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Creating Staff Development Programs that Work Connected Classroom Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach

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1 Creating Staff Development Programs that Work Connected Classroom Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach

2 Cathy Berlinger-Gustafson n Defines Staff Development as... n “The implementation of a systematic program of adult learning experiences that result in changing the attitude, skills, knowledge, of school employees toward the goal of improved instruction.”

3 Ian Jukes n Mistaken belief that skills will flow from areas of high concentration (technology device) to areas of lower concentration (staff member)

4 Research Shows n In 1989 six percent of elementary schools and three percent of secondary schools had a full time tech support person with no teaching duties… 1992 percentages have not changed. (Office of Technology Assessment, 1995)

5 Obstacles to Staff Development n Time n Actual time spent on staff development has decreased n Money n Average teacher makes $160 per day. If you multiply that times the number of teachers in a state…Several million dollars for just one day!

6 Design Staff Development n In Context of Improving overall Quality of School Programs n So that the Technology Activities Compliment and Enhance other School Improvement Activities

7 Create Staff Development Programs n Around District and Schools Technology Plan/Vision/Mission/Goals n So that all Professional Development Activities are Placed within the Context of Exemplary Practice n In Ways that Move Learners Along a Continuum from Non Users to Integrators and Appliers of Technology

8 Models of Teacher Technology Continuum n Apple Classroom of Tomorrow Project (ACOT) (ACOT) n Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) (CBAM) n Levels of Tech Implementation (LoTi) (LoTi) n Modified Four Stage (Watertown Public Schools) (Watertown Public Schools) n Teacher Techno Development Continuum (W.T. Cooke Elementary)





13 Indicators of Successful Staff Development n Well Trained Teachers that Understand how to Make Use of Tools Available to them and How that Relates to the Learning Environment. n Provisions for Transitional Activities Designed to Move Learners along Continuum.

14 What Now? n Survey Needs/Developmental Levels/Concerns n Analyze to Determine Level n Plan Training Activities To Move Learners to Next Level n Who Will Train? n Design Workshops

15 Trainer Cadre n Train your Trainers Teach them to incorporate principles of cooperative learning,curriculum integration,active learning, and authentic assessment n Model Seamless Integration n Continual Recruitment For fresh ideas, energy and areas of expertise

16 Possible Compensation Sources n Instructional Technology Office Budget n Use a portion of Tech Support funding earmarked for stipends, training, and other tech support issues n From a portion of tuition fees (district) for those taking course for credit n Grant Sources (TitleVI, Eisenhower, Businesses) n ECPI, Manpower

17 Incentives to Participate n Voluntary Better than Mandated n Meet Personal Goals n Days Off for Technology Productivity n Tech Upgrades to the Proficent n Certification Points n Prizes and Freebies n Keepers of the Tech Toys for Grade Level n Recognition

18 Basic to Intermediate Transition Activities n Open Lab times to work on projects, share ideas, learn from peers n Certificate of Completion n Sponsor Variety of Roundtable Discussions n SAM (Skill of the Month) Club n Buddy System

19 Intermediate to Advanced Show and Tell – Bulletin Boards – List Serves – Web Pages – Tech Fairs showing off class projects Peer Coaching Release Time to Observe in Other Schools Collaboration Time n design and complete a project n several schools work together

20 Transition to Trainers of Trainers n Provide Time for Discussion of Issues, Ideas, Problems n Offer a Challenge with a Reward What school can have 100% teachers adept at word processing by a set time n Send to Training n Numerous and Varied Methods of Recognition

21 Characteristics of Effective Staff Development n Involvement in Planning n Involve Administration n District Level Support n Clear Expectations n Opportunities for Sharing n Allow for Choice n Recognize - Affirm- Praise n Opportunities for Practice n Presenter Enthusiasm and Delivery n Continuity n Follow-up

22 Presenters Should: n Teach with Authority n Confess to Growing and Learning n Can’t Lead if They Won’t Follow…Be Worth Following n Treat Individuals Individually n Facilitate Change One Person at a Time n Work with an End in Mind n Take and Provide Calculated Risks for the Sake of Learning and Growing n Be Creative

23 Guidelines for Reaching the Reluctant n Convince them Goal is Increased Student Performance n Deliver a Complete Package n Speak their Language n Offer Continual Support n Provide Rewards and Incentives n Eliminate Risk and Surprise

24 n Learning Center Software Preview n Circus Format n Game Show Style Review n Bait and Switch n Gadgets and Toys n How to Buy a Computer n Cereal Box Learning n Boot Camp Interesting Ideas for Workshops

25 URLs Not in Handout n n n n n

26 Bernice McCarthy “Instruction based on learning styles and brain dominance applies to the education of teachers as well as students.”

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