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Relaxing with rubrics An attempt to stop worrying and start enjoying rubrics as an assessment tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Relaxing with rubrics An attempt to stop worrying and start enjoying rubrics as an assessment tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relaxing with rubrics An attempt to stop worrying and start enjoying rubrics as an assessment tool

2 Assessment revolves around the Learning Outcomes This means that we need to be aware of: What the LOs are What assessment standards each has How the AS for each grade develops as the grades progress

3 LO1: Historical Enquiry Grade 10Grade 11Grade12 Formulate questions within a topic Identify & question issues Formulate questions to analyse concepts Identify & select sources of Info Categorise sourcesAccess a variety of sources to investigate Extract relevant info from sources Analyse info from variety of sources Interpret & evaluate info from sources Judge usefulness of sources Evaluate appropriateness of sources Evaluate usefulness of sources including bias, etc.

4 LO2: Historical concepts Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 Explain conceptsUse concepts to structure information Analyse historical concepts Identify socio- economic & political power relationships Analyse the socio- economic & Political power relations Examine & explain the dynamics of power relations Explain why interpretations of history differ Explain the different interpretations of history Compare & contrast interpretations of history & draw conclusions from them

5 LO3: Knowledge construction & communication Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12 Understand & convert statistical info to other forms Handle & draw conclusions from data Identify controversy in statistics & engage with the conclusions Plan & construct an argument Use evidence to argue and reach one’s own conclusion Synthesise info from sources into an original argument Use evidence to reach a conclusion Substantiate the conclusion reached Sustain & defend a coherent argument Communicate in a variety of ways Communicate appropriately to audience Communicate in various ways including graphically

6 LO4: Heritage Grade 10Grade 11Grade12 Explain the concept of heritage & the importance of sites Analyse public representations & commemorations Explain ideologies around heritage issues Explain the concept of knowledge systems Identify debates around knowledge systems Compare differences in celebrating heritage Identify contributions to an understanding of our heritage Analyse the role of studies on the origins of humans Investigate the sciences helping our understanding of heritage

7 The basic (blank) marking rubric Critera/levelNot achievedElementary achievement Moderate achievement Adequate achievement Substantial achievement Meritorious achievement Outstanding achievement 0-29% level 130-39% level 240-49% level 350-59% level 460-69% level 570-79% level 680-100% level 7 LO1 AS 1 LO1 AS 2 LO1 AS3 LO1 AS4 LO2 AS 1 LO2 AS2 LO2 AS3 LO3 AS 1 LO3 AS 2 LO3 AS 3 LO3 AS 4 LO4 AS1 LO4 AS 2 LO4 AS 3

8 Modifying the basic rubric Delete criteria that are not relevant to this task e.g. LO3 AS1 if there is no statistical information Add any extra criteria such as participation in a group that the activity may require Be aware of what you have in mind as the outcome for this activity – why did you set it?

9 An example taken from a Grade 10 textbook I have chosen a classic activity of a research essay

10 Research and write an essay on why the freeing of the slaves did little to help African- Americans to improve their situation in the first years after emancipation Outcomes: LO1 all four Assessment standards LO2 AS 1 & 2 LO 3 AS 2, 3, 4

11 If you need to record a mark for the activity then simply follow these guidelines Prepare a blank of your rubric grid on which you can write. Tick on this blank where you would assess the learner for each criterion Total the ticks for each learner giving them a mark equal to the level achieved.

12 Levels and marks correlation for this example using its 9 criteria Possible marks scored9 (all 1s) to 63 (all 7s) Level 1- if all at this 90-18 Level 2 - if all at this 1819-25 Level 3 - if all at this 2726-31 Level 4 - if all at this 3632-37 Level 5 - if all at this 4538-43 Level 6 - if all at this 5444-50 Level 7 - if all at this 6351-63

13 Adjustments? Few learners are likely to get all on Elementary achievement level – if they do, one must question whether they deserve that. Levels 3 to 5 are almost totally in the correct bands and so reflect the level of achievement quite accurately To achieve a rating of Meritorious on all assessment standards is an outstanding achievement so one must adjust that accordingly.

14 What concepts does the learner need to master from the research in order to complete this activity? [LO2] Understanding of the concepts of slavery, emancipation, African-American. Understanding of the social position of slaves and racism. Awareness that racism went beyond slavery. Awareness of poor economic state of former slave owners. Recognition that emancipation came during the Civil War. Understanding of the political power plays between the victors and vanquished in the war.

15 In terms of LO1 what must the learner do? Formulate questions on: The position of the African-American slaves both before being freed and in the years immediately after that. How and why were they freed? What information is available and where can I find it? How useful is the information in answering my questions?

16 In terms of LO3 the learner must: Plan an argument based on the evidence Explain why the position of the African- Americans was hardly improved by emancipation of the slaves. Communicate in writing the argument prepared. Support the argument by reference to the sources

17 Comparative marks of slide 11 for 8 and 10 criteria rubrics Marks all at one level for 8 criteria Overall level for 8 criteria Marks all at one level for 10 criteria Overall level for 10 criteria Level 180 -16100 – 20 Level 21617 – 212021 – 27 Level 32422 – 263028 – 34 Level 43227 - 324035 – 41 Level 54033 – 375042 – 48 Level 64838 – 436049 – 55 Level 75644 - 567056 - 70

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