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Coaching Implementation of SW-PBIS. Agenda Introduction Roles and Responsibilities of PBIS Coach Role within the PBIS District Leadership Team Coaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching Implementation of SW-PBIS. Agenda Introduction Roles and Responsibilities of PBIS Coach Role within the PBIS District Leadership Team Coaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching Implementation of SW-PBIS

2 Agenda Introduction Roles and Responsibilities of PBIS Coach Role within the PBIS District Leadership Team Coaching Skills

3 Materials SCCOE PBIS Website – Coaches Corner Coaches Training Tier 1 Day 1 materials/presentations

4 Working Agreements Be Focused and Engaged Participate in discussions and activities Be an active listener Be present for the entire training Support others by reducing distraction Use electronics responsibly Limit side conversations Take care of your personal needs Use restroom as needed Take emergency texts/calls outside

5 Introduction Camper, Beach Bum, City Slicker, Home Body, or Adventurer

6 Introduction…. Introduce yourself: Name, School District/School Site, what has been your experience as a PBIS Coach and how long? As a group discuss what is the best thing about being a camper, beach bum, etc.? Choose a Facilitator/Recorder Share out

7 Group Discussion In your experience… what has been the most successful district/school efforts to implement evidence/research based practices? What made these implementation efforts successful? What are the most common challenges & barriers to implementation of professional development efforts?

8 Putting it Together Effective intervention practices and programs No other combination of factors reliably produces desired outcomes Effective implementation practices Good outcomes for students + SW-PBIS Coaching & District Support

9 © Fixsen & Blase, 2008 Performance Assessment (Fidelity) Coaching Training Selection Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System Competency Organization Student Benefits Leadership Adaptive Technical Integrated & Compensatory Implementation Model

10 Training Outcomes Related to Training Components Training Outcomes Training Components Knowledge of Content Skill Implementation Classroom Application Presentation/ Lecture Plus Demonstration Plus Practice Plus Coaching/ Admin Support Data Feedback 10% 5% 0% 30% 20% 0% 60% 60% 5% 95% 95% 95% Joyce & Showers, 2002

11 Role of District PBIS Coach Support effective, sustained implementation of SW-PBIS in schools Make it as easy as possible for schools to be successful with implementation Maximize benefits of training/professional development efforts

12 Group Discussion What has been your experience with coaching in education/schools? How would you define coaching from an educational perspective?

13 Coaching Defined Coaching is the active and iterative delivery of: – (a) prompts that increase successful behavior, and – (b) corrections that decrease unsuccessful behavior. – Coaching is done by someone with credibility and experience with the target skill(s) – Coaching is done on-site, in real time – Coaching is done after initial training – Coaching is done repeatedly (e.g. monthly) – Coaching intensity is adjusted to need

14 Coaching vs. Training Coaching involves active collaboration and participation, but not group instruction. – Small group – Build from local competence – Sustainable

15 Who should be a coach Coaching Competencies NecessaryPreferred Participate in team training Able to attend team meetings at least monthly Effective working with adults Knowledgeable about school operating systems Professional Commitment Knowledge about SWPBIS Knowledge about behavior support practices (targeted, individual) Skilled in collection and use of data for decision-making.

16 Outcomes of Coaching Fluency with trained skills Adaptation of trained concepts/skills to local contexts and challenges And new challenges that arise Rapid redirection from miss-applications Increased fidelity of overall implementation Improved sustainability Most often due to ability to increase coaching intensity at critical points in time.

17 SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Student Behavior OUTCOMES Supporting Social Competence & Academic Achievement Supporting Decision Making 4 PBS Elements

18 Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% 3-Tiered Prevention Logic

19 Nonclassroom Setting Systems Classroom Setting Systems Individual Student Systems School-wide Systems School-wide Positive Behavior Support Systems

20 1.Common purpose & approach to discipline 2.Clear set of positive expectations & behaviors 3. Procedures for teaching expected behavior 4.Continuum of procedures for encouraging expected behavior 5. Continuum of procedures for discouraging inappropriate behavior 6. Procedures for on-going monitoring & evaluation School-wide Systems

21 Classroom-wide positive expectations taught & encouraged Teaching classroom routines & cues taught & encouraged Ratio of 6-8 positive to 1 negative adult-student interaction Active supervision Redirections for minor, infrequent behavior errors Frequent precorrections for chronic errors Effective academic instruction & curriculum Classroom Setting Systems

22 Positive expectations & routines taught & encouraged Active supervision by all staff Scan, move, interact Precorrections & reminders Positive reinforcement Nonclassroom Setting Systems

23 Behavioral competence at school & district levels Function-based behavior support planning Team- & data-based decision making Comprehensive person-centered planning & wraparound processes Targeted social skills & self-management instruction Individualized instructional & curricular accommodations Individual Student Systems

24 Scope of the PBIS Coaching Role Training Providing training/ build local training capacity Develop Training Calendar to support Training needs Coordination District Leadership/Steering Committee Team Leaders Meetings Team Trainings & Data Collection Evaluation Assess needs of school and district based on measures of implementation and outcomes, disseminate data in format to guide decision making in buildings and at district level Coaching Technical Assistance at building PBIS team meetings, trainings, team leader meetings and via email/phone

25 Team Support: Year 1 Planning for Implementation Support teams in planning to complete tasks from trainings – Organizing & assigning tasks (divide & conquer) – Developing timelines for task completion – Coach team leader in maximizing meeting times Identify needs within each school & provide ideas for how to address – Buy-in – Communication with staff – Administrative leadership – Task completion – Mis-application of training content Build opportunities for networking across teams & sharing examples, challenges, successes

26 Team Support: Year 2 Implementation Focus shifts to coaching teams to use data to guide decision making Addressing challenges to implementation Sustaining implementation & continuing development of SW-PBIS systems

27 Common Coaching Needs Initial Training tasks On-site support – Too many teams – More Efficient meetings – Divide and conquer tasks – Timelines & organization – Sufficient communication with & feedback from staff

28 Evidence Based Practice: SWPBIS What you are coaching in Year 1 School implementation of SWPBIS – Universal System – Day 1 Training content Overview of SWPBIS Teaming Process Communication & Feedback w/ Staff SW Rules Behavioral Expectations Lesson Plans – Focus of Coaching interactions: School PBIS team, team leader & administrator

29 Look for… Too many SW Rules or too complicated, not easy to remember Behavioral expectations are not stated positively Not seeking input from all staff members to contribute to behavioral expectations

30 Why do schools not implement or fail to sustain SWPBIS at criterion? Failure to establish faculty commitment We are always able to do anything badly Failure to establish Administrator commitment Verbal commitment different from real behavior Attend training, Attend school meetings, Allocate resources for training and implementation, Provide data systems and tools for success Coach is unavailable or ineffective Team does not meet regularly between trainings Absences of evaluation system Are we doing what we said we would do? Is it benefiting students? Competing initiatives drain resources

31 Coaching Coaching can & should happen on many levels: Establishing a relationship with administrator and team members Attending meetings on site and providing coaching/technical assistance/support Answering questions or requests from individual teams Providing support to teams during work times at trainings Passing along clear examples and ideas for teams to aid them in the development of systems at their own schools

32 Coaching Team Support Attend & participate in team training Meet with new teams monthly on-site Telephone/email contact as needed Frequent prompts regarding tasks, trainings, meetings, etc. “Positive” nag Meetings/ Trainings Task completion Action Planning (TIC, SAS, SET, etc) Data-Based Decision Making & On-going evaluation Communicate progress & needs to District Leadership Team to guide action planning

33 Keeping Teams on Track Build in Accountability Set due dates for when teams are to have materials completed Give checklists of items that are due Example…..month to month activity calendar Regularly have teams share materials or turn in progress updates of the materials they have developed Hold regular Team Leader meetings Model team meeting best practices (TIPs and positive reinforcements for team leads)

34 Group Discussion What did you anticipate your coaching role to be and what is new information? Share one or two ideas of what you anticipated? Share and chart new roles you were not aware of?

35 PBIS Team Leaders Meeting Set up a regularly scheduled meeting – Suggest monthly for beginning teams Include Leadership Meeting schedule on the PBIS Training Calendar (see sample Training Calendar) – PBIS Coach facilitates meetings – Have a meeting agenda

36 Leading Team Leaders Meeting First meeting agenda Welcome & Introductions State Purpose of Meeting Create a regular forum for communication Provide updates Opportunity to share examples & concerns Provide input to guide district planning Schedule monthly team leader meetings Team Updates from leaders Sharing examples, successes, challenges & needs

37 Listen to your PBIS Team Leaders Be humble, listen and learn how to improve District support Both Student Behavior & Implementing systems change are challenging Always be looking and listening for ways to improve Over time schools have different needs, constantly be checking in with them for feedback and recommendations

38 Most Important Times for Planning and Support -- Transitions End of the School year Get schools thinking about planning for the next year Before School Year starts Make sure schools are ready for PBIS Kick Off events the first week of school Whenever there are changes in: Building Administrators or PBIS Team Leaders

39 End of the Year Meetings Hold meetings with PBIS Team Leader and Building Administrator at each site Identify aspects of PBIS at the site that are areas of strength and goals for the upcoming year Start planning for next year –Begin thinking about PBIS team members for next year –Get an update on planning/preparing for the first week of school – PBIS Kick Off Review how the year went and seek suggestions for improving district support for next year Discuss training calendar for upcoming year & training needs

40 Top Priorities When Starting… Clarify district level support  Who is your supervisor/resource?  Budget?  Expectations from district?  History/previous work with PBIS? Self-Evaluation  Determine what your strengths are and areas to grow/access support  Determine where you can get coaching support/ training

41 Top Priorities when starting… Organize Information  Who (see example PBIS profile sheet)  Which schools  Identify Team Members  Identify Team Leaders  Identify Administrator on Team  What, When, Where: (see example Month to Month activity calendar)  Schedule Trainings  Team Leader Meetings  Building PBIS Team Meetings  District Steering Committee Meeting  How:  Set up systems to communicate with all PBIS participants including Team Members and support staff

42 Top Priorities when starting… Organize Time  Prioritize efforts  PBIS Coaches Checklist  Leadership Team Self Assessment  Schedule drives everything, get it scheduled  Trainings  Building Team Meetings  Team Leader Meeting  District/Regional/State Meetings  Emails - block time twice day, reply asap  Data Collection  Mentor/Networking Support

43 Top Priorities when starting… Organize Materials  Cohort Notebooks or PBIS Implementation Data Notebook  One section per school - Notes from meetings, Current Samples, SET and TIC Data, Action Plans  Files are for materials that are completed  Resource Notebook for all school PBIS Handbooks  Meetings Notebook  Calendars/Timelines  Conferences and Trainings  Data collection  Building Meetings  Building Team Leader Meetings  District Leadership/Steering Meetings  SCCOE District PBIS Coaches Meetings  Other - Track Materials on Loan

44 Group Discussion What did you anticipate your coaching role to be and what is new information? Share one or two ideas of what you anticipated? Share and chart new roles you were not aware of?

45 PBIS Systems Organization: Beyond Team Support The District Context for Coaching

46 SW-PBIS Logic! Successful individual student behavior support is linked to host environments or school climates that are effective, efficient, relevant, & durable (Zins & Ponti, 1990) school Districts

47 Leadership Team Active Coordination Funding Visibility Political Support TrainingCoachingEvaluation Local School/District Teams/Demonstrations Behavioral Expertise Policy

48 PBIS District Leadership Team Purpose: Establish & maintain District Vision for PBIS –District Self Assessment & Action Plan –Steers the PBIS ship Update leadership team to progress, challenges and needs of building implementers Review data (outcome & implementation data) & use to guide decision making & action planning Planning for ongoing development and maintenance of programs

49 Systems Coaching District Planning & Leadership Monitor & report on team efforts Implementation measures Outcome measure Progress & needs Work w/ District Leadership team to plan district PBIS implementation effort Present on School-wide PBIS to district stakeholders. Assist district to build capacity for sustained implementation (re-define your role over time) Meetings with Coordinator and Taskforce for purposes of regional/state-wide planning

50 Who serves on the District Leadership Team? Members of the team should include representatives/stakeholders whose roles, responsibilities, and activities are associated with: Management and evaluation of resources related to the provision of behavioral support, e.g. – School climate/ Discipline – Character Education – Bullying – Behavioral Intervention – Behavior Classrooms & Placements – Data systems

51 Planning Ahead Data Based Decision Making needs District assessment planning tool SWIS v. other or existing system District Planning SWIS Facilitator training

52 Web Resources & Tools –Materials and PowerpointsMaterials and Powerpoints Resources –Examples of materials, presentations, etc. SW-PBS Implementer’s Blueprint, Team Implementation Checklist (TIC), Self Assessment Survey (SAS), School-wide Evaluation Tool (SET)

53 Tasks Develop list of participating schools, team leaders & administrator w/ contact info. Get on-site meeting schedule for each team (at least 1 per month) Attend meetings & begin developing rapport Provide technical support as needed Schedule Team Leader meetings Hold first team leader meeting before next training Start recruiting for District Leadership Team Training December 12, 2012 at SCCOE

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