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Summer 2015 Final Faculty Meeting Wednesday July 22, 2015 Kemper Auditorium.

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Presentation on theme: "Summer 2015 Final Faculty Meeting Wednesday July 22, 2015 Kemper Auditorium."— Presentation transcript:

1 Summer 2015 Final Faculty Meeting Wednesday July 22, 2015 Kemper Auditorium

2 Meeting Agenda House Counseling Reports. Instructor reports. Exam Schedule / Day by day Schedule. House counselor info on dorm closing. Other end of summer details.

3 End of Summer Reports Go to the Summer Tab: Click here to write instructor and house counselor reports. Final Reports

4 When you click final reports you get: Click here to get to the House Counseling reports Click here to write instructor reports

5 When you click on Dorm List: Click here to write House Counseling letters. You will see every student in your dorm. You only write on your specific advisees.

6 When you click on create report: Copy and paste here the house counseling report you have already written in word. Click here when done. Information pre- populated.

7 House Counselor Reports (cont.) Tips for good house counseling reports: In the first paragraph gives an overview of the residential experience in your dorm Demonstrates that you have gotten to know the student over the last five weeks Uses specific examples Does not attempt to psychoanalyze the student Is honest and carefully addresses any student difficulties Stresses student’s positive qualities

8 House Counselor Reports (cont.) Some House Counselors find it helpful to have students answer a short questionnaire. Please write these ahead of time on word and then simply copy and paste onto the online template. House Counseling reports due by Tuesday July 28 th by 8:30am.

9 End of Summer Reports Grades & Instructor Reports Go to the Summer Tab: Click here to write instructor or house counselor reports. Final Reports 1.Once you have your final grades, email them to 2.Email grades before you depart campus

10 Instructor Reports (cont.) Dorm List Your class(es) will be listed here. Click here to create your instructor report.

11 Instructor Reports (cont.) Enter the student’s grade here. Enter here the comment you have already written in word. Click here when finished.

12 Instructor Reports (cont.) There are sample reports in the online instructions. You should have an introductory paragraph where you talk about the class and what you did during the five weeks of the course. Intro paragraph should not be longer than what you write about the student. Remember that the final report is read by students and parents and possibly schools, if students choose to share them. Please do not attempt to psychoanalyze students.

13 Instructor Reports (cont.) We use the 0-6 scale. Whenever possible, stress the student’s positive qualities. Please write these ahead of time on word and then simply copy and paste onto the online form. Do not deviate from exam schedule or tell students they may complete work if they leave early.

14 Exam Schedule Summer Session Period 2: Friday July 31 st during class time. Period 1: Saturday August 1 st during class time. (MS) 2 3 rd year Math & Science: Friday Friday July 31 st 1 st and 2 nd year Period 2: Friday Friday July 31 st 1 st and 2 nd year Period 1: Saturday August 1 st Please do not deviate from this schedule. Exams cannot be rescheduled.

15 Some highlights Daily Schedule Next Monday July 27 th Dorm to talk about end of summer. Opportunity to start cleaning dorm. Check with Students about their departure date and time. Next Tuesday July 28 th House Counseling letters due by 8:30am. Wednesday July 29 th Follow up dorm meeting to ensure everyone has travel plans settled. Dorm Meetings tonight 9:30 to confirm travel plans and schedules for Saturday and Sunday. Thursday July 30 th 8:30am Final E&R Laundry Pickup. (clothes will be returned on Friday July 31 st ) Friday July 31 st Summer Session Period 2 exams during class time. Students need to return book before sitting for final exam. Last Day of Afternoon Activities (MS) 2 3 rd year exams, 6:45pm special trip for 3 rd years with Director return around 10:45pm.

16 Some highlights Daily Schedule (cont.) Saturday August 1 st Summer Session and (MS) 2 period 1 exams. Students need to return book before sitting for final exam. Make sure doors are locked after exams so books don’t disappear. After period 1 exam, everyone heads over to chapel for final school assembly. After assembly, everyone heads back to dorm for final packing and cleaning up. Culminating Activities after final school assembly Noon- Students Art Show –Gelb Gallery 3 to 5pm Robotics competition, Steinbach Theater. 3 to 5pm LSI Culminating events. 6:30pm Intensive film workshop and Animation movies Acting and Play production 5:00 to 7:00pm Dinner outside Paresky Commons with first floor open 5:00 Final (MS) 2 celebration dinner: 2 nd floor Paresky Commons 7:00pm Emergency backup faculty meet in front of Paresky Commons for evening duty.

17 Some highlights Daily Schedule (cont.) Saturday August 1 st (cont.) 8:00 to 10:50pm Final Summer Session Dance in Paresky Commons. 8:00 to 10:50pm Final LSI Dance in Log Cabin. 8:00 to 10:50pm Final (MS) 2 Dance in McKeen Hall. One faculty in dorm starting at 7:30pm. We ask other faculty to be around campus. Take a walk, be visible. It is not about catching kids but about helping them make good decisions. Please make sure students know that some faculty are out all night and their certificate and grades are contingent on a positive end to the summer. It is helpful to have adults not on primary duty in the dorm to come to the dance to help send kids back to the dorm at 11:00pm 11:00pm Final dorm sign in – Many dorms have a munch at this time. Collect keys from students departing early Sunday morning.

18 Some highlights Daily Schedule (cont.) Sunday August 2 nd Be sure that there is a house counselor on duty to collect keys. As students check out have them to put their linens and towels in one pillow case and take to common room. _____(MS) 2 graduation in Tang– earlier than in years past. 2:00pm: dorm faculty gather in dorm to check rooms, inspect building, return keys to Cooley. All students depart by 3pm.

19 House Counseling Specific Highlights Have a dorm meeting Monday to go over end of summer details and use script in end of summer packet. Have dorm meeting on Wednesday night to follow up on end of summer procedures. At this meeting gather student travel info. (MS) 2 3 rd year exams, special trip for 3 rd years with Director return around 10:45pm.

20 House Counseling Specific Highlights (cont.) Remember to create duty schedule for coverage on Saturday night. Remember to create duty schedule for student departure. Make sure students fill out travel departure information on the sheet we provide so you know when they are leaving. Sunday August 2 nd at 2:00pm, House counselor team meet to inspect rooms, dorm, return keys to Cooley.

21 House Counseling Specific Highlights (cont.) Collect keys in Envelopes provided. Please make sure lanyards and IDs are removed. Make sure students put all linens and towels inside their pillow case and take it to the dorm common room. Leave rooms unlocked once a student has departed so it is easy for the custodial staff to get in.

22 Books Except for English and ESL classes or special cases in which faculty members have spoken to me, Books are student’s tickets to the final exam. If a student lost the book or does not turn it in, you must write down his or her name(s) and send the list with the book that is missing to the interns. Students will not get final reports until books have been returned or paid for. Teachers, please make sure you let students know this ahead of the final exams.

23 Friday is July 31 st The last day to get mail. Mailroom closed on Saturday and Sunday. Remind students to stop by their mailboxes. The last day to return books to the library. The last day to return materials to the POLK center.

24 Final Things We will be asking students to complete an online evaluation of the summer and of classes. We ask that you email electronic course materials including a syllabus to Jolene Croteau at Remember closing dinner on Sunday at 5:30pm in Paresky Commons. If you are checking out on Sunday, please let me know ahead of time. I will be doing checkouts until 3pm. Remember to clean rooms and apartments you occupied before departure. This is critical to ensure we get to use apartments in the future. We will need all your checkout materials including grades, syllabi, etc. before you can receive your final paycheck.

25 Final Things (cont.) Chris will send information about buses. Sample house counseling and instructor reports will be posted on Blackboard. Art show/talent show announcements. Let us know at the rise of this meeting if there is a student you could not see during the midterm process or if you had trouble entering any midterms.

26 Final Things (cont.) Carney Sandoe will be on campus on Monday July 27 th at 5:30pm in the mural room if there are faculty members interested in getting more information about applying to work in private schools. Questions

27 Questions…

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