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ESA Region 2 Summer Symposium 2009 A Dozen Websites & Math Games for Middle School Students.

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Presentation on theme: "ESA Region 2 Summer Symposium 2009 A Dozen Websites & Math Games for Middle School Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESA Region 2 Summer Symposium 2009 A Dozen Websites & Math Games for Middle School Students

2 The Advantages of Interactive Websites… Interactivity was associated with learning achievement and retention of knowledge over time. (Stafford, 1990) People learn the material faster and have better attitudes toward learning the material when they learn in an interactive instructional environment. (Bosco, 1986; Fletcher, 1989, 1990) Knowledge was enhanced with CAI curriculum, due to the quick feedback offered to the learner, and by the active learner participation required in navigating the curriculum (Hasty, 1993).

3 Why do math games work?  Social interaction  Immediate feedback

4 The technology continium EaseEnrichExtend

5 Be strategic:  Target particular strategies and skills;  Monitor for appropriateness;  Tap students' interests; and  Look for Choice, Chance, Challenging Strategy, & Competition or Collaboration.

6 What makes math games academic enrichment?  Engage in mathematical thinking  Have mathematical conversations  Gain fluency  Develop problem solving strategies

7 Go to our wiki A Dozen Websites Open and minimize

8 Fun Brain/Math Brain  Progressive games  6 th grade or 7 th -8 th grade review  Entertaining  “Math arcade”

9 Factor BINGO! ydemo.html?activity=M2A070&activitytype=dcr

10  Must have Shockwave  Over 20 interactive games and lessons  Offers print outs for homework or independent practice  Printable prizes The Maths File Game Show

11 Builder Ted—ordering numbers Bathroom Tiles--reflection, translation, rotation Equation Match---solving equations Data Picking---frequency tables Planet Hop---coordinate plane & equation of a line Late Delivery---evaluating expressions

12 Brain Pop  For fee for full access Let’s look at Free movies  Free Movies  Math  free movies

13 Illuminations Isometric drawing tool Perspectives---top, side, front views Color creativity

14 Billy Bug Coordinate plane Graphing points Easy 7.A.3.1: Application: Students are able to identify and graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane and inequalities on a number line.




18 Pack Your Bags! Problem Based Learning – Middle level “Studying abroad can positively and unequivocally influence the career path, world-view, and self-confidence of students,” claims Mary Dwyer, Ph.D. and Courtney Peters, authors of the article, “The Benefits of Study Abroad”. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be immersed in the country you study in your foreign language class? Well then, pack your bags and get ready to exchange your American money for some foreign currency! As part of the World Language program, many schools afford students the opportunity to advance their studies and travel abroad. In efforts to get this kind of program at our school, the principal is looking for student proposals on where to travel. In order for your trip to be considered, you must research a foreign country and devise an economical eight-day travel plan that takes into account: transportation, housing, food, and activities for thirty students. The proposal must also be converted from U.S. dollars to the currency of the chosen country.

19 National Partnership for Quality Afterschool Learning – 24 Game Video – 24 Game

20 Another Option for 24… Integers Advanced skills

21 BBC - Skillwise aandvolume/arearectangle/index.shtml

22 Seeing Math Resources Tree Secondary Math Interactives Plop It!

23 7 th Grade Math Jeopardy!

24 Remember… It must be remembered that the purpose of education is not to fill the minds of students with facts… it is to teach them to think. ~ Robert M. Hutchins

25 When planning, consider …  Academic needs  Age- & ability-appropriate activities, games  Timing  Set-up  Grouping  Assessment/record keeping

26 Ongoing Assessment/Evaluation  Listen for understanding  Look for engagement that reflects skill appropriateness  Ask open-ended questions  Collect evidence of success that reflects skill, concept development  Give genuine praise

27 CATEGORYExemplaryProficientPartially ProficientIncompletePOINTS Knowledge of the key aspects of the simulation or game. (significant events, key characters, division of labor, resources needed, and problems to be solved). 3 points2 points1 point0 points Identified more than 5 significant aspects in each of the categories of the game Identified between 5-3 significant aspects in each of the categories of the game. Identified less than 3 significant aspects in each of the categories of the game. Could not identify any significant aspects of the game. Ability to understand and communicate the rules of the game 3 points2 points1 point0 points Fully articulated all rules and knows where to verify rules. Understood the majority of the rules and knows where to find the rules in question. Understood a few rules and does not know where to find the rules in question. Did not understand the rules of the game nor where to find the rules of the game. Ability to construct a variety of question types to help solve game problems 3 points2 points1 point0 points Correctly constructed at least 5 knowledgeable questions in several different types. For example, closed or multiple choice, true or false, and analytical or evaluative questions. Correctly constructed between 3-5 knowledgeable questions in several different types. Correctly constructed less than three knowledgeable questions that are the same type. Unable to construct knowledgeable questions. Ability to locate and select relevant information from a variety of sources to solve game problems 3 points2 points1 point0 points Located and selected a wide range of relevant information from a variety of sources that will help solve game problems. Located and selected relevant information from a few sources that will help solve game problems. Located a limited amount of information. Some were not relevant to the game. Unable to locate relevant information. Use of creative thinking strategies in the game-making or problem solving challenge 3 points2 points1 point0 points Used a large number of original ideas and strategies to solve the game challenge. Used several original ideas and strategies to solve the game challenge. Rarely used original ideas to solve the game challenges. Did not use any original ideas to solve the game challenges. Ability to act on constructive feedback3 points2 points1 point0 points Readily adapted changes when new and relevant ideas and new information was presented. Made changes with some encouragement. Hesitated to make changes when new and relevant ideas and information are presented. Did not consider new and relevant ideas and information. Group/partner teamwork3 points2 points1 point0 points All team members contributed equally to the activity’s objective. Assisted group/partner in the activity’s objective. Finished individual task, but did not assist group/partner during the activity. Contributed little to the group effort during the activity. TOTAL POINTS /21 Assessing Student Learning in Virtual Simulations and Serious Games

28 Keep in mind You have great resources: ESA2 Lending Library Math Counts Coaches

29 Questions? Reflections? Comments? Pat Hubert & Pat Bruinsma ESA Region 2

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