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Discussant conclusions and questions on Brazil, South Africa, Canada and Netherlands papers Stephen Hall Government Statistical Service Department for.

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Presentation on theme: "Discussant conclusions and questions on Brazil, South Africa, Canada and Netherlands papers Stephen Hall Government Statistical Service Department for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussant conclusions and questions on Brazil, South Africa, Canada and Netherlands papers Stephen Hall Government Statistical Service Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs United Kingdom Theme 5 The Environment and Sustainability 21 October 2010 1

2 Brazil and South Africa Country-specific indicators for MDG7 Not just a statistical exercise Coordination with policy Ministries Consultation with stakeholders Aimed at communication with the public Many similarities thematically and in terms of indicators 15

3 Canada Environmental Statistics Framework 2 aspects A thematic / conceptual framework Statistical standards / definitions 15

4 Netherlands Welfare, Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Framework Argues to separate current quality of life from future wellbeing Brings in a separate international dimension 15

5 Specific questions / issues Brazil Why are the MDG and Statistical Office indicators different? What are the obstacles to there being one indicator set? What is the distinction between short-term and long-term indicators? 15

6 Specific questions / issues Canada This appears to be predominantly a thematic list of environmental issues rather than a conceptual framework. Is this a fair comment? How different do you think this would be if it was a list of environmental policies? 15

7 Specific questions / issues Netherlands Distinction between current quality of life and future-oriented capital is blurred as there are common indicators. Is this a problem? The capital flows and associated benefits for the current generation are missing, are these needed to understand the capital stocks? 15

8 Specific questions / issues Netherlands In the international dimension how should the balance of imports and exports be evaluated? 15

9 General questions Do any of these approaches measure environmental sustainability? Do frameworks make a difference when it comes down to the indicators chosen? Who are the indicators for? How should policy makers be engaged? 15

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