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Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 1 European Food Sustainable Consumption and Production Round Table – Plenary session – December 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 1 European Food Sustainable Consumption and Production Round Table – Plenary session – December 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 1 European Food Sustainable Consumption and Production Round Table – Plenary session – December 8 th 2011 Product environmental footprint: the French experimentation Florence SCARSI French Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing Ministry

2 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 22 Legal basis: Grenelle I and II laws Law n°967 (08/03/2009), art. 54 : consumers right to have information on env. impacts of products Law n°788 (07/12/2010), art. 228 : env. information display on products after national experimentation phase starting July 2011 Long-term objectives: environmental information as a choice criterion for consumers Harmonized environmental assessment and communication, allowing comparison and comparability The environmental labelling : a key measure of the « Grenelle de lenvironnement »

3 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 33 1.Regulatory pillar: ensure a long-term goal 2.Support to private companies initiatives since 2008: prove that the environmental labelling is possible, showing concrete examples and experiences 3.ADEME-AFNOR platform (experts and normalization): share costs and practices / ways of doing, ensure environmental assessment reliability and comparisons In food sector : * WG1 of platform ADEME-AFNOR : development of a guidance for environmental assessment in food, petfood and beverage sector (framework: BPX-30-323) * AGRIBALYSE project (leaders: ADEME; agric. technical and research centers): development of a public database with LCI and LCA for agricultural products (boundary: from cradle to the farm gate) 4.One year long (or more) national experimentation, July 2011 – at least July 2012: learn how to do it The French experimentation on environmental labelling : one of the environmental labelling four pillars

4 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 44 The French experimentation on environmental labelling : an important issue for the French Minister of Ecology

5 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 5 Voluntary initiatives already on the market since 2008

6 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 6 Now: going multicriteria! Château Larose : Wine

7 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 7 fioul gaz Langloys-Traiteur : Organic tomato soup « Le Marmiton »

8 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 8 fioul Aqualande Smoked trout

9 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 9 Corea Poitou-Charentes Petfood

10 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 10 fioul gaz Biocoop : organic products french retailer; cereals (Cereco), dairy products (Triballat), soya products (SOY et Triballat)

11 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 11 fioul gaz Picard Frozen Products In the shop Website

12 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 12 Lesieur oil

13 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 13 Environmental Index developed by Casino, Bio Intelligence Service and partners (Alter Eco, Fruité SAS, Glon Sanders Holding, MerAlliance, Monoprix, Saint Amand, Saint Michel) The Environmental Index represents the environmental impact of 100g of product compared to the environmental impact of the daily food consumption of a french (calcul based on 3 criteria : GHG, water consumption and water pollution). This pictogramm is present on more than 100 products, progressively in shops from the beginning of september 2011.

14 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 14 On the back of the pack : definitions, weblink for more code 2D : access to the information details Environmental Indice is located front of the pack: a simple and immediate information for the consumer. Environmental Index developed by Casino, Bio Intelligence Service and partners (Alter Eco, Fruité SAS, Glon Sanders Holding, MerAlliance, Monoprix, Saint Amand, Saint Michel)

15 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 15 230 applicants from all sectors 168 selected; projects started in July 2011 30% have less than 50 employees, 25% have more than 500 employees different steps of the process (production, retailing) strong involvement of cooperatives 70 from the food sector, for example: Bonduelle, Glon, Triballat, Champagne-Céréales, Lesieur, retailers as Casino or Biocoop, multinational firms as Nestlé or Coca-Cola, bakeries, some SME a lot of food products : cereals, fruits, vegetables, delicatessen, eggs, poultry, yoghurt, sodas, bread, mineral water, coffee, fruit juice, oil, beer, petfood One year (or more) national experimentation: type of companies

16 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 16 One year (or more) national experimentation: main principles Voluntary participation Env. information has to be available for consumers Life cycle and multi criteria analysis (CO2eq. mandatory) BPX 30 323 compliance Some flexibility for companies To be tested: communication, costs, methods, data, etc. Evaluation and report to Parliament Consommation-durable,4303-.html

17 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 17 Self assessment report by the 168 companies participating Survey conducted by the French Ministry of Ecology: already underway with 50% of food companies participating Survey conducted by a group of 7 associations of consumer protection Specific work of the French controlling body (DGCCRF), department of the French Ministry of Economy: tests of control feasibility => Report to the Parliament (beginning of 2013) The French experimentation on environmental labelling: evaluation

18 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 18 Thank you for your attention Florence SCARSI tel: +33 1 40 81 85 12

19 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 19 Annex 1: guidance for food, petfood and beverage sector, finalized but not adopted yet Environmental indicators: GHGs emissions : [IPCC, 2007] Water use : net consumption until the Water Footprint Index is ready (ISO 14046) Water pollution: Eutrophication: [Recipe 2008 ] Eco-toxicity: [UseTox] Biodiversity loss indicator (specific sub-WG): under development Functional Unit: 100 mg / 100 mL and / or portion Life cycle phases: agricultural and package production / Transformation / Transport / Distribution / Use (Δ) / end of life (Δ) / (consumer transport is excluded) Allocation rules between products and co-products: under development Primary / Secondary / Semi-specific data

20 Food SCP Round Table – Plenary session – December 8th 20 Annex 2: AGRIBALYSE 3 years long project Objective: create a public database with LCI and LCA for agricultural products (boundary : cradle to the farm gate) Leaders: ADEME, INRA, ART Agric. technical and research centers work together 29 plant products, 15 animal products, 3 tropical products, 136 LCI, 1600 inputs ; some examples: cereals, tomato, milk, beef, sheep, eggs, carrot Currently: collection ; in 2012: calculations and quality control

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