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Krishna Mohan Koyya Glarimy Technology Services

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Presentation on theme: "Krishna Mohan Koyya Glarimy Technology Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Krishna Mohan Koyya Glarimy Technology Services

2 Security with AngularJS Web Security Model Content Security Policy Sanitzation Strict Contextual Escaping Cross-Site Request Forgery Expression Sandboxing

3 Web Security Model Same Origin Policy (SOP) Code from a specific domain can access only resources from the same domain can not access SOP is the basis for Web Security Model Cross Site Scripting (XSS) is a trick to violate SOP A dynamically added tag can access any resource Dynamic Templates exposes this kind of risks Content Security Policy (CSP) is a guard against XSS White-listing or black-listing resources Preventing/controlling inline code execution Encoding and etc., A must for security, but may not be just sufficient

4 Content Security Policy White-listing the sources Provide a direction to the browser about trusted sources Some-of the CSP Directives script-src, connect-src, child-src and etc., Keywords: none, self, unsafe-inline, unsafe-eval The Best Practices Avoid eval, inline styles, inline scripts and etc., Applying CSP: HTTP Header: Content-Security-Policy HTML Meta Tag:

5 AngularJS support for CSP The Angular Directive: ng-csp Usually while declaring ng-app Enables CSP mode of Angular implementation Forbids use of eval and Function constructors Execution is 30% slower Performance Vs Security Forbids use of inline stylesheet rules ng-show, ng-hide fails to work The stylesheets needs to be added manually ng-csp NOT APPLICABLE to your own code The eval and other continue to work in your own code The normal CSP directives should take care of them

6 AngularJS support for CSP Security | AngularJS | Glarimy <linkhref='’ rel='stylesheet'> AngularJS Services --------------------- var app = angular.module(‘app’, []); App.controller(‘ctrl’, function($scope)){ $ = false; });

7 Sanitization in AngularJS HTML Sanitization Supported by ngSanitization module Needs to be downloaded the.js file separately $sanitize(markup) returns the sanitized string Removes the inline code Removes the inline styling Directives ng-bind automatically escapes the value ng-bind-html automatically sanitizes the value Needs to be trusted (using SCE) to get original HTML If really needed! JSON-P Response with “)]}',\n” Angular safely handles the response

8 Contextual Escaping in AngularJS Strict Contextual Escaping $sce is a service that provides strict contextual escaping Trusted contexts and corresponding methods HTML – trustAsHtml() CSS – trustAsCss() JS – trustAsJs() URL – trustAsUrl() RESOURCE_URL – turstAsResourceUrl() Can be disabled, but not suggested! angular.module(‘app', []).config( function($sceProvider) { $sceProvider.enabled(false); });

9 Contextual Escaping in AngularJS The Markup The Script var app = angular.module("app", [ 'ngSanitize' ]); app.controller("ctrl", function($scope, $sanitize, $sce) { $scope.html = " Contact Us "; $scope.risky = $sce.trustAsHtml($scope.html); });

10 Cross-Site Request Forgery The Problem Unauthorized commands to a server that trusts the client The Solution The server generates a CSRF Token and sends to the client By setting in the cookie As a hidden field in a form page The client receives the token Records the token Sends it back to the server via an HTTP header in PUT/DELETE/POST requests The server processes the header Reads the HTTP header Compares it to the known CSRF Token for that session Allows the request to go through if it matches. AngularJS $http built-in Token: X-XSRF-TOKEN

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