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Land Rights Protection from Gender Perspective: A Case of Land Rights Monitors in Tanzania Godfrey Eliseus Massay Programmes Coordinator for Land Tanzania.

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Presentation on theme: "Land Rights Protection from Gender Perspective: A Case of Land Rights Monitors in Tanzania Godfrey Eliseus Massay Programmes Coordinator for Land Tanzania."— Presentation transcript:

1 Land Rights Protection from Gender Perspective: A Case of Land Rights Monitors in Tanzania Godfrey Eliseus Massay Programmes Coordinator for Land Tanzania Natural Resource Forum

2 Land Rights Monitors Two individuals democratically elected by villagers A man and a woman From each village that received training from HAKIARDHI Willing to provide training, advice and support to their fellow villagers and village government. Given more training on land rights, environment and human rights, facilitation skills, land deals negotiation, networking and movement building.

3 LRMs This innovation started to be used in 2007 There are more than 600 LRMs at the moment in more than 12 Districts HAKIARDHI is not the only organization that uses community representatives to sustain its projects However it is the only organization that engage men and women on equal basis LRMs submit period reports to HAKIARDHI

4 Securing Tenure Rights Provision of Mass education Strengthen village land administration Reclaimed land which was grabbed Mediation of land conflicts Access to justice through formal court system Negotiation of land deals Engagement with policy makers, district leaders, and politicians Facilitate land ownership for women Engage with Media Demand land use plan

5 Success Stories In Mufindi, two investors paid compensation because of pressure from LRMs and the communities. In Rufiji, LRMs demanded land use planning before land is acquired for investment In Kahama, LRMs have trained more than 150,000 people in 8 districts in 2 years In Morogoro, LRMs have negotiated a deal with investor- three villages are now receiving more than 50 Million Tsh. annually as CSR In Kilombero, LRM have demanded fair compensation- 120 houses build by investor for communities that lost land. In Kisarawe, LRMs have reclaimed more than 3000ha acquired by local investors, and successfully demanded land compensation which was delayed for 6 years by investor. LRMs in Kilindi and Kilombero have instituted and won case against investors who grabbed village land. In Morogoro LRMs have represented individuals in courts- using power of attorney Women LRMs played important role in training land rights for women and in resolving land conflicts

6 Some events attended by LRMs LRMs attending National Land Forum LRMs attending media program LRM speaking before MPs3 LRMs guest speakers at AGM

7 Challenges They depend on a team of lawyers from HAKIARDHI and LHRC Women-especially married LRMs are not very active They are often threated by politicians and local government leaders The demand for their work is more than their capacity Often they use their own resources (time and money) At the moment very few are active on the ground They need regular trainings

8 Way Forward A special program for LRM is needed Regular trainings Protection mechanism This model can be replicated or scaled-up


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