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1 DGHE – DGVET Opening pathways between Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education The Netherlands Ron Minnée - Jeanette Noordijk Director.

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Presentation on theme: "1 DGHE – DGVET Opening pathways between Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education The Netherlands Ron Minnée - Jeanette Noordijk Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 DGHE – DGVET Opening pathways between Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education The Netherlands Ron Minnée - Jeanette Noordijk Director HE & Stud fin – Director Voc Ed & Adult Ed Ministry of Education Culture and Science

2 2 NL Education system and movements - green he - yellow voc ed - orange other sec ed

3 3 Educational backgrounds in first year UAS 2000-2011 orange - more than one year after diploma yellow - direct from voc ed blue - direct from gen sec ed - 5 year HAVO green - direct from gen sec ed – 6 year VWO brown - direct with other diploma

4 4 Percentage of students in the highest level of VET (BOL-4) going to HE (both direct and indirect, 2002-2010)

5 5 Policy issues 1 Flexibility and Lifelong Learning 2 Improving success rate of students 3 Strengthening vocational/professional column

6 6 Flexibility and Lifelong learning OESO figures: NL higher education - little of short duration - much of long duration Hence: Introduction of short cycle HE = Associate degree - in UAS Request of employers – lifelong learning Pilots: yearly tender for new programmes requirements: - requested by employers - accreditation of new programme - progression to bachelor possible - joint programming with VET From 2014: end of experimental phase and start of Ad as a widely available degree at UAS

7 7 Improving success rate students MBO-4 qualifies for 1 labour market 2 progression to UAS Ca 50 % of MBO-4 graduates progresses to UAS (despite 2% MBO-3/4 graduates unemployment in 2010) Drop out rates in UAS in % per year of enrollment Year in UAS 1 2 3 4 5 Mbo18 23 24 26 26 Havo 14 17 18 19 19 Conclusion: reduce drop out rate mbo-4 by further requirements

8 8 Strengthening vocational column - 1 Back to education sustem: Present NL system - Vocational column Voc ed two learning paths: 1 School based 20-60% practice (2/3 students) 2 Apprenticeship system over 80% practice (1/3 students) HE 240 ECTS (4 year) of which ½ - one year apprenticeship

9 9 Strengthening vocational column - 2 Streamlining for progression mbo-4 →UAS : Shortening and intensifying mbo-4 (from 4 – 3 years) including English language, Dutch language, mathematics To improve success rate: for progression MBO-4 → UAS: additional related subject requirement To further skills development: Centres for innovation of professional skills and expertise Orientation at regional development/employability Associate degree (short cycle HE) – start also possible in mbo - new environment HE research experience essential

10 10 Further information See:

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