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Warm-up Question: (answer in your class copy book) Columbus undertook his 1492 voyage to the Americas to a) Christianize the Indian population b) prove.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up Question: (answer in your class copy book) Columbus undertook his 1492 voyage to the Americas to a) Christianize the Indian population b) prove."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up Question: (answer in your class copy book) Columbus undertook his 1492 voyage to the Americas to a) Christianize the Indian population b) prove that the Earth was round c) discover new worlds d) test the geographic theories of Ptolemy e) secure wealth and power for himself and the Spanish throne

2 Middle Ages 500 – 1500 A.D. 500 – 1500 A.D. Age of Feudalism Age of Feudalism 1095 – 1291 A.D. Crusades take place 1095 – 1291 A.D. Crusades take place

3 Late Middle Ages Trade began to increase Trade began to increase Need for bankers, established credit Need for bankers, established credit Large middle class began to develop Large middle class began to develop People began gaining more say in government People began gaining more say in government Led to the development of strong national governments Led to the development of strong national governments

4 Renaissance C. 1350 – 1500s C. 1350 – 1500s Rebirth in culture and learning from Rome and Greece Rebirth in culture and learning from Rome and Greece Raphael, Michelangelo, da Vinci, etc. Raphael, Michelangelo, da Vinci, etc. 1440 Guttenberg invents the printing press with movable type 1440 Guttenberg invents the printing press with movable type


6 Religious Changes Most Europeans were Roman Catholic Most Europeans were Roman Catholic Reformers began to criticize the wealth of the church and clergy Reformers began to criticize the wealth of the church and clergy Began to print Bibles in the language of the people Began to print Bibles in the language of the people Martin Luther Martin Luther Protestant faiths were born Protestant faiths were born First movements occurred in Germany, England, & the Netherlands First movements occurred in Germany, England, & the Netherlands

7 New Nations began to Emerge At the beginning of the Middle Ages, most of Europe was made up of small states At the beginning of the Middle Ages, most of Europe was made up of small states 1485 Henry VII united England 1485 Henry VII united England France, Spain, and Portugal also united France, Spain, and Portugal also united Began to feel the need to expand Began to feel the need to expand

8 Colonization Patterns

9 Reasons Rapid accumulation of wealth (1400s- late 1500s) Rapid accumulation of wealth (1400s- late 1500s) Religion (late 1500s) Religion (late 1500s)

10 Spanish Led by conquistadors Led by conquistadors Extreme violence Extreme violence Large population centers Large population centers Areas rich in gold Areas rich in gold Long-term impact Long-term impact

11 France Similar to Spain in government control and religion Similar to Spain in government control and religion Different in relation with natives and economic focus Different in relation with natives and economic focus Traded and worked with the natives Traded and worked with the natives

12 Netherlands Different in religion, Different in religion, settlement type, and relation, with natives settlement type, and relation, with natives Very small community and impact Very small community and impact

13 England Different in settlement type, character of colonization, religion Different in settlement type, character of colonization, religion Differences from other nations explain why England had the most impact on the region and not other nations Differences from other nations explain why England had the most impact on the region and not other nations Permanent settlements, massive immigration Permanent settlements, massive immigration

14 Jamestown Established in 1607, by the Virginia Company of London as a business venture Established in 1607, by the Virginia Company of London as a business venture First permanent English settlement in the New World First permanent English settlement in the New World


16 The Virginia House of Burgesses was established by the 1640s was the first elected assembly in the New World The Virginia House of Burgesses was established by the 1640s was the first elected assembly in the New World It has operated continuously and is currently known as the General Assembly of Virginia It has operated continuously and is currently known as the General Assembly of Virginia


18 Characteristics of early exploration and settlement in the New World

19 New England Colonies Settled by the Puritans, were seeking freedom from religious persecution in Europe Settled by the Puritans, were seeking freedom from religious persecution in Europe They formed a “covenant community” based on the Mayflower Compact and Puritans religious beliefs They formed a “covenant community” based on the Mayflower Compact and Puritans religious beliefs

20 NE Continued Puritans were often intolerant of those not sharing their religion Puritans were often intolerant of those not sharing their religion They sought economic opportunity They sought economic opportunity Practiced a form of direct democracy through town meetings Practiced a form of direct democracy through town meetings



23 Middle Colonies Settled by chiefly English, Dutch, and Germans Settled by chiefly English, Dutch, and Germans They were seeking economic opportunity and religious freedom They were seeking economic opportunity and religious freedom

24 Virginia & the Southern Colonies Settled by people seeking economic opportunities Settled by people seeking economic opportunities “Cavaliers” were English nobility who received large land grants in eastern VA from the King of England “Cavaliers” were English nobility who received large land grants in eastern VA from the King of England

25 Not these guys

26 This is a cavalier

27 Poor English immigrants also came seeking better lives as small farmers or artisans and settled in the Shenandoah Valley or western VA Poor English immigrants also came seeking better lives as small farmers or artisans and settled in the Shenandoah Valley or western VA Indentured Servants: Indentured Servants: – agreed to work on tobacco plantations for a time to pay for passage to the New World

28 Interaction among Europeans, Africans, and American Indians

29 American Indian vs. Europeans The explorations and settlements of the English in the American colonies and Spanish in the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, often led to violent conflicts with the Native Americans The explorations and settlements of the English in the American colonies and Spanish in the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, often led to violent conflicts with the Native Americans The Indians lost their traditional territories and fell victim to diseases carried from Europe The Indians lost their traditional territories and fell victim to diseases carried from Europe

30 By contrast, French exploration of Canada did not lead to large-scale immigration from France and relations between French and the Natives was often cooperative By contrast, French exploration of Canada did not lead to large-scale immigration from France and relations between French and the Natives was often cooperative

31 Africans vs. Europeans The growth of an agricultural economy based on large landholdings in the Southern colonies and the Caribbean led to the introduction of slavery in the New World The growth of an agricultural economy based on large landholdings in the Southern colonies and the Caribbean led to the introduction of slavery in the New World The first Africans were brought against their will to Jamestown in 1619 to work on tobacco plantations The first Africans were brought against their will to Jamestown in 1619 to work on tobacco plantations


33 Exit Slip: (in your class copy books) What was the difference between colonization by the Spanish, French, and English? Where was each located?

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