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Making decisions about distributions: Introduction to the Null Hypothesis 47:269: Research Methods I Dr. Leonard April 14, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Making decisions about distributions: Introduction to the Null Hypothesis 47:269: Research Methods I Dr. Leonard April 14, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making decisions about distributions: Introduction to the Null Hypothesis 47:269: Research Methods I Dr. Leonard April 14, 2010

2 Hypotheses Hypothesis: specific prediction about the outcome of a study Remember directional and non-directional hypotheses? Both kinds of hypotheses are called the alternative hypothesis (H 1 ): a prediction that there will be some change or difference among scores There is a relation between X and Y in the sample Treatment and control groups are different The sample scores are distinct from the population scores The other option is called the null hypothesis (H 0 ): negation of the alternative hypothesis There is NO relation between X and Y in the sample Treatment and control groups are NOT different The sample scores are NOT distinct from the population scores

3 Deciding which one is right  The alternative hypothesis (H 1 ) and the null hypothesis (H 0 ) can be envisioned as two separate probabilistic distributions that represent two distinct sets of scores  The alternative hypothesis (H 1 ) represents the scores in which there is a significant change or difference in the sample of scores compared to the population  The null hypothesis (H 0 ) represents the scores in which there is NO significant change or difference in the sample of scores compared to the population  Significance tests determine the probability that the null hypotheses (H 0 ) is true (nothing happening with data)

4 Deciding which one is right Before conducting a significance test, we can look for certain clues to decide which is correct… Is there overlap between the H 0 and H 1 distributions? If the two distributions overlap a lot, it is likely that there IS NOT a meaningful difference and we should maintain the null hypothesis (H o ) (nothing happening)  Which means reject the alternative hypothesis (H 1 ) If the two distributions do not overlap much, it is likely that there IS a meaningful difference and we should reject the null hypothesis (H o ) (something happening)  Which means maintain the alternative hypothesis (H 1 )

5 Which has more overlap?

6 How do we decide whether the difference is meaningful?  In order to judge the two distributions as significantly different, we should look at how close the two Means are to each other  If the means are close likely to maintain H 0 (again, the distributions overlap)  If the means are far, likely to reject H 0 (again, the distributions don’t overlap)  We use a certain probability, p, or critical value as a cut-off point to decide whether the overlap is significant or not  p corresponds to an area underneath the distributions curve  The consensus in psychology is if p ≤.05, reject H 0 (reasonable to assume that if a score is beyond 95% of scores in a distribution, it is not part of that distribution)  To be very cautious, researchers sometimes use p ≤.01

7 An example…  A high school uses tracking to divide students into “Advanced Placement” and “College Prep” classes. They believe College Prep students represent a general student population while AP students represent a “gifted” population and will have higher PSAT scores.  Assume a directional alternative hypothesis (H 1 )  AP students will score higher than general students on the PSAT  What would the null hypothesis (H 0 ) be?  No real difference between AP and general students’ PSAT scores  General school PSAT data  Mean = 500 and Std. Dev. = 200  Advanced Placement PSAT data  Mean = 650 and Std. Dev. = 100  Assume p ≤.05

8 Where to locate p, the critical value  Directional alternative hypothesis (H 1 ): likelihood that a score will fall in either extreme of the distribution or that change will be either positive or negative  One-tailed  All of p at one extreme (in predicted direction)  Because we predicted AP students’ PSAT scores would be higher, we drew p at the positive end of the distribution  Non-directional alternative hypothesis (H 1 ): equal likelihood that a score could fall in either extreme of the distribution or that change could be positive or negative (two-tailed)  Two-tailed  Divide p by 2 for both extremes of distribution  p of.05 would mean.025 at each extreme

9 H 1 is non- directional p ≤.05 Two-tailed 2.5% in each extreme H 1 is directional p ≤.05 One-tailed 5% in one extreme Where to locate p, the critical value

10 Errors in our decisions about H 1 and H 0  Type I error: H 0 is rejected when it is actually true and should be maintained; OVERCONFIDENCE - WORSE  Area of Type I error: α  “Confidence” is the probability of retaining null when alternative is false (correct decision)  Area of confidence: 1- α  Type II error: H 0 is maintained when it is actually false and should be rejected; BEING TOO CAUTIOUS  Area of Type II: ß  “Power” is the probability of rejecting null when alternative is true (correct decision)  Area of power: 1- ß

11 Power Confidence Making too much of results (worse error!) Overlooking significant results

12 Understanding these errors  One can reduce the risk of committing a Type I or Type II error by using a larger sample size  To minimize the chances of committing the worse, Type I error, researchers use smaller or more strict p values (I.e., select.01 instead of.05)  But one can never totally eliminate the risk of making either type of error  It is always possible that concluding there is a significant difference or change (rejecting H 0 ) is due to random error in the sample data  This is good reminder of how scientific knowledge remains fallible!

13 Approaches to data analysis  Descriptive statistics  Describe or summarize data; characterize sample  Organize responses to show trends in data  Options:  Frequency distributions  Measures of Central Tendency  Measures of Variability  Inferential statistics  Draw inferences about population from sample  Capture impact of random error on responses  Options:  Parametric  Non-parametric

14 Within inferential statistics…  Parametric tests deal with parameters (statistics that describe the population) and try to infer whether characteristics of the sample match the population  Parametric tests are powerful but have many assumptions (e.g., normal distributions)  Non-parametric tests have fewer assumptions and do not depend on population parameters, though they are less powerful

15 Non-parametric: The Chi-Square Test  The Chi-square test is a statistical test used to examine differences in nominal level variables (categories)  Is there an interesting or meaningful pattern in the responses or is the distribution of responses simply due to chance?  H 0 : no interesting pattern, responses just different by chance  H 1 : meaningful difference or relationship in responses  The Chi-square test allows us to check for meaningful differences among data for which we can’t compute the mean or standard deviation (e.g., Republican or Demoncrat)  Can be univariate (one variable) or bivariate (two variables)  Univariate example: types of music preferred  Bivariate example: types of music preferred by region of country

16 Non-parametric: The Chi-Square Test  The outcome of the Chi-square test is a comparison of expected frequencies of responses (theoretically predicted) vs. observed frequencies of responses (actually obtained) for any given variable  Sometimes expected frequency is known (e.g., in gambling, we can predict how many times a 6 should be rolled in 100 die rolls)  More often in psychology, we do NOT know the expected frequency for a given variable so we define the expected frequency as the number of observations predicted for any category if H 0 is true  We use the observed vs. expected frequencies to calculate a  2 value and compare it to a critical  2 value in a hypothetical distribution of  2 scores

17 Chi-Square Test Example: Music preferences of college students (N = 80) CountryR&BAlternativePop 12183416 The H 0 would state that there is no difference in types of music preferred by college students so expected frequency, f E, would be 20 for each category Univariate, Observed frequencies: The  2 value for these scores (14) surpasses the critical  2 value at p =.05 (7.8) so we would reject H 0 and conclude that there is a significant difference in the music preference of students surveyed.

18 Chi-Square Test Example: Music preferences of college students (N = 80) The H 0 would state that there is no difference in type of music preferred by college students by region of the country so expected frequency, f E, would be 6.7 for each category Bivariate, Observed frequencies: The  2 value for these scores (32.9) surpasses the critical  2 value at p =.05 (12.6) so we would reject H 0 and conclude that the observed differences are not due to chance. Rather, music preference and region of the country are meaningfully related. CountryR&BAlternativePop N.East11019434 West15111027 M.West1034219 1218341680

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