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1 2 May 2012 “The University of Third Age” (U3A) Network of Hong Kong Mimi Yeung, General Manager (Public Affairs)

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Presentation on theme: "1 2 May 2012 “The University of Third Age” (U3A) Network of Hong Kong Mimi Yeung, General Manager (Public Affairs)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 2 May 2012 “The University of Third Age” (U3A) Network of Hong Kong Mimi Yeung, General Manager (Public Affairs)

2 2 ●Background ●Objectives ●U3A Innovative Learning Model ●Achievements ●Impact Assessment ●Challenges

3 3 Background ●Increasingly aging society in Hong Kong ●More people retiring at an earlier age, these third-age people are still very energetic and have ample capacity to pursue their aspirations and serve the community. ●They are more educated and can contribute to society through utilization of their knowledge and experience.

4 4 Establishment of U3A ●HK Electric has a long tradition of serving the elderly but more ad hoc in the past ●Approached HKCSS for ideas and agreed to support elderly education through developing a new programme ●U3A is sponsored by HK Electric Centenary Trust, administrated by HKCSS, and run by U3A centres. ●Since its inception in 2006, the U3A Network has now expanded to include 46 centres under 17 NGOs

5 5 ●Unlike traditional learning model organised by NGOs, U3A participants are encouraged to play an active role in teaching and managing U3A centres themselves. ●“Education of the elderly, by the elderly and for the elderly.” Self- initiated Self- learning Self- taught Self- managed Fostering a greater sense of involvement and satisfaction among U3A students Innovative Model

6 6 Roles and Responsibilities ●Operation of U3A centres ●Sharing amongst U3As ●Developing U3A ●NGO coordination ●Programme Administration ●Funding ●Volunteers’ participation ●Promotion/ publicity

7 7 To the community 1)Response to social needs 2)To enable HK retirees to stay socially and mentally active 3)To build confidence and self esteem among HK retirees 4)To provide retirees with opportunity to develop and utilise their skills To HK Electric 1)To increase the visibility and positive perception of HK Electric as a caring company 2)To increase understanding about HK Electric’s business among civil society and public 3)To raise sense of pride and belonging among employees to work for HK Electric Objectives

8 8 Building the U3A Brand ●To project the image of U3A programme, and increase sense of belonging amongst U3A participants, U3A brand was built - U3A badge, windbreaker uniform, letter head template, etc. ●U3A students remarked that they are proud to be part of U3A Network.

9 9 U3A courses Cooking Computer Handicrafts Social Dance

10 10 Outputs ●46 U3A centres set up under 17 NGOs ●More than 2,000 courses arranged ●Nearly 32,000 learning opportunities for retirees

11 11 Awards ●Hong Kong - Outstanding Partnership Project Award under Caring Company Scheme in 2008 and Favourite elderly care project in 2011 ●Mainland China - Silver Award in CSR Category at the 9 th China Golden Awards for Excellence in Public Relations in 2009 ●Asia Pacific - Winner of CSR category at the SABRE (Superior Achievement in Branding and Reputation) awards in 2009

12 12 Social Impact Assessment ●Commissioned CSR Asia to conduct social impact assessment last year to evaluate impact on community and on HK Electric. ●More than 250 respondents including U3A committee memebers, teachers and their family members, NGO staff, HK Electric’s staff and volunteers were invited to attend focus group meetings or answer questionnaires. ●Based on CSR Asia CI scorecard and LBG, positive results have been achieved.

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15 15 2. Affiliation of U3A Centres Solution Organise “central” activities – sharings, trainings, visits etc Launch U3A website ( Annual U3A Fun Day Annual Completion Ceremony Challenges 1.Varied quality of U3A Centres Solution Invite outstanding U3A committee members, teachers and centres to share their successful stories with other centres

16 16 Challenges 3. Lack of classrooms/ teachers Solution U3A committee members work closely with NGOs to plan the classes timetable Think out of the box – discover any possible space, such as parks, community halls, playgrounds or even ancestral halls Invite retired civil servants to be U3A teachers Encourage HK Electric’s volunteers to share their interest and knowledge 4. Sustainability – funding/ interest Solution Modify funding model Regular review and update of the programme progress including funding usage, to make sure subsidies are well used Build capacity instead of expanding network

17 17 I am active in my U3A centre, from running the centre to organising classes and teaching, great satisfaction is achieved and the happiest is getting full support from my family. Sy Ching-tam - U3A committee member and teacher

18 18 Mui Shin-ling (Centre) - U3A committee member I was reluctant to make new friends and afraid to speak in public in the past. After joining U3A, since I am responsible for promoting courses, I have more opportunities to speak to other people - my self-confidence is raised!

19 Thank You

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