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Deprecated Elements. Extensions to HTML Browser specific. Proposed revisions to standard. +Powerful presentation tools. −Limited support (or) −Subject.

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Presentation on theme: "Deprecated Elements. Extensions to HTML Browser specific. Proposed revisions to standard. +Powerful presentation tools. −Limited support (or) −Subject."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deprecated Elements

2 Extensions to HTML Browser specific. Proposed revisions to standard. +Powerful presentation tools. −Limited support (or) −Subject to change. Avoid!

3 Deprecated and Obsolete Deprecated –Being phased out. –Still supported in current browsers. Obsolete –No longer in standard. –Not supported in current or future browsers. DO NOT USE!

4 Document Types (DOCTYPE) Strict – no deprecated elements – Goal. Transitional – deprecated elements. Frameset – deprecated and frames.

5 Lists

6 Basics of Lists Types of lists: –Unordered Lists. –Ordered Lists. –Definition Lists. Block-level elements. Be sure to close your lists!

7 Unordered Lists

8 Ordered Lists

9 Definition Lists

10 Nested Lists

11 List CSS Properties list-style – marker and position of text. list-style-type –Shape of the marker. –Many options (see book for examples). list-style-position –inside – text wraps inline with the marker. –outside – text is indented from the marker. list-style-image – use image for marker.

12 Introduction to Tables

13 Some Uses Organize data – worksheets. Format items on pages. –Side-by-side images. –Side-by-side lists. –Eventually CSS will supplant for these.

14 Basic Table Structures

15 CSS and Tables

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