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Public Population Projects in Genomics Members Annual Meeting September 20 th, 2005, Hinxton UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Population Projects in Genomics Members Annual Meeting September 20 th, 2005, Hinxton UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Population Projects in Genomics Members Annual Meeting September 20 th, 2005, Hinxton UK

2 P3G Fiscal Year Non-for-Profit Organization Incorporated in May 2004 Fiscal Year: March 31 st - April 1 st We are required by law to: –Have our financial report audited by independent chartered accountants every year –Report to our members on our activities within 6 months of the end of the fiscal year

3 P3G: from concept to a reality Defining the concept of P3G Build the structure for the organization Create a Secretariat Disseminate information about P3G & Membership Create and design communication tools and the P3G Observatory Orchestrate a funding strategy

4 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (1) Defining the concept of P3G: –Created the concept & adopt a working model for P3G P3G meeting prior to the ASHG in Toronto (Nov. 2004) Multiple international discussions/ Consultations –Created a timeline/workplan for the development of P3G

5 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (1) Defining the concept of P3G: –Created the concept & adopt a working model for P3G P3G meeting prior to the ASHG in Toronto (Nov. 2004) Multiple international discussions/ Consultations –Created a timeline/workplan for the development of P3G Action item for 2005-2006: –P3G BluePrint –Develop a revised workplan

6 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (2) Build a structure for the Organization: –Incorporated the organization –Adopted by-laws and various procedures –Activated (gradually) all levels of the Org. Chart and recruited collaborators

7 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (2) Build a structure for the Organization: –Incorporated the organization –Adopted by laws and various procedures –Activated (gradually) all levels of the Org. Chart and recruited collaborators Action Item for 2005-2006 –Continue the gradual activation of the Org. Chart: Steering Committee IWGs Cores

8 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (3) Create the P3G Secretariat: –Recruited Staff –Found office space and attended to all the logistic needs inherent to the start of any new organizations

9 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (3) Create the P3G Secretariat: –Recruited Staff –Found office space and attended to all the logistic needs inherent to the start of any new organizations Action item for 2005-2006: –Transition towards more ‘permanent facilities’ within a University

10 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (4) Disseminate information about P3G & membership –Got people to know more about P3G –Reached out to potential members (travel) –Streamlined the process of membership application and review

11 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (4) Disseminate information about P3G & membership –Get people to know more about P3G –Reach out to potential members (travel) –Streamline the process of membership application and review Action Item for 2005-2006 –Continue to spread the word about P3G! –Ensuring a truly international membership –Build an identity for P3G: NEW LOGO/Pamphlets!

12 Membership as of March 31 st 2005 Regular members: 4 Associate members: 3 Individual members: 17

13 Membership as of August 31 st 2005 Regular members: 4  9 Associate members: 3  6 Individual members: 17  28

14 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (5) Create and design communication tools and the P3G Observatory –Worked on the Concept of the Observatory –Established a workplan and a strategy

15 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (5) Create and design communication tools and the P3G Observatory –Worked on the Concept of the Observatory –Established a workplan and a strategy Action items for 2005-2006 –Put a small working team on the task –Deliver the Observatory –Deliver a new P3G website

16 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (6) Funding –Secured short term/seed funding from Genome Quebec/Genome Canada –Partnered in the CA application

17 P3G annual report 2004-2005 (6) Funding –Secure short term/seed funding from Genome Quebec/Genome Canada –Partner in the CA application Action item for 2005-2006 –Secure long-term funding (ICI application) –Support P3G members projects in their funding process –Identify P3G Cores and support funding applications

18 2005-2006

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