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Philippine Health Information System Crispinita A. Valdez Director, Information Management Service 1 st National Staff Meeting CY 2007, January 24-25,

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Presentation on theme: "Philippine Health Information System Crispinita A. Valdez Director, Information Management Service 1 st National Staff Meeting CY 2007, January 24-25,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Philippine Health Information System Crispinita A. Valdez Director, Information Management Service 1 st National Staff Meeting CY 2007, January 24-25, 2007, Clark Field, Pampanga

2 WHY PHIS? Underlying premises:  Improved health through data for evidence- based decision-making  Better measurement, through strengthened health information and statistical systems  Network to galvanize partners and resources for improved health information  Better data - better decisions - better health Timeline  First phase 2006-2012

3 Goal, Objectives, Principles Goal:  Increase availability and use of timely, reliable health information in countries and globally through shared agreement on goals and coordinated investments in health information systems

4 Objectives  Create a harmonized framework for the Philippines' health information system  Strengthen country health information system  Improve access to and use of health information “If you don’t know where you are going, chances are you will end up somewhere else” Yogi Berra

5 PHIS Initiative  Link health and statistical constituencies  Harmonization and alignment  Comprehensive approach to health information  Ownership and stakeholder involvement

6 Why Only Now?  Increased demand for quality health information  Growing interest in comparative performance assessments in health and benchmarking  Performance-based disbursement  Challenges in collecting, evaluating and interpreting indicator data to guide policy-making  Data availability and quality pose problems within and between countries “You cannot manage what you cannot measure” Peter Drucker

7 Health Information System Comprehensive Approach Public health data Hospital data Disease Surveillance Health Accounts Censuses Vital Statistics Survey Data Regulation Data Administrative Data Qualitative Data such as Good Practices Journals, Manuals, other gray materials Philippine Health Information System

8 ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN  Establishment of Philippine Health Information Network (PHIN)  Customization of Health Metric Network (HMN) assessment tool  Central office inventory of existing ISs  NEC started integration of Disease Surveillance Systems  BLHD spearheading skills development & documentation of good practices  Draft framework for ISs technical integration  Development of the Knowledge Management (KM) for Health Strategy  KM tool kits defined and started development  Health portal (interactive website)

9 Philippine Health Information Network DOH NSO NSCB PCHRD UPCM POPCOM National Nutrition Council FNRI DILG WHO GTZ JICA Academe Medical societies

10 PIHIS PIHIS Strategic Framework National Government Information Access DOH Other Government Agencies Private Organizations Academe Research Groups Other Stakeholders Data Beneficiaries Health Regulation Systems Health Program Management Systems Health Service Delivery Systems Health Governance Systems DOH Data Warehouse ICT Infrastructure - Systems Integration - Data Management D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h Standard Data Indicators, Definitions, Formats, Transmission Protocols, Policies and Guidelines ClinicsHospitals RHUs /BHSs Pharmaceutical Companies Drug Test Centers Laboratories Other Health Facilities Standard Source of Data Principle: Build upon existing systems of health information to allow integration of content and functions. S e r v i c e P r o v i d e r s

11 Some ongoing ISs projects in reform areas  Regulatory – BFAD, Drug testing..  Service delivery – Hospital operation, Blood Bank, Filariasis, Malaria, disease registries, surveillance systems..  Governance- Procurement & Logistics Management, e-NGAs, KM tools, Work & Financial Plan,Health Atlas, Local Health System, GIS, HR..

12 HMN assessment tool components  Selected Indicators  data collection, timeliness, periodicity, completeness,context, resources and process  legal framework, human resource, infrastructure  Data synthesis, analysis and use  dissemination and policy advocacy, implementation, resource allocation and planning  Data platforms  vital registration, survey, disease surveillance, health information systems  Excel file Excel file

13 Knowledge Management Strategy KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (KM) ensures that a person has the right knowledge at the right time to make a knowledge-based decisions to achieve organizational goals Why KM? * According to WHO we have to narrow the Know-do Gap, the Gap between what is already known and what is really being practiced * We need to address knowledge gaps & info problems –Knowledge about technology or know-how and know how to apply knowledge correctly –Lack of information on knowledge about attributes (WB)

14 Knowledge Management Strategy VISION: Making knowledge work for a healthy nation MISSION:To foster an environment within DOH where health knowledge production, utilization and sharing are integrated in its everyday life. THRUSTS & STRATEGIES Improving capacities in knowledge production Enhancing knowledge utilization and application Improving exchange and sharing of knowledge Improving information and knowledge infrastructure Transforming DOH staff into knowledge workers

15 KM Sample application Establish an integrated and harmonized health and management information system to include vital stat, censuses, surveys, health researches Ensure quality health information Develop Communities of practice Establish Comprehensive knowledgebase Institute a resource and learning center Formulate national policies and standards

16 KM Sample application Establish environment conducive to research and development. Innovator of new strategies Health portal with comprehensive information on disease control Transform technical staff into knowledge workers Technical authority on health disease control and prevention

17 KM Parallel Implementation Big KM initiatives –F1 Resource and learning Center –eJobs (e-recruitment) –Health portal –Community of practice –Benchmarking –Metrics –Groupware collaboration –Capacity building –Integration of health data/info –Change management Small KM Initiatives – Personal KM – FAQs – Manualization of DOH processes – White pages or expertise locator – Metrics – Meetings improvement – Capacity building – Change management

18 CHALLENGES  Integration of present information systems with the proposed systems  Integration at functional, technical, resource, and implementation levels  Funding  Championing KM initiatives  Providing & sustaining ICT infrastructure

19 CURRENT THRUSTS  Strengthening PHIN to develop and sustain PHIS  Establishment of an integrated and comprehensive health database/warehouse  Harmonization of existing HISs & other data sources  Enhancing info access thru health portal, resource center & other mechanisms  Development of KM tool kits  Upgrading of ICT infrastructure

20 MAJOR Plan of Action for 2007 –Sector-wide health information assessment –Development of health sector strategic health information plan –Development of a proposal for the establishment of PHIS to secure funding for implementation –KM tools development –Start IS & databases integration –Systems development & deployment in major reform areas Quarter 1 and 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Quarter 1-4

21 More Quotes...  “if you don’t measure it, you can’t fix it” Richard Tucker  “Without data.. You’re just another person with an opinion” Joseph Juran  “Insanity! Expecting different results while doing things the same way.” Dr. Gibson  The single biggest mistake organisations make is to have too few performance measures. The second biggest is to have too many” Mark Graham Brown


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