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Lack of Access to Adequate Sanitation in Europe Diana Iskreva, NGO Earth Forever, member of WECF Belgrade, Oct. 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Lack of Access to Adequate Sanitation in Europe Diana Iskreva, NGO Earth Forever, member of WECF Belgrade, Oct. 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lack of Access to Adequate Sanitation in Europe Diana Iskreva, NGO Earth Forever, member of WECF Belgrade, Oct. 2007

2 Lack of Access in Europe Almost 140 million (16%) do not have a household connection to a drinking water supply; 85 million (10%) do not have improved sanitation; Over 41 million (5%) do not have access to a safe drinking-water supply. Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, 2002

3 These cause over 13 000 deaths from diarrhoea among children aged 0–14 years in the Region (5.3% of all deaths in that age group), with the largest contribution coming from countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Protocol on Water and Health, making a difference, 2006

4 Under-Five Mortality Rate of Diarrhoeal Diseases

5 Probability of Dying Before Age 5 Source: WHO Regional Office for Europe

6 In Bulgaria 1/3 of the population is served by intermittent water supply. Intermittent Water Supply -- REGIME

7 Rural Sanitation

8 School Sanitation

9 Human Faecal Bacteria Drinking Water in Garla Mare Village, Romania contains faecal and coli-bacteria! According to EU guideline water would not even be safe for bathing. Micro organisms in 1 g of faecal matter: 10,000,000 viruses; 1,000,000 bacteria; 1,000 parasite cysts; 100parasite eggs.

10 Sources of Pollution and Lack of Adequate Source Protection Animal manure; Animal manure; Pit latrines; Pit latrines; Obsolete pesticide dumpsite; Obsolete pesticide dumpsite; Inadequate or lack of solid waste management. Inadequate or lack of solid waste management.

11 Affordable Sanitation Solutions Urine-diverting toilets and planted soil filters; Urine-diverting toilets and planted soil filters; Composting of household bio wastes (incl. human wastes). Composting of household bio wastes (incl. human wastes).

12 Affordable and Hygienic School Sanitation

13 Raising Awareness and WASH

14 Thank you for your attention!

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