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Using Bayesian Networks to Analyze Expression Data By Friedman Nir, Linial Michal, Nachman Iftach, Pe'er Dana (2000) Presented by Nikolaos Aravanis Lysimachos.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Bayesian Networks to Analyze Expression Data By Friedman Nir, Linial Michal, Nachman Iftach, Pe'er Dana (2000) Presented by Nikolaos Aravanis Lysimachos."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Bayesian Networks to Analyze Expression Data By Friedman Nir, Linial Michal, Nachman Iftach, Pe'er Dana (2000) Presented by Nikolaos Aravanis Lysimachos Zografos Alexis Ioannou

2 Outline Introduction Bayesian Networks Application to expression data Application to cell cycle expression patterns Discussion and future work

3 The Road to Microarray Data Analysis Development of microarrays –Measure all the genes of an organism Enormous amount of data Challenge: Analyze datasets and infer biological interactions

4 Most Common Analysis Tool Clustering Algorithms Allocate groups of genes with similar expression patterns over a set of experiments Discover genes that are co-regulated

5 Problems Data give only a partial picture –Key events are not reflected (translation and protein (in) activation) Amount of samples give few information for constructing full detailed models Using current technologies even few samples have high noise to signal ratio

6 Possible Solution Analyze gene expression patterns that uncover properties of the transcriptional program Examine dependence and conditional independence of the data Bayesian Networks

7 Represent dependence structure between multiple interacting quantities Capable of handling noise and estimating the confidence in the different features of the network Focus on interactions whose signal is strong Useful for describing processes composed of locally interacting components Statistical foundations for learning Bayesian networks and the statistics to do so are well understood and have been successfully applied Provide models of causal influence

8 Informal Introduction to Bayesian Networks Let P(X,Y) be a joint distribution over variables X and Y X and Y independent if P(X,Y) = P(X)P(Y) for all values X and Y Gene A is transcriptor factor of gene B We expect their expression level to be dependent A parent of B B trascription factor of C Expression levels of each pair are dependent If A does not directly affect C, if we fix the expression level of B, we will observe A and C are independent P(A|B,C) = P(A|B) (A and C conditionally independent of B) I(A;C|B)

9 Informal Introduction to Bayesian Networks (contd’) Component of Bayesian Networks is that each variable is a stochastic function of its parents Stochastic models are natural in gene expression domain The biological models we want to process are stochastic Measurements are noisy

10 Representing Distributions with Bayesian Networks Representation of joint probability distribution consisting of 2 components Directed acyclic graph (G) Conditional distribution for each variable given its parents in G G encodes Markov Assumption By applying chain rule this decomposes in product form

11 Equivalence Classes of BNs A BN implies further independence assumptions => Ind(G) >1 graphs can imply the same assumptions => Equivalent networks if Ind(G)=Ind(G')

12 Equivalence Classes of BNs A BN implies further independence statements => Ind(G) >1 graphs can imply the same statements => Equivalent networks if Ind(G)=Ind(G') Ind(G)=Ind(G')=Ø

13 Equivalence Classes of BNs For equivalent networks: DAGs have the same underlying undirected graph. PDAGs are used to represent them.

14 Equivalence Classes of BNs For equivalent networks: DAGs have the same underlying undirected graph. PDAGs are used to represent them. Disagreeing edge

15 Question: Given dataset D, what BN, B= best matches D? Answer: Statistically motivated scoring function to evaluate each BN: e.g. Bayesian Score S(G:D)=logP(G|D)=logP(D|G)+logP(G)+C, where C is a constant independent of G and P(D|G)=∫P(D|G,Θ)P(Θ|G)dΘ is the marginal likelihood over all parameters for G. Learning BNs

16 Question: Given dataset D, what BN, B= best matches D? Answer: Statistically motivated scoring function to evaluate each BN: e.g. Bayesian Score S(G:D)=logP(G|D)=logP(D|G)+logP(G)+C, where C is a constant independent of G and P(D|G)=∫P(D|G,Θ)P(Θ|G)dΘ is the marginal likelihood over all parameters for G. Learning BNs

17 Learning BNs (contd) Steps: – Decide priors (P(Θ|D), P(G)) => Use of BDe priors (structure equivalent, decomposable) – Find G to maximize S(G:D) NP hard problem =>local search using local permutations of candidate G (Heckerman et al. 1995)

18 Learning Causal Patterns – Bayesian Network is model of dependencies – Interest in modelling the process that generated them. => model the flow of causality in the system of interest and create a Causal Network (CN). A Causal Network models the probability distribution as well as the effect of causality.

19 CNs VS BNs: - CNs interpret parents as immediate causes (c.f. BNs) - CNs and BNs relate when using the Causal Markov Assumption : “given the values of a variable's immediate causes, it is independent of its earlier causes”, if this holds, then BN==CN Learning Causal Patterns

20 CNs VS BNs: - CNs interpret parents as immediate causes (c.f. BNs) - CNs and BNs relate when using the Causal Markov Assumption : “given the values of a variable's immediate causes, it is independent of its earlier causes”, if this holds, then BN==CN Learning Causal Patterns X YX Y equivalent BNs but not CNs

21 Applying BNs to Expression Data Expression level of each gene as a random variable Other attributes (e.g temperature, exp. conditions) that affect the system can be modelled as random variables Bayesian Net/ Dependency structure can answer queries CON: problems in computational complexity and the statistical significance of the resulting networks. PRO: genetic regulation networks are sparse

22 Representing Partial Models – Gene networks: many variables => >1 plausible models (not enough data) – we can learn up to equivalence class. Focus on feature learning in order to have a causal network:

23 Representing Partial Models Features: - Markov relations (e.g. Markov Blanket) - Order relations (e.g. X is an ancestor of Y in all networks)

24 Representing Partial Models Features: - Markov relations (e.g. Markov Blanket) - Order relations (e.g. X is an ancestor of Y in all networks) Feature learning leads to a Causal Network

25 Statistical Confidence of Features – Likelihood that a given feature is actually true. – Can't calculate posterior (P(G|D)) => Bootstrap method for i=1...n resample D with replacement -> D'; learn G' from D'; end

26 Statistical Confidence of Features Individual feature confidence (IFC) IFC = (1/n)∑{f(G')} where f(G') = 1 if the feature exists in G'

27 Efficient Learning Algorithms – Vast search space => need efficient algorithms – Attention on relevant regions of the search space => Sparse Candidate Algorithm

28 Efficient Learning Algorithms Sparse Candidate Algorithm Identify a small number of candidate parents for each gene based on simple local statistics (e.g. correlation). – Restrict our search to networks with the candidate parents – Potential pitfall: early choice => Solution: adaptive algorithm

29 Discretization The practical side: Need to define the local probability model for each variable. => discretize experimental data into -1,0,1 (expression level lower, similar, higher than control)  Set control by averaging.  Set a threshold ratio for significantly higher/lower.

30 Application to Cell Cycle Expression Patterns 76 gene expression measurements of the mRNA levels of 6177 Saccharomyces cerevisiae ORFs. Six time series under different cell cycle synchronization methods(Spellman 1998). 800 differentially expressed, 250 clustered in 8 distinct clusters. Variables for the networks represent the expression level of the 800 genes. Introduced an additional variable that denoted the cell cycle phase to deal with the temporal nature of the cell cycle process and forced it as a root in the network Applied Sparse Candidate Algorithm to 200- fold bootstrap of the original data. Used no prior biological knowledge in the learning algorithm

31 Network with all edges

32 Network with edges that represent relations with confidence level above 0.3

33 YNL058C Local Map Edges Markov Ancestors Descendants SGD entry YPD entry

34 Robustness analysis Use 250 gene data for robustness analysis Create random data set by permuting the order of experiments independently for each gene No “real” features are expected to be found

35 Robustness analysis (contd’) Lower confidence for order and Markov relations in the random data set Longer and heavier tail in the high confidence region in the original data set Sparser networks learned from real data Features learned in original data with high confidence level are not an artifact of the bootstrap estimation

36 Robustness analysis (contd’) Compared confidence level of learned features between 250 and 800 gene data set Strong linear correlation Compared confidence level of learned features between different discretization thresholds Definite linear tendency

37 Biological Analysis Order relations Dominant genes indicate potential causal sources of the cell cycle process Dominance score of X where is the confidence in X being ancestor of Y, k is used to reward high confidence features and t is a threshold to discard low confidence ones

38 Biological Analysis (contd’) Dominant genes are key genes in basic cell functions

39 Biological Analysis (contd’) Top Markov relations reveal functional relations between genes 1. Both genes known: The relations make sense biologically 2. One unknown gene: Firm homologies to proteins functionally related to the other gene 3. Two unknown genes: Physically adjacent to the chromosome, presumably regulated by the same mechanism FAR1- ASH1, low correlation, different clusters, known though to participate in a mating type switch CLN2 is likely to be a parent to RNR3, SVS1, SRO4 and RAD41. Appeared in same cluster. No links between the 4 genes. CLN2 is known to be a central cycle control and there is no clear biological relationship between the others Markov relations

40 Discussion and Future Work Applied Sparse Candidate Algorithm and Bootstrap resampling to extract a Bayesian Network for the 800 genes data set of Spellman Used no prior biological knowledge Derived biologically plausible conclusions Capability of discovering causal relationships, interactions between genes and rich structure between clusters. Developing hybrid algorithms with clustering algorithms to learn models over clustered genes Extensions: –Learn local probability models dealing with continuous data –Improve theory and algorithms –Include biological knowledge as prior knowledge –Improve search heuristics –Apply Dynamic Bayesian Networks to temporal data –Discover causal patterns (using interventional data)

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