 Turn to page 283 Read the Problem-Solving Lab 11.1 Answer the 3 “thinking critically” questions. Write your answers on the back of your lazy notes. You have 5 minutes

29  DNA Model

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