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XHTML1-1 Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) Xingquan (Hill) Zhu

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Presentation on theme: "XHTML1-1 Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) Xingquan (Hill) Zhu"— Presentation transcript:

1 XHTML1-1 Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) Xingquan (Hill) Zhu

2 XHTML1-2 XHTML  What is a Markup Language?  Why Extensible HTML?  XHTML vs HTML  XHTML Rules  Basic XHTML Components  Headers  Links  Special Characters & Line Break  Images  Lists  Tables  Forms  Framesets

3 XHTML1-3 XHTML Standard  Standard (recommendation) developed by  World Wide Web Consortium   Currently version 1.1  Version 2 under review  Vendors sometimes vary from standard

4 XHTML1-4 What is a Markup Language  A language that has codes for indicating layout and styling (such as boldface, italics, paragraphs, placement of graphics, etc.) within a text file  Best known markup language – HTML What is the HyperText? –A database system (1960) –Objects can be creatively “linked” to each other Simple HTML example  Other markup languages Tex (Latex) (example) SGML (Standard General ML) XML (Extensible Markup Language)

5 XHTML1-5 Why Extensible HTML?  HTML is the ancestor of XHTML  HTML 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.2, 4.0, 4.01 XHTML 1.0 is the reformulation of HTML 4.01 (2000)  HTML vs XHTML  HTML: lax syntax rules, much easier to write  Huge number of HTML resources available  Why?  Lack consistency  Hard to check HTML documents’ syntactic correctness.

6 XHTML1-6 An XHTML example file   <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"  "">   Our first XHTML document   Greetings from your Webmaster!  Xml declaration element SGML DOCTYPE command Root element

7 XHTML1-7 W3C Validation Service  Validate structure of a document   Can specify a url to validate Upload a file to validate

8 XHTML1-8 XHTML Format  XHTML  Plain text  Free form  Content Text Links  Tags (Elements) Specify structure Bounded by Often enclose attribute values

9 XHTML1-9 XHTML Elements (Tags)  Specify content characteristics  Generally paired  Bound a region  Start with : open tag  End with : closing tag  If tag is self-contained, use

10 XHTML1-10 XHTML Attributes  Specify alternative meanings of a tag  Where  Between tag name and its right-pointed bracket  In specified keyword form  Attribute Name = “Attribute value”  Attribute values must be delimited by double quotes

11 XHTML1-11 XHTML comments  Enhance the readability of your XHTML files   Browsers simply ignore all the enclosed content.

12 XHTML1-12 Tips in writhing XHTML documents  Comments  Nested elements  In case of wrong elements or attribute values…

13 XHTML1-13 XHTML Rules  Required elements in an XHTML file?  doctype, html, head, title, and body  Major differences with HTML  Tag names must be in lowercase XHTML is an application of XML, which is case sensitive  All XHTML elements must be closed Elements in pairs Self-contained elements  XHTML elements must be properly nested A nested element’s end tag must appear before the enclosing element’s end tag.  XHTML documents must be well-formed Nested in Elements in pairs & properly nested

14 XHTML1-14 XHTML  What is a Markup Language?  Why Extensible HTML?  XHTML vs HTML  XHTML Rules  Basic XHTML Components  Headers  Links  Text  Special Characters & Line Break  Images  Lists  Tables  Forms  Framesets

15 XHTML1-15 XHTML:  No attribute goes with  Nested tags  Name, content http-equiv="REFRESH“, Content=“delay; address” (redirect your webpage to “address”)  CSS definition  Script

16 XHTML1-16 XHTML:  Attributes  bgcolor  background  text  link  alink  vlink

17 XHTML1-17 Headers and Links  Six levels of headers, h1 – h 6  Id  Align (left, right, center, justify)  Can we change each header? (font, color, etc.)  element: cause browser to load another object, a page or a link  Href Link #ID Link to an email “mailto:” Directory  Target “_blank”  Title Why?

18 XHTML1-18 Text: Format, Font, & Color  Format Elements   element  size: 1-7  color: red, #234567, rgb(23,45,67);  face: Arial, Times  Other font related elements   How to control word space, line space?  CSS

19 XHTML1-19 Other text related tags  horizontal line  Align, size, width  How can we control the color? CSS  (IE does not support) 

20 XHTML1-20 Special Characters & Line Breaks  Special characters (Entities)  Often used when character has special xhtml meaning or is not on keyboard  Coded &xx; Examples: < > & &fracl4; ° ©  Line break forced by End of header Paragraph Line break tag

21 XHTML1-21 Images  Typical web images  Jpeg  Gif  Element  Src (required)  Alt (required)  width, height, border  align  title  vspace, hspace  Using image as a link

22 XHTML1-22 Image Maps  Design Certain areas of an image (hotspots) as links  <area href=“1.html” shape=“rect” coords=“1,1, 200,100” alt=“fau” title=“florida atlantic university” /> <area href=“2.html” shape=“poly” coords=“1,1, xxx, xxx, 200,100” alt=“fau CS&E” title=“Computer Science & Eng.” /> <area href=“3.html” shape=“circle” coords=“100,100,20” alt=“fau ME” title=“Mechanical Engineering” />  ExampleExample

23 XHTML1-23 Lists  Ordered list  “Start” attribute  Unordered list   Definition list  : definition term : definition description

24 XHTML1-24 List: Cont.  List-style-type:  Disc, circle, square, decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, none.   Nested lists:

25 XHTML1-25 XHTML Rules  Required elements in an XHTML file?  doctype, html, head, title, and body  Major differences with HTML  Tag names must be in lowercase XHTML is an application of XML, which is case sensitive  All XHTML elements must be closed Elements in pairs Self-contained elements  XHTML elements must be properly nested A nested element’s end tag must appear before the enclosing element’s end tag.  XHTML documents must be well-formed Nested in Elements in pairs & properly nested

26 XHTML1-26 Q1.  Will XHTML replace HML?

27 XHTML1-27 Q2.  The DOCTYPE declaration has no closing tag ?

28 XHTML1-28 Ques3. Is this a correct XHTML doc.? Coffee Tea Black tea Green tea Milk

29 XHTML1-29 Homework  1. (Due Sept. 8)  2. (Due Sept. 15)

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