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Barcelona Activa The Local Development Agency of Barcelona City Council EC Workshop Administrative Capacity Building Maastricht, 15 th November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Barcelona Activa The Local Development Agency of Barcelona City Council EC Workshop Administrative Capacity Building Maastricht, 15 th November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Barcelona Activa The Local Development Agency of Barcelona City Council EC Workshop Administrative Capacity Building Maastricht, 15 th November 2011

2 Barcelona Activas mission To foster the transformation of Barcelona through entrepreneurship, business growth, innovation, human capital, professional opportunities & quality employment.

3 Barcelona Activas mission To foster the transformation of Barcelona through entrepreneurship, business growth, innovation, human capital, professional opportunities & quality employment. Barcelona Activas fields of activity 1.Entrepreneurship 2. Business growth 3. Access to quality employment 4. Management of human capital 5. Digital Training 6. 22@ Innovation District

4 A network of specialised amenities

5 GET MOVING TOWARDS EMPLOYMENT ACTIVAT PER LOCUPACIÓ Pilot programme and action plan for newly unemployed in the city of Barcelona

6 Offer people who have lost their first job: prompt attention that allows them to learn about career opportunities that Barcelona can offer to access ocupacional training, to improve their employability, and to find the resources so that they can return to employment. Aim of the Programme


8 ORGANISATION: inter-institutional cooperation AGREEMENT FOR QUALITY EMPLOYMENT IN BARCELONA 2008 - 2011

9 13 Technical team, 5 admin staff, 1 coordinator, 9 companies and call centre training WEBSITE - BCN.CAT/TREBALL, 15 facilities in the city PROGRAMME ITINERARY

10 TRAINING SEMINARS GET MOVING TOWARDS EMPLOYMENT More actions, more focused on job search.

11 Guidance Guidance: Which jobs could I take? Reorientation: define a new professional objective Oriented training Labour Market The growth sectors in Barcelona: * services to people * logistics * culture, leisure, hospitality and catering * environment sector * ICT sector * chemistry * aeronautics and space * construction sector * food industry * life sciences * personal image * mechanics * business services * textile sector … SEMINARS

12 The selection process Write your CV Get the most out of your CV Test The job interview - theory The interview - training Active search for work … Abilities and skills Improve your time management Improve your communication Improve your image Network of contacts - discover Network contacts – put into practice Practise using the keyboard and mouse Internet Job Search Create your email account … SEMINARS Find a job


14 TRAINING SEMINARS More actions, more focused on job search

15 Implementation 3 november 2008 – 30 september 2011 ActionsParticipants* Amount of people Info Sessions2,70130,115 Seminars5,95346,46316,405 54% of people who participate in an Informative Employment Session (IES) attend the training seminars Average participation in seminars - 3 per person * = one person can participate in several activities

16 Participants Profile September 2011 men, native, between 25 and 54, with secondary education. DISTRIBUTION BY GENDER Men 60% Women40% DISTRIBUTION BY AGE Under 25 25% Between 25 and 3933% Between 40 and 5433% Over 549% DISTRIBUTION ACCORDING TO THE STUDY Primary 29% Secondary education 40% Studied28% DISTRIBUTION ACCORDING TO ORIGIN Spanish 68% Other European Union nationals4% Non EU Citizens28%

17 INSERTION FIGURES Its a programme of information, guidance and job search


19 Features of the programme Agility, speed and flexibility (Online and onsite services). Complementarity with existing programmes of active employment policies Practical and useful action plan to focus on personal growth and employability of the people who lost their jobs Based on strengthening the autonomy of participants On line contents on a trilingual basis: Spanish, Catalan and English. Clear visibility of the collaboration among Barcelona Activa,- City Council of Barcelona, Ministry of Enterprise and Labour of the Government of Catalonia and European Social Fund.


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