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Welcome to ACP Mrs. Rife’s Algebra 1 Class. Homework requirements Academic Lab ◦Monday, Tuesday, Friday ◦Develop organization and good study habits Homework.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to ACP Mrs. Rife’s Algebra 1 Class. Homework requirements Academic Lab ◦Monday, Tuesday, Friday ◦Develop organization and good study habits Homework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to ACP Mrs. Rife’s Algebra 1 Class

2 Homework requirements Academic Lab ◦Monday, Tuesday, Friday ◦Develop organization and good study habits Homework ◦Fewer problems that require deeper understanding ◦Have to think! ◦Do your homework on a separate paper ◦Show all work/steps ◦Must be complete and accurate ◦If a graph is required, attach a graph grid ◦Lunch detention!

3 Cornell Notes The ACP-O math department requires all students to use Cornell notes in class each day. ◦Notes should be clear and easy to read ◦Skip a line between “thoughts” ◦Main ideas, problems, vocabulary to the left ◦Solutions, explanations, definitions, etc to the right ◦End each day with a summary  If we run out of time to write the summary, complete as part of your homework

4 Classroom Rules Respect others with your words & actions Help each other learn Use your time wisely Listen and follow directions Be on time! ◦4 minute passing periods ◦In your seat when tardy bell rings

5 Classroom Procedures Entering class – line up outside the door Drink – must sign out and take a pass Bathroom – must sign out & take a pass Sharpen pencil Agenda board Community shelf Warm ups ◦Assigned each Monday ◦Due the following Monday ◦Review for state test

6 Handouts Syllabus ◦Important class information ◦Grading policy ◦Expectations ◦Read over carefully with your parents! ◦Need parent signature  Cut off the very bottom slip  Keep the rest of the paperwork for reference  Due by Wednesday!

7 Supplies Large supply of notebook paper ◦College or wide ◦Needed for every class! Calculator – scientific or graphing (see the syllabus for specifics) Grading utensil in the “red family” Lots of pencils Graph paper

8 Help days Available most days before school except Monday Will announce available days weekly Come with questions ◦I don’t get it doesn’t work ◦Bring notes and related materials ◦No private tutoring

9 You can do it! Sounds overwhelming, but there is a lot in place to help you succeed ◦Homework help with Mrs. Rife before school ◦Success hour (after school homework help) ◦Academic lab to get organized and learn study skills ◦Success Maker program (to fill skill gaps) ◦Conference period I want you to be successful!

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