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XHTML Presented by Kelly(Geun-young) Yim. Learning Objectives  List the difference between XHTML and HTML  Create a valid, well-formed XHTML document.

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Presentation on theme: "XHTML Presented by Kelly(Geun-young) Yim. Learning Objectives  List the difference between XHTML and HTML  Create a valid, well-formed XHTML document."— Presentation transcript:

1 XHTML Presented by Kelly(Geun-young) Yim

2 Learning Objectives  List the difference between XHTML and HTML  Create a valid, well-formed XHTML document  Convert an existing HTML document to XHTML  Decide when XHTML is more appropriate than HTML

3 What is XHTML?  XHTML stands for eXtensible HyperText Markup Language  Two major puposes  XHTML is a stricter standard than HTML  XHTML allows for modularisation  Overall, XHTML is almost the same as HTML  However, XHTML code must be well-formed.

4 Why XHTML?  Most web pages were designed in HTML  However, HTML allows all sort of mistakes and bad formatting in its code.  XHTML is stricter and easier to parse

5  An XHTML document must contain a DOCTYPE declaration and four elements   XHTML Also, the root html tag of an XHTML document must include an xmlns declaration for the XHTML namespace.

6 Preferred DOCTYPE  <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" " 1-strict.dtd">

7  XML Prolog  Language XHTML Has to be the same

8 XHTML vs. HTML  Incorrect This text is probably bold and underlined, but inside incorrectly nested tags. This text is probably bold and underlined, but inside incorrectly nested tags.  Documents must be well-formed Needs to be switched

9 XHTML vs. HTML  Incorrect Here is a list: Here is a list:<ul> Item 1 Item 1 Item 2 Item 2 Item 3 Item 3  Elements must be closed

10 XHTML vs. HTML  Incorrect Welcome to my web page! Welcome to my web page!  What if there are no closing tags in HTML / / / Make sure to put a space between

11 Common empty tags in HTML  area  base  basefont  br  hr  img  input  link  meta  param

12 XHTML vs. HTML This is an example of bad case. This is an example of bad case.  Tags must be lowercase h1  Attribute names must be lowercase Important Notice class

13 XHTML vs. HTML Tables are fun! Tables are fun! </table>  Attribute values must be quoted “ ”

14 XHTML vs. HTML <form> </form>  Attributes cannot be minimized =“checked” …/> =“disabled” …/>

15 A complete list of minimized attributes  checked  compact  declare  defer  disabled  ismap  nohref  noresize  noshade  nowrap  readonly  selected  multiple

16 XHTML vs. HTML <img src="banner.gif" name="mybanner" /> </a>  The name attribute is replaced with the id attribute id=“anchor”> id=“mybanner” />

17 XHTML vs. HTML Home & Garden Home & Garden  Ampersands are not supported amp;

18 XHTML vs. HTML  Image alt attributes are mandatory alt="title"

19 XHTML vs. HTML  Scripts and CSS must be escaped <!– document.write ('Hello World!'); //--> <!--.SpecialClass { color: #000000; } --> language="javascript" /*<![CDATA[*/ /*]]>*/ createElementNS type=“text/css” /*<![CDATA[*/ /*]]>*/

20 XHTML vs. HTML  Some elements may not be nested Element Cannot contain… aa pre big, img, object, small, sub, sup button button, fieldset, form, iframe, input, isindex, label, select, textarea labellabel formform

21 When to convert  When you want pages to be easily viewed over a nontraditional Internet-capable device, such as a PDA or Web-enabled telephone.  When you plan to work with XML in the future  When it is important your site to be current with the most recent W3C standards.  When you will need to convert your documents to another format.

22 Exercise  Change this HTML into an XHTML document conforming to the W3C’s strict standard. Validate your page using the validator available at

23 Convert html to XHTML XHTML page It is important your site to be current with the most recent W3C standards. Welcome to my page. I hope that you enjoy your stay. XHTML is similar to HTML Validator

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