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COLONYIntroduction September 11, 2009. 2 Outline 1. Motivation 2. Brief Introduction to the Robots 3. Recent Colony Work 4. Current Research 5. Administrative.

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Presentation on theme: "COLONYIntroduction September 11, 2009. 2 Outline 1. Motivation 2. Brief Introduction to the Robots 3. Recent Colony Work 4. Current Research 5. Administrative."— Presentation transcript:

1 COLONYIntroduction September 11, 2009

2 2 Outline 1. Motivation 2. Brief Introduction to the Robots 3. Recent Colony Work 4. Current Research 5. Administrative Things

3 3 Motivation Create a colony of robots that does cool stuff Interesting research platform – Emergent behaviors – Robotic cooperation – Multi-agent interaction – Distributed algorithms – Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) – …

4 4 Why Colonies? Many successful organisms organize themselves into groups

5 5 Why a Colony of Robots? Robustness – Single robot + single failure = game over – Colony of robots + single failure = one robot down Distributed intelligence and sensing – One robot cannot be everywhere at once – Colonies can collect and communicate data across distant points within an environment Collective behavior – Cooperation between robots to accomplish complex tasks Robots are awesome – More robots are more awesome

6 66 Goals Many low-cost robots Open, usable platform – Capable hardware – Robust open-source code base Research – Multi-robot applications – Distributed algorithms – Emergent behaviors Fun Stuff

7 7 Brief Colony History Project started in 2003 by Steve Shamlian Robots – Firefly I, II – Dragonfly BOM, BOM 1.5 Many research grants – URO - Over 10 Small Undergraduate Research Grants – Ford Motor Company – Robotics Institute 2 Papers / Conferences – NCUR – National Conferences on Undergraduate Research – AAAI – Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

8 8 Active Members Project Leaders – John Sexton – Austin Buchan – Chris Mar Current Members – Jimmy Bourne – Megan Dority – Emily Hart – Rich Hong – Abe Levkoy – Evan Mullinix Distinguished Alumni – James Kong – Kevin Woo – Bradford Neuman – Nico Paris – Ben Poole – Justin Scheiner – David Schultz

9 9 Robots

10 10 Dragonfly

11 11 Dragonfly – Front View Front IR Rangefinders

12 12 Dragonfly – Back View Side IR Rangefinders

13 13 Communication Bearing and Orientation Module (BOM) – Localization sensor – IR emitter/detector array – Relative angle measurements to other robots

14 14 Communication XBee wireless module – 30m indoor range / 100m outdoor range – IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee) – 2.4 GHz – Low-cost, low-power – Open industry standard

15 15

16 16 Recent Colony Work

17 17 Behaviors Individual and multiple robot behaviors Simple local interactions can yield complex global actions – Emergent behavior Use sensor data to control actions

18 18 Behaviors Past Projects: – Obstacle Avoidance – Cooperative Maze Solving – “Follow the Leader” – “Marching Band” 1.0

19 19 Autonomous Recharging Battery charge is limited Recharging batteries is a pain Let the robots charge themselves!

20 20 Mapping Autonomous wall following Obstacle detection using rangefinders Position estimation using encoders Wireless data collection

21 21 Simulator Test robot behaviors quickly Develop behaviors independently of hardware problems Develop code even when robots are out of reach Simulating 100 robots is a lot cheaper than having 100 robots

22 22 Diagnostic Station Inconsistent sensors are consequence of inexpensive colony Calibrate and characterize sensors for every robot Automate colony maintenance

23 23 Current + Future Work Formation Control (SURG Grant) – Description Make robots form and maintain a spatial relationship Stay in formation while moving as a group – Applications Cooperative Mapping Cooperative Object Manipulation “Marching Band” 2.0 Distributed Search Algorithms

24 24 FAQ

25 25 FAQ Why should I join Colony? – Experience with robots – Learn about all phases of research Proposals (i.e. SURG) Robotics (design, programming) Presentation – Awesome long-term project Experience with motivated, talented team Exposure to embedded systems, sensors, wireless communication, mobile robotics

26 26 FAQ Do I need to know (skill) ? – No! – But you are expected to take an active role in learning – Club members will provide assistance How much time will this take? – Expect at least 3-10 solid hours per week – The more you put in, the more you get out of it

27 27 FAQ How do I get started? – Make sure we can contact you Get added to the email list: Email to get – Attend work meetings First three weeks of meetings will be geared towards getting you up to speed

28 28 Administrative Things

29 29 Meetings Project Meetings – Fridays, 4:30pm. NSH 1109 Cookies! – Everyone. Every time. – Status updates, administrative matters Work Meetings – Monday and Wednesday, 6:30pm – 8:30pm in the Club Room

30 30 Work Meetings First few weeks are special! – Hands-on labs to bring you up to speed Labs will be released online – Can work independently if unable to make work meetings – Members will be in the Club during work meeting hours Bring your laptops! – Available computers are limited

31 31 Colony Introduction Schedule Lab0 - Dance Competition – [Release date: 9/11/09] [Demo date: 9/18/09] Lab1 - Dead Reckoning – [Release date: 9/18/09] [Demo date: 9/25/09] Lab2 - Hunter-Prey – [Release date: 9/25/09] [Demo date: 10/2/09]

32 32 Things You Should Look At C Programming Tutorial – – Chapters 1 – 3 – Don’t worry about compiling; we’ll show you that WinAVR – Compiler, linker, loader package for programming our robots Programmer’s Notepad – Code (text) editor bundled with WinAVR for convenient programming SVN – Subversion – Source control Redmine – Wiki – Task management system

33 33 Advisor George Kantor – RI Project Scientist – Teaches several RI classes – Controls, sensor networks, … – Knows a thing or two about robots – Busy guy

34 34 Important Emails/Web Colony list – – new people Project Leaders: – – – Web: –


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