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Opening Remarks / System Overview. Is this your first time to San Francisco? 1.Yes 2.No.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Remarks / System Overview. Is this your first time to San Francisco? 1.Yes 2.No."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Remarks / System Overview

2 Is this your first time to San Francisco? 1.Yes 2.No

3 How many years have you been in the corporate contributions profession? (Range) 1.0-2 Years 2.3-5 Years 3.6-10 Years 4.11-15 Years 5.15+ Years

4 What department does your area report into? 1.Human Resources 2.Legal 3.Chief Executive Officer 4.Community Relations 5.Corporate Social Responsibility 6.Corporate/Public Affairs 7.Communication/PR 8.Marketing 9.Government Affairs 10.Other

5 How long have you been involved with ACCP (or formerly Contributions Academy)? 1.0-2 Years 2.3-5 Years 3.6-10 Years 4.11-15 Years 5.I don’t know, it’s all been a blure

6 Select the overriding reason that you decided to attend this year’s Conference: 1.Get away from the kids 2.Get away from the spouse 3.Golf Outing/Nature Walk 4.Discuss best practices in corporate philanthropy/CSR 5.Network with my peers 6.See Mark and Melinda 7.San Francisco Cuisine

7 Philanthropy in a Changing Economy

8 Select a response that best describes the impact of the economic downturn on your company’s operations. 1.Substantially positive 2.Slightly positive 3.No impact 4.Slightly negative 5.Substantially negative 6.I don’t know

9 Select a response that accurately reflects changes you anticipate in overall giving by your company in 2009? 1.Increase 2.No Change 3.Decrease 4.I Don’t Know

10 If making changes to giving, what program areas do you anticipate adjusting to meet spending targets? 1.Matching Gifts 2.Federated Campaigns 3.Foundation Grants 4.Corporate Fund 5.Product Giving 6.Volunteerism 7.Cause-related marketing 8.Other


12 In your opinion, how closely are your strategic contributions activities linked to your company’s business imperatives? 1.Significantly aligned 2.Moderately aligned 3.Not at all aligned

13 Skills Based Volunteerism

14 Does your company invest in skills-based volunteerism? 1.Never 2.Rarely 3.Sometimes 4.Often 5.Always

15 Does your company invest in pro bono services? 1.Never 2.Rarely 3.Sometimes 4.Often 5.Always

16 What is the most essential element to driving a successful skills-based volunteer program? 1.Executive buy-in 2.Offering professional services 3.High-skill workforce 4.Wiling and able nonprofit partners 5.Organizational culture 6.Ability to assess & inventory your company’s human capital

17 Assuming equal market value, which of the following do you think most effectively helps your grantees achieve their goals? 1.Financial donations 2.Traditional hands-on volunteerism (i.e. painting, service events) 3.Skilled volunteer support (i.e. pro bono, lending technical skills)

18 Please indicate your agreement with the following: “Our employees’ business skills and knowledge would be valuable to nonprofits that are facing business/organizational challenges.” 1.Strongly agree 2.Somewhat agree 3.Neither agree nor disagree 4.Somewhat disagree 5.Strongly disagree

19 When you think of Target, what potential pro bono services come to mind? 1.Marketing/ Advertising 2.Supply Chain/ Logistics 3.Construction 4.Law Enforcement 5.Technology

20 When companies provide pro bono services, should they also be required to make financial and/or product donations to the same organization? 10 1.Yes 2.No

21 Are you responsible for managing your company’s volunteer program? 1.Yes 2.No

22 Where do you see the greatest opportunity for pro bono services that your company can offer nonprofits? 1.Marketing 2.Governance 3.Finance/ Accounting 4.Leadership/ Professional development 5.Legal 6.Specialized Product/ Service Capacity Building 7.Other

23 Based on what you heard today, do you see the opportunity to pursue pro bono for skills-based volunteerism as part of your giving strategy? 1.Yes 2.No

24 Investing in Education

25 Why does your company support education? 1.Invest in future employees 2.Aligns with customer’s philanthropic interests 3.Community expectations 4.Legacy program 5.Focus area driven by senior management 6.Education closely linked to your company’s products/services

26 In your opinion, what single most effective tactic businesses can implement to improve educational performance? 1.Invest in teachers 2.Advocacy 3.Fund research 4.Support capital projects 5.Provide mentoring opportunities 6.Public awareness 7.Adopt a school 8.I don’t know

27 How many students drop out of high school every school day? 1.1,000 2.3,000 3.7,000

28 How do our 15 year-olds rank in math compared to students in other developed countries? 1.1 st 2.8 th 3.23 rd

29 American Red Cross – Charting a New Course

30 Select the most heavily weighted factor that determines your company’s participation in a disaster event response. 1.A pre-determined plan guides funding levels/resource allocation 2.National or local media attention 3.Operations located in impacted area(s) 4.Internal pressure from employees and/or senior management 5.Peer company involvement 6.Availability of financial or product resources

31 Do you have a formalized review process for responding to disasters? 1.Yes 2.No 10

32 Do you budget resources to support disaster relief? 1.Yes 2.No 10

33 How do you finance disaster relief? 1.Designated funds 2.Using non-designated funds 3.Transfer funds from other designated programs 4.Activate an employee matching gift program 5.Initiate a consumer engagement or cause marketing campaign 6.Do not support disaster relief 10

34 In light of the economic crisis, rate your concern regarding our nation’s ability to respond to major disasters in 2009. 1.Extremely concerned 2.Very concerned 3.Somewhat concerned 4.Not at all concerned (confident) 5.Very confident 10

35 Closing Remarks

36 How would you describe the economic outlook for your company in 2010? 1.Very positive 2.Positive 3.No change 4.Negative 5.Very negative 10

37 How optimistic are you about meeting social demands in 2010? 1.Very positive 2.Positive 3.No change 4.Negative 5.Very negative 10

38 Delegate Assembly

39 Motion: To accept language as proposed to revise ACCP By-Laws to expand board term from three (3) to four (4) years and increase board size to twenty (20) directors effective immediately. 1.Yes 2.No 10

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