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Lesson 5. Day 1 Listen to the short vowel sound in each of the following words. The two vowels together in tread and broad are pronounced with one vowel.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 5. Day 1 Listen to the short vowel sound in each of the following words. The two vowels together in tread and broad are pronounced with one vowel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 5

2 Day 1 Listen to the short vowel sound in each of the following words. The two vowels together in tread and broad are pronounced with one vowel sound. treadbroadsplit

3 Long vowel sounds may be spelled in the following ways: vowel +consonant + eice /a/ ai/ayrain, play /e/ ee,ea,iedeep, real, piece /o/ ow, oarow, boat

4 Complete each word with a vowel diagraph. ch ___ fs___sonbr ___ n thr___wg___lscr___p___

5 Listening Comprehension Genre = narrative nonfiction ▫Contains people, things, events, and places that are real ▫Gives information about a topic ▫Presents events in time order Listen to learn information. Purpose: This selection is about puppet-making, so I want to learn how puppets are made.

6 Good readers… ▫read each word accurately when reading aloud. ▫adjust their reading rate to reflect what is happening in the story.

7 Why did Paul make a sketch of a face? The sketch shows what the clay face should look like, so Paul can use it to check his work. If something is an illusion, it is not what it seems to be. If something is inanimate, it does not have any of the qualities that living things do.

8 What steps did the puppeteer take to make his puppet? ▫He studied paintings, made a sketch, put clay balls together, and worked with the clay to make the face. How is a puppet different from a doll? ▫A puppet only seems real when moved by a puppeteer. This week’s story is about a unique king of puppet.

9 Background Cultural heritage is a way of life that has been passed down from generation to generation. Parents or grandparents that have immigrated from another county often teach their children the cultural traditions of that country. The main character in this week’s story is asked to give a presentation about his family’s cultural heritage.

10 Suggest things that could show a person’s cultural heritage. Cultural Heritage musicstorieslanguageclothingcustomsholidaysfoods

11 Develop Concepts In this week’s story, the main character’s father immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico. The story contains Spanish words like Abuelo, Mami, and Papi. Mariachi is a kind of musical group that is originally from Mexico. Mariachi bands include people who play violins, guitars, and trumpets. Another cultural tradition in Mexico is puppetry. The puppets are usually dressed in traditional clothes.

12 What type of business might sell culinary delights? How does your face look when you are downcast? When might a coach feel consternation? When might you wear a shirt in a vivid color? How many books might be in an extensive collection? Would you behave more serenely at a football game or in an art museum? What is something reminiscent of last summer? When might someone be pensive? When might you recruit a friend to help you? What is something your teacher does to show that class has commenced?

13 Read passage. At end of 3 rd paragraph discuss. Continue reading passage. Discuss.


15 1.Why does Felipe feel downcast? 2.Why is Felipe filled with consternation about the street festival? 3.What kind of musician does Felipe need to recruit? 4.Why does Carlos behave serenely when he finds out about Diego? 5.Is Carlos’s extensive list of friends a long list or a short list?


17 1.Why does Felipe look pensive? 2.What does Felipe hear that is reminiscent of Mexico? 3.What do you think the vivid outfits looked like? 4.What culinary delights do you think were at the street festival? 5.Could the band have commenced to play before the brothers raised their instruments? Explain.

18 Pages 136-143 Read aloud story. Model fluent, accurate reading at an appropriate rate as students follow along.

19 Chorally read pages 137-138, focusing on reading the script at a rate that is neither too fast nor too slow.

20 Character’s Traits and Motivations A character’s motivation is his/her reason for acting a certain way. A character’s traits are what the character is like as a person. A character’s traits and motivations are revealed through his/her words, thoughts, and actions.

21 Page 140-141 Why do Pedro’s father and grandfather bring out the puppets and talk about them? ▫They want to help Pedro do his homework, and they want him to be proud of his cultural heritage.

22 Closed Syllable Pattern Vowel sound is usually short. Vowel sound may be represented by a vowel diagraph, which are 2 vowels that make one sound. Divide the following words into syllables. discuss treadmill

23 Divide the following words into syllables. Circle the closed syllables Tell what vowel sound you hear in each closed syllable. puppetrythreateningfantastic pup / pet / trythreat / en / ingfan / tas / tic

24 The End!!!

25 Day 2

26 Pages 136-143 Read story. Discuss.

27 Compare and Contrast When authors compare, they show how things are alike. When authors contrast, they show how thigns are different.

28 Pages 139-140 On page 139, how does Pedro feel about sharing his cultural heritage? ▫He feel sad because he doesn’t think he has anything to share. Contrast Pedro’s feelings on page 141 with his feelings on page 139. ▫Pedro is happy and excited now. He has a good idea for how to share his cultural heritage.

29 Open Syllable Patterns Open syllables end with a vowel. The vowel sound is usually long. Can end with a vowel digraph, which are 2 vowels together that stand for a single sound. Divide the following words into syllables. localseasonalpretend

30 stabilizesta open syllable bilize seasonalsea open syllable sonal pretendpre open syllable tend independentinde open syllable pendent

31 The End!!!

32 Day 3 /aw/ au,aw /oi/ oi,oy /oo/ oo (wood) /oo/ 00 (soon)

33 Write au, aw, oi, oy, oo on separate index cards. When I say a spelling word, hold up the card that shows the vowel combination in the word. Then, write the word on the back of the card. The following are words to use, but don’t let the kids see them. choicedaughterdestroyflawauction

34 There are different ways to create words with the inflected endings –ed and –ing. The final consonant can be doubled. The final e can be dropped. The ending can simply be added to end of the root/base word.

35 Work with partner to unscramble and write the following spelling words. Add inflections to other spelling words and create word scrambles for partners to solve. errntu +edtocun+ingpohc+p+ed returnedcountingchopped

36 Vocabulary Review 1.Is a Creole song a culinary tradition? Explain. 2.Why does Pedro feel downcast? 3.Why does Pedro’s mother have a look of consternation? 4.What makes the puppets look vivid? 5.Is Abuelo’s puppet collection small or extensive? 6.Why does Abuelo smile serenely when he handles the puppets? 7.What are the puppets reminiscent of ? 8.What things in the story make Pedro pensive? 9.Whom does Pedro recruit to help? 10.When the festival commences, does it begin or end?

37 Page 144 Read Can use what you know about story structure to help you understand why the main events in the story happen. Can answer questions by looking in one place in the text, in different parts of the text, or by using what you already know.

38 Page 145 Characters: Based on title, it is likely that Raul is the main character. Paying attention to Raul’s thoughts and actions will help you understand the story. Setting: In a realistic fiction story, the setting should be a logical place for the plot events to occur. Where might a story about a snack take place? Plot Events: A realistic fiction plot is similar to what might happen in real life.

39 Pages 146-149 Predict what Raul will eat for an after-school snack. Purpose: It looks as if this realistic fiction story is about a boy and his dog. I want to find out how the dog is involved in a story about an after-school snack. Read and discuss.

40 Assign Roles and Rehearse

41 Variant Vowels and Diphthongs The letters oi and oy stand for the /oi/ sound in join. The letters ow and ou can stand for the /ow/ sound in town. The letters au, aw, and augh can stand for the /0/ sound in fault. The letters ew and ue can stand for the /yoo/ sound in pew.

42 Divide the following words into syllables. enjoyment boyhood allowance laundry shampoo

43 The End!!!

44 Day 4


46 Vocabulary Review 1.In what room of the house would you practice your culinary skills? 2.What kind of weather might make a person downcast? 3.What kind of news would be likely to cause consternation? 4.What is vivid color? 5.What is something you have extensive knowledge of? 6.Do people who are arguing behave serenely? Explain. 7.What are lullabies reminiscent of? 8.What make you pensive? 9.Why might a person be recruited for a basketball team? 10.Would you watch a TV program that had already commenced?

47 Synonyms and Antonyms Synonym is a word that means the same or nearly the same as another word. Antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Thesaurus can be a useful reference source for finding words.

48 What is a synonym for the word legendary? ▫famous, well-known What is an antonym for the word legendary? ▫ordinary, unknown Find a synonym and antonym for 5 words of your choice.

49 Rehearse

50 Making Judgments Making a judgment means forming an idea or opinion about something by using details from the text, along with prior knowledge. Do you agree with Mrs. Lloyd’s opinion, “I think this project will be fun for everyone.” Why or why not? ▫Yes, presentations are more fun than written work. ▫No, the assignment was difficult and would not be fun for someone who didn’t have something special to share.

51 Inflections: -ed and -ing Divide the following words into syllables. What is the inflectional ending of each word? The inflection –ing is always its own syllable. The inflection –ed sometimes forms its own syllable. runningtreatedcheered

52 Look through story and find words that end with inflections –ed and –ing. Divide those words into syllables. 1 syllablechopped 2 syllablescounting 3 syllablesaverted 4 syllablesinherited

53 The End!!!

54 Day 5

55 Perform Read your lines at least 3 times in advance. Rehearse using backdrop, props, and costumes.

56 Speaking Strategies Practice reading your part until you can read it naturally, with appropriate reading rate and accuracy. Use expressions and gestures that match your character’s part. Read loudly and clearly so that everyone can hear you.

57 Listening Strategies Follow your script so you don’t miss your turn to read aloud. As an audience member, listen attentively to what is being read.

58 The End!!!

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