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AP US Semester 1 Exam. Tomorrow’s Exam 60 multiple choice –20 questions from chapters 23-26 Study lecture notes and Mr. Mat’s notes –10 questions from.

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Presentation on theme: "AP US Semester 1 Exam. Tomorrow’s Exam 60 multiple choice –20 questions from chapters 23-26 Study lecture notes and Mr. Mat’s notes –10 questions from."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP US Semester 1 Exam

2 Tomorrow’s Exam 60 multiple choice –20 questions from chapters 23-26 Study lecture notes and Mr. Mat’s notes –10 questions from previous tests/quizzes on Chapters 1 - 22 Five identification –Keywords from chapters 23-26

3 8 Why did the federal government intervene to stop the Pullman strike in 1895?

4 8 What caused the Great Railroad strike of 1877?

5 8 Which robber baron dominated the steel industry?

6 8 The American Federation of Labor was a union for what TYPE of workers?

7 8 What is the term that describes the movement of large numbers of people to big cities in the late 1800s?

8 8 Who was the leader of the Knights of Labor?

9 8 What industry did John Rockefeller dominate?

10 8 Name one characteristics of the “New Immigrants” of the 1880s

11 8 As a result of better farming technology, more crops were produced. What effect did this have on crop prices?

12 8 What group did the Grange fight for?

13 8 What kind of people supported more coining of silver in the late 1800s?

14 8 What was the difference between Booker T. Washington and WEB Du Bois?

15 What source of labor in the early colonies was later replaced by enslaved Africans?

16 Who were the founders of Plymouth colony?

17 What event after South Carolina’s secession officially started the Civil War?

18 What was the name for the laws passed in the South after Reconstruction that set up a system of segregation?

19 At the beginning of the Civil War, what was meant by Lincoln’s saying, “the 90- day war”?

20 What happened to the Northern economy after the Civil War?

21 What did Congress do in 1883 in response to anti-Chinese feelings in California?

22 Name two of the “border states” in the Civil War.

23 Who was freed by the Emancipation Proclamation?

24 Compared to the Radical Republicans, how did Andrew Johnson treat the former Confederate states?

25 What novel did Harriet Beecher Stowe write before the Civil War?

26 What officially ended slavery in the US?

27 What did popular sovereignty mean?

28 What was the goal of John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry?

29 What was the name for the idea that it was the God-given mission of the US to conquer land all the way to the Pacific Ocean?

30 Why was the Free Soil Party of white workers against slavery?

31 What event caused South Carolina to secede?

32 What was the name of the colonial rebellion in 1676 by landless white men?

33 Why were Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams kicked out of Massachusetts Bay colony?

34 What part of the Compromise of 1850 outraged Northerners the most?

35 Who led the slave rebellion of 1831 that killed 55 whites?

36 What was the name of the first, weak constitution of the United States?

37 What did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 deal with?

38 The Great Compromise made when writing the Constitution was about what?

39 Who was the “father” of the Constitution?

40 What was the 3/5ths compromise?

41 Who supported a stronger federal government: Federalists or Anti- Federalists?

42 Was Alexander Hamilton a Federalist or Anti-Federalist?

43 What political party was formed by Jefferson and Madison in response to Alexander Hamilton’s Federalists?

44 What law was passed by Andrew Jackson to move Native Americans west of the Mississippi River?

45 Who wrote the essay “Civil Disobedience”?

46 What’s the name for the economic idea that mother countries needed as much gold and silver as possible?

47 What war between France and the British colonies happened between 1754 and 1763?

48 Which British colony was created near the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia in 1607?

49 How did the Jamestown colony avoid ruin?

50 Which side, North or South, had the advantage when it came to its military objective in the war?

51 What compromise ended Reconstruction?

52 Which Supreme Court case decided that segregation was constitutional?

53 Why did the South believe that Britain would get involved in the Civil War on its side?

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