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AtGentive – CELN role. CELN Tasks Project web page (WP6) Pilot project at schools (WP5) Assessment & Consolidation (WP6) Exploitation plan (WP6)

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Presentation on theme: "AtGentive – CELN role. CELN Tasks Project web page (WP6) Pilot project at schools (WP5) Assessment & Consolidation (WP6) Exploitation plan (WP6)"— Presentation transcript:

1 AtGentive – CELN role

2 CELN Tasks Project web page (WP6) Pilot project at schools (WP5) Assessment & Consolidation (WP6) Exploitation plan (WP6)

3 Project Website preliminary tasks Present situation Basic document workplace already provided by INSEAD (Still) No special web domain for the project (???) No graphical identity of the project (some of the “participated” products have it already) Communication is NOT structured properly (one mailing list only) Solution Document workspace remains by INSEAD, there will be a link between current WS and future portal. Any ideas Thierry ?? Acquire domain immediately To create (let create) graphical identity of the project To define milestones for particular parts of web To define communication procedures (mail is NOT good solution !!!)

4 Project Website users Identify the portal user types and information they need (EU)Managers (???) Solution team (more roles) Pilot project participants Teachers Students WWWorld Registered users Others

5 Project Website next steps (ASAP) Creation of static pages (some basic info) Adding the dynamic part (document space) and open it for previously defined groups of users (modifying INSEAD existing WS ?) Create data sheets for pilot testers (surveys etc.). Delivery raw data to further processing (how ?) Create closed part for registered users (potential customers) and define extra content to be delivered (newsletter ?) Create other supporting parts (blog(s), forum, best practice examples etc)

6 (WP5) CELN structure CELN top executive (Ivana Malá) Project executive (Jaroslav Cech) Tasks: Strategic and financial decisions External communication: Steering committee EU Project manager (Barbora Parráková) Tasks: Daily project agenda, nonstrategic decisions External communication: PM of other involved companies Schools Technical manager Tasks: Technical support (schools, website) External communication: Schools Accounting Tasks: Accounting of the project External communication: None

7 (WP5) Pilot evaluation 5 schools with computer class and sufficient connectivity involved 2 comparative groups using the same environment with and without agent Collecting, preprocessing and “sending” raw data Publishing the results and reflecting it back to the project processes

8 WP5 questions What will be scope of learning ? Important issue – lot of ideas (English language, Google maps etc. etc.) What and how “it” to be measured ? Are there any special demands on computer environment used at schools? (OS issues, connectivity, RAM etc.)? How will be the measurement results processed and “feedbacked” ?

9 WP6 - Business plan Inputs: Project members ideas and facts concerning packaging, pricing and implementation Schools feedback from pilot Output: Business plan for the next period

10 International level Web page (most important), SEO optimization “Remote” consultations (ICQ, mail, phone) National level (CR, SR) Info days in frame of similar CELN activities (conferences, presentations and similar projects) Individual presentations at schools and for schools International level (?!?) WP6 - Dissemination

11 Topics for brainstorming CELN currently runs some complementary projects O-learning MultiMice … (How) can we interconnect it with intelligent agents and/or OntDecNet environment ???

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