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3-10-2015 Strong Government needs Strong Clerks Le adership serving Democratic processes; a Dutch perspective SLCC Chepstow Localism of the Starting Block.

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1 3-10-2015 Strong Government needs Strong Clerks Le adership serving Democratic processes; a Dutch perspective SLCC Chepstow Localism of the Starting Block

2 3-10-2015 2 Guiding through this presentation  Introduction & Sharing of expectations  Democratic processes; the Dutch way  The Rotterdam perspective  What about the Dutch Clerk?  The International perspective  Q & A, debate & discussions

3 3-10-2015 3 Introduction & Sharing of expectations Jaap Paans 44 years of age, married with children Clerk of the City Council of Rotterdam Master of Public Law & Governmental Administration Immediate past President of VvG, the Dutch association of Clerks Proud member of IIMC

4 3-10-2015 4 Democratic processes; the Dutch way  The Dutch democratic system  Leadership in the Dutch Governmental system  Local Government in The Netherlands  Clerks in the Dutch system

5 3-10-2015 5 Democratic processes; the Dutch way The Dutch democratic system The Netherlands  1 Kingdom, 4 countries, 12 provinces, 418 local governments  Statute for the Kingdom & Constitution for the country of The Netherlands  16 million Dutchmen; >170 original nationalities  32 cities > 100.000 inhabitants  B4: Amsterdam (790.440), Rotterdam (617.347), The Hague (501.725) and Utrecht (316.448)  Metropolitan area Rotterdam-The Hague: 2.2 million people

6 3-10-2015 6 Democratic processes; the Dutch way Dutch Democratic system  Triangular framework  parliamentary representative democracy parliamentaryrepresentative democracy  constitutional monarchy constitutional monarchy  decentralised unitary state decentralisedunitary state  Consociationalism  Consensus driven

7 3-10-2015 7 Democratic processes; the Dutch way Governmental system  National Government  Monarchy & Cabinet share legislative power  Houses of Parliament  House of Representatives  Chamber of Reflection  Sub national Government  Provinces  Local Government

8 3-10-2015 8 Democratic processes; the Dutch way Political Institutions  Monarchy  Cabinet  High Colleges of State  States General: Houses of Parliament  The Council of State  Netherlands Court of Audit  National Ombudsman  Judicial system  Political parties  Social-Economic Council

9 3-10-2015 9 Democratic processes; the Dutch way Leadership in the Dutch Governmental system Dutch paradox of leadership: we look for it but do not automatically accept it Influential Leadership: The ability to shift opinions and conceptual decisions in other directions than the responsible actor heads for only by having access to decision makers and opinion leaders Positional Leadership The acceptance of Leadership by actors who are in the position to decide and lead Charismatic Leadership The acceptance of the personal qualities of people through which their leading role is accepted by others

10 3-10-2015 10 Democratic processes; the Dutch way Local Government in The Netherlands Characteristics  418 autonomic municipalities  Responsible for local safety, education, spatial planning and sociaol security  Policy Freedom within the bounds prescribed by the national government  Own tax regime within legal limits

11 3-10-2015 11 Democratic processes; the Dutch way Local Institutions  City Council (Chosen by the people)  College of Mayor and Alderman (appointed by Council; 4 year term)  Mayor (selected & appointed)  Local Court of Audit (appointed)  Local Ombudsman (appointed)  Administrative areas with own responsibilities (Rotterdam)  Neighbourhood councils / village councils (participation/advisory)

12 3-10-2015 12 Democratic processes; the Dutch way Clerks in the Dutch system Introduction of the Clerk  Anno 2012: Clerk = Griffier  Before 2002: Clerk = City Secretary  Griffier originates from “the magistrate that writes down”  Griffier originally was a unique profession within the Courts of law  1848: Griffiers became first legal advisor of Houses of Parliament

13 3-10-2015 13 Democratic processes; the Dutch way Dualism in Dutch Government  2002, Dualism Act: every Council has his own ‘Griffier’  2002, Dualism Act: City Secretary can not be ‘Griffier’ as well  City Secretaries shift their focus towards City Manager  Griffiers were claimed to be Clerk in the international definition  VvG: Dutch association of Clerks founded in 2003 for Clerks in National, Sub national and Local Government  2004: VvG membership: +500 members (>95%)

14 3-10-2015 14 Democratic processes; the Dutch way Job description  First advisor and responsible officer for the parliamentary bodies  Co-signing of parliamentary/council decisions and local legislation  Head of Office (+600 on national level; 2-25 on local level)  Executive Director of the administrative process of the body  Juridical and technical advisor of the Representatives  Process coordination  Issue based advisory on non political bases  Advocacy of the interests of the parliamentary body/council  Services to the Council and its members  Responsible for transparency and access to Public information  Responsible for the handling of integrity issues  Responsible for Citizen participation and handling of Citizen Initiatives  Secretary of the Result and Elected Acceptance Committee  Secretary of the Investigation Committee  Secretary of the Mayor Recommendation Committee

15 3-10-2015 15 The Rotterdam perspective Introduction to Rotterdam World Port World City  Mainport for Europe  One of 10 biggest Ports in the World  Main Cargo Port for China  >25 miles length of river delta harbours  612.000 citizens  161 nationalities  Major safety issues  Divided city: Social, Physical and Political  Starting point of a new right winged political movement  Break through City  “Amsterdam talks about it; Rotterdam does it”

16 3-10-2015 16 The Rotterdam perspective Local Government in Rotterdam City of Rotterdam  Total budget of 4.4 billion Euro’s  Administration and public services of 13.000 co-workers  14 Boroughs of Rotterdam  1 City Council; 14 Borough Councils  1 City Board; 14 Borough Boards  350 Board and Council members  City Board of Mayor and 8 Alderman  Alderman appointed by City Council in 2010  New Mayor selected and appointed in 2008  First Moroccan Mayor in The Netherlands

17 3-10-2015 17 The Rotterdam perspective City Council of Rotterdam  City Council of 45 members, 4 years term  City Council of 8 parties:  Right Wing party ‘Liveable Rotterdam’  Left Wing, social democratic parties SP, PvdA and GreenLeft  Christian Democratic parties: CDA and CU-SGP  Liberal (Middle) parties: D66 and VVD  Tough political arena

18 3-10-2015 18 The Rotterdam perspective Leadership in Rotterdam Council members  City Council: both united and divided  Leading in addressing the urgency for new legislation  Leading in urging for innovative solutions to society problems  Leading in Governance issues  Leading in budget planning & defining of results and proposed effects  Divided in Ideological debates  Council accommodates opinion leaders on safety issues, education and integration  Joint effort to enlarge the (legal) possibilities for government to intervene  Unique in NL: The Rotterdam Act

19 3-10-2015 19 The Rotterdam perspective Leading as a Clerk; examples  Introduction and start up programs for the new City Council  Coaching of new elected and new party leaders  Mediation in case of potential Party split up  New event: annual conference for +300 Rotterdam Councils members  Initiator of the 2010 Council Elections misconduct investigations  Initiating a decision making process for a new Citywide Governmental Structure  Advocacy for the Councils influence within new Metropolitan Board arrangements  Introducing Crowd Sourcing as a new Citizen participation app  Initiating and organizing a paperless City Council and Staff

20 3-10-2015 20 The Rotterdam perspective Being a Clerk of Rotterdam Do’s & Don’ts  ‘Every week has a new title’; do not fully plan your activities!  Cherry Picking; don’t stick to the ball!  Use the space: Council wants a Clerk that uses it  Take Council by the hand, but do it invisible  Propose by showing that it’s is the best alternative  Be proactive and prepared  Dual is not Duel; work on relations and on process  Be supportive; Citizens do not accept a divided government

21 3-10-2015 21 What about the Dutch Clerk? Profile of a young profession The Dutch Clerk  Young professional: 0-10 years on the job  55% > 48 years  96% bachelor or master; 50% master  49% experience within the administration  30% former Alderman or Council member  42% women, 58% men  10% in the second job as a Clerk

22 3-10-2015 22 What about the Dutch Clerk? Leading or bleeding?  Since 2002: more than half of the Councils changed their routines  Focus on citizen participation  Focus on transparency and public access to relevant information  Focus on Directing, Control, Supervision and Representation  Councils successfully restored their Head of Government position  Clerk as initiating leader of innovation and restoration  10% did lead but forget to look behind

23 3-10-2015 23 What about the Dutch Clerk? The appreciated Clerk; 2011 Councils member Survey  Clerks are well appreciated by their political ‘bosses’: 7,6  Clerks add to Democratic process and conduct of Council: 97%  Clerks add quality to Local Politics: 83%  Most asked competences: Independence and Communication Skills  Also wanted: supervision of follow up on agreements and promises  Professional development: more theme based advisory

24 3-10-2015 24 What about the Dutch Clerk? Professional Development Professionalism Program for Clerks  2003: VvG starts a Professionalism Committee  2004: VvG approved Basic Course for (wannabe) Clerks  2005: VvG approved Post Master program for Senior Clerks  2009: VvG approved Top Course for Clerks  2010: VvG membership debate on Professionalism Programming  2011: agreement to set up a Dutch Institute for Municipal Clerks  2012: IIMC certifies Basic Course and Top Course for Clerks towards CMC/MMC

25 3-10-2015 25 The International perspective Evolution of western Society  Civil Society takes over  Media rules  Democratic conservatism Searching for a new connection  International orientation of Clerks  International exchange & knowledge sharing  International certification of Clerks  IIMC based European federation

26 3-10-2015 26 Strong Government needs Strong Clerks Q & A debate & discussions

27 Strong Government needs Strong Clerks: a Dutch perspective Thank you for participating ! Thank you for your attention

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