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MR. SIMMONS MR.GRAY Welcome. APRIL 26, 2012 6PM-7PM Senior Parent Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "MR. SIMMONS MR.GRAY Welcome. APRIL 26, 2012 6PM-7PM Senior Parent Meeting."— Presentation transcript:


2 APRIL 26, 2012 6PM-7PM Senior Parent Meeting

3 Where Do We Go From Here Senior Fair…………………………………Ms. Ward Prom…………………………..……...........Mr. Gray Farewell……………………………………..Mr. Gray Graduation.……………………...............Mr. White Final Exams and Senior Obligations…..Mr. Gray

4 Senior Fair

5 Senior Fair The Last Steps to Graduation Transcript/Report Card Review College planning, scholarships, decision making, and on site application reviews HSA Prom information Vocational Trades and Military sign-up. Student Service Learning Information Obligations

6 Prom


8 Junior/Senior Prom When: May 11 from 8:00PM to 12 AM Location:213 International Circle Hunt Valley, MD 21030 Ticket Distribution will be May 8 th or 9 th to the 12 th during lunch. (criteria) Attire: Formal (NO EXCEPTIONS)

9 Rules 1.Pictures will be limited to three poses at the scheduled time all other pictures will be taken after everyone has take pictures. 2.All guest must be 21 or under. 3.Guest must match the guest list and a copy of guest I.D. must be registered. 4.Anyone under the influence will be removed/not allowed in, suspended, and not allowed to participate in the farewell and graduation ceremonies. 5.Students being picked up by a parent between 12:00 and 12:15 as supervision will end at 12:30. Entry Cut off Time (10:00PM) The Meal: Buffet Includes Frozen Non Alcoholic Drinks, Soda, Punch, Salad, Appetizers, Chicken Quesadillas, Italian Meatballs, Coney Island Hot Dogs, Carving Stations, sides, and Dessert Table

10 Farewell

11 . Where: Northwestern Auditorium When: May 25, 2012 at 10:00 AM Student Attire: Semi Formal in black/white Participation: Students who are eligible for graduation. Student arrival: 9:00 AM Guest seating starting at 9:35AM Tickets: Each student will receive 6 tickets after final exams Mandatory farewell rehearsal May 22 and 23 from 10:00-11:30

12 Commencement Exercises


14 Graduation When: June 3, 2012 at 5:00 PM Where: New Psalmist Baptist Church 6020 Marian Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21215 Speaker: Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Student Arrival: 4:00 PM Attire: Boys must wear slacks, dress shirt, tie, and dress shoes. Girls must wear a skirt or dress and dress shoes.

15 Rules 1.Doors will close once the graduates march in 2.Each person must have an official ticket to enter 3.No balloons 4.Kids must be accompanied at all times 5.Parking will be directed on the parking lots

16 Final Exams and Senior Obligations

17 When: May 14 th and 15 th Make-ups: May 16 th All fines must be cleared out before cap and gowns are distributed Each student will pick up their obligation slip from Mr. Gray on May 16 th. Those fees are to be paid to Ms. Watts (main office) between May 16 th and May 30 th. Announcements, caps and gowns will be given out on May 30, 2012 One rehearsal will be at New Psalmist May 31 at 10:00 am.

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