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Elements of Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of Design

2 Elements vs Principles
Elements of Design are the graphic items that are the building blocks of all design Line, Shape, Color, Value, Space, Texture, Motion and Type Principles of Design describe the methods of arranging and assembling elements. Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity

3 Elements of Design LINE
An element that is used to define shape, contours and outlines Can suggest mass or volume Characteristics are: Width Length Direction Focus Feeling

4 Elements of Design Examples

5 Elements of Design Examples

6 Elements of Design SHAPE
An enclosed space creates shape Can be simple or complex Categories: Geometric Organic Positive Negative Dynamic

7 Elements of Design Examples

8 Elements of Design Examples

9 Elements of Design COLOR
Color is used to unify objects and tie them together Color can create emotion and leave a lasting impression Use colors that create harmony in your design

10 Elements of Design - Color PRIMARY COLORS
Red, Blue and Yellow They are the building blocks used to create all other colors.

11 Elements of Design - Color SECONDARY COLORS
Violet, Green and Orange When two of the Primary colors are mixed together, a Secondary color is made.

12 Elements of Design - Color TERTIARY COLORS
Mixing the Primary and Secondary colors produces Tertiary colors.

13 Elements of Design - Color COMPLEMENTARY COLORS
Directly across from one another on the color wheel. Complementary colors create visual electricity.

14 Elements of Design - Color SPLIT-COMPLEMENTARY COLORS
The two colors on either side of the complementary color.

15 Elements of Design - Color TRIAD COLORS
These colors form a triangle within the color wheel.

16 Elements of Design - Color ANALOGOUS COLORS
Three colors side by side on the color wheel. Often found in nature i.e. sunset or ocean. Pleasing to the eye.

17 Elements of Design Examples

18 Elements of Design VALUE
Value is the range of lightness and darkness within a design Value can create mood/feeling Categories Tint Shade Contrast

19 Elements of Design Examples

20 Elements of Design SPACE
Space is the arrangement of objects in your design Your design can be crowded or sparse Categories Positive space Negative space Focal point Perspective

21 Elements of Design Examples

22 Elements of Design TEXTURE
Texture is used to replicate three-dimensional surfaces Produced through various drawing and media techniques Categories Real Implied (2-D)

23 Elements of Design Examples

24 Elements of Design MOTION
This element portrays the act or process of changing place, direction, orientation, or position Created using starting and stopping points or blurring of action Categories Real Implied

25 Elements of Design Examples

26 Elements of Design Examples

27 Elements of Design TYPE
For the purposes of graphic design, type is considered an element Fonts, arrangement, weight and placement of type can evoke various emotions and create different messages

28 TO DO: Elements of Design Activity
You are going to develop examples of each element which will accompany your notes and you can use for future reference. Using Illustrator, create an example for each element of design. ILLUSTRATOR SKILLS:

29 Elements Activity Your eight examples should be arranged and labeled on an 8.5x11” page. Example:

30 Elements Activity Your eight examples should be arranged and labeled on an 8.5x11” page. Print off or show me on screen before end of class today. Cut out each example and tape it into your sketch book

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