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Ch. 1 Housing is a Universal Need

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1 Ch. 1 Housing is a Universal Need
Journal #1 Complete the following sentence: “The most important room in my home is _________________ because _________________.” Objectives: Define Housing and describe how it has evolved. Analyze the basic physical and psychological needs that housing satisfies. Compare and contrast housing needs among people of different ages and life stages. Assess the importance of building homes that follow the concept of universal design.

2 Personal Programming You and your spouse are currently looking for housing in the Spanish Fort area. You have defined what your tastes, needs, and dreams are for the interior design of a home you would like You are comfortable with a mortgage of 250,000 – 300,000 dollars Look through the real estate guide and find 3 houses that come very close to fitting your specifications.

3 The Development of Housing
Basic role = protection; safe environment Need for housing is shared by people around the world House = any structure built for people to live in. Housing varies greatly from place to place and from one time period to another. 3 basic types of housing: natural shelters, portable shelters, permanent shelters


5 Natural Shelters Reliance on landscaping for a shelter (dug pits, caves, trees) After invention of simple tools > tree limbs for roofs, ladders to reach higher caves on cliffs, levers to move rocks Archeologist – have discovered bones, rock paintings, and pottery chips in caves occupied thousands of years ago

6 Portable Shelters Devised by primitive people who survived by hunting, fishing & gathering fruits/veg Had to move frequently for resources Built shelters with a collapsible framework that could be taken apart and moved to the next location Wood, animal skins, branches, grasses used Still used today by Nomads (North African Bedouins live in tents made from camel hides or palm branches

7 Permanent Shelters The development of farming and keeping herd animals gave reason for permanent shelters Locations were wisely chosen 2 of the earliest = Israel and Syria Tall grasses, bamboo, and other usable materials were materials used What natural materials in our area could be used to make a permanent shelter?

8 Distinctions within Communities
Differences were based on an individual’s standing in the community Two – story houses were built by the upper class, priests, and merchants Behind these were the middle class homes Outskirts of town were defined by mud-brick homes Later, rich people gained more possessions and wanted more protected building sites

9 Comfortable Shelters Homes before the Renaissance were not very comfortable (cold wind blew through the rooms, stone floors were cold, light came directly in through narrow windows) In the 1300’s an increased interest in technology was applied to housing Homes became brighter, better ventilated and more sanitary Leisure time was considered in the construction of 19th century homes (relaxation, entertainment, privacy)

10 Housing Fits Human Needs
Physical Needs Air, Sunlight, Shelter, Sleep, and Food Psychological Needs Love and belonging, Identity *Would you rather live in a large home with out of the ordinary features or a smaller apartment in a safer neighborhood?

11 Housing and Individual Needs
Different people/families = different needs Moving several times is not uncommon for families Moving through the life cycle determines housing changes (beginning stage, parenting stage, launching stage, aging stage, retirement stage)

12 Special Housing Needs Older people People with disabilities
Meal preparation, house cleaning difficulties Retirement housing People with disabilities Hearing impairments, visual impairments, wheelchair access, mental disabilities

13 Universal Design Until recently, most homes built for “average” users
Universal design (accomodating to all people of various requirements, needs, and abilities) becoming more popular Barrier-free design is used in living spaces Adaptable design features being used more (wheel chair ramp)

14 Challenges for Tomorrow
Create housing useful to the greatest number of people Universal design features included in every home Make better housing available to low and middle income people Conserve energy and natural resources

15 Classwork Checking Your Understanding 1- 9 Page 34 Applications # 5

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