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1 Swiss Grid Day 2009 Campus Grid Working Group Update Pascal Jermini.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Swiss Grid Day 2009 Campus Grid Working Group Update Pascal Jermini."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Swiss Grid Day 2009 Campus Grid Working Group Update Pascal Jermini

2 2 Goals of the Working Group Make aware SwiNG members of ongoing efforts to build Campus Grids in Switzerland Expertise and practical usage sharing of Desktop Grids Track deployments and sizes of campus grids among SwiNG members Discuss, coordinate and standardize ongoing and future Campus Grid projects Discuss strategies for enabling, deploying, operating applications in the context of Campus Grids

3 3 Current Campus grids in Switzerland 1'000 (Condor)‏ 400 (X-WebCH)‏ 300 (Condor)‏ 300 (Condor, SGE, XGrid)‏ 14'000 (BOINC)‏ (STI - Volunteer Grid)‏ 300 (United Devices)‏ 240 (Condor)‏ 150 (Condor)‏ 100+ (?)‏

4 4 Current Campus grids in Switzerland – Summing up Huge variety of Grid Middlewares in use: Several Condor Pools XtremWeb-CH Apple X-Grid United Devices Sun Grid Engine BOINC (not for a campus grid proper, but still...)‏

5 5 Scientific fields using the Campus Grids Again a huge variety: Medical applications Cryptography Operations research Biology Forensic sciences Computer sciences Linguistic Applied Mathematics Earth sciences Molecular Dynamics Computational Chemistry

6 6 Future Projects Look for potential inter-operability amongst Campus Grids currently deployed — Integration into workflow systems (JOpera for instance)‏ Keep a centralized (and middleware-agnostic) statistics tracking system — Goal: keep track of current Campus Grids sizes, and jobs count Meetings amongst managers of widely represented middlewares to share operational experiences and ideas

7 7 More information Mailing List: Wiki page: A page will be created in the near future to centralize these information Please register/put your Campus grid information and web page URL there!

8 8 Questions?

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