Welcome to our home page! File Name: HomePage.aspx"> Welcome to our home page! File Name: HomePage.aspx">

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Creating Custom Controls with User Controls. Including Standard Content with User Controls Global Super Company Global Super Company We mean business!

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Custom Controls with User Controls. Including Standard Content with User Controls Global Super Company Global Super Company We mean business!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Custom Controls with User Controls

2 Including Standard Content with User Controls Global Super Company Global Super Company We mean business! File name: SimpleHeader.ascx

3 Including Standard Content with User Controls <%@ Register TagPrefix="SuperCompany" TagName="Header" Src="SimpleHeader.ascx" %> <Supercompany:Header ID="ctlHeader" Runat="Server" /> Welcome to our home page! File Name: HomePage.aspx

4 Including Standard Content with User Controls ► TagPrefix  The alias to associate with the user control ’ s namespace ► TagName  The alias to associate with the user control ’ s class ► Src  The virtual path to the file containing the user control

5 Including Standard Content with User Controls <table width="90%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1" bordercolor="red"> File Name: Divider.ascx

6 Including Standard Content with User Controls UserControlsDivider.aspx Here is some text... Here is some more text... Yet some more text... File Name: UserControlsDivider.aspx

7 Exposing Properties and Methods in User Controls Public PageTitle As String = "Global Super Company" Global Super Company We mean business! File Name: HeaderTitle.ascx

8 Exposing Properties and Methods in User Controls <%@ Register TagPrefix="SuperCompany" TagName="Header" Src="HeaderTitle.ascx" %> <Supercompany:Header ID="ctlHeader" PageTitle="The Home Page" Runat="Server" /> Welcome to our home page! File Name: HomePageTitle.aspx

9 Exposing Properties and Methods in User Controls Public Word As String Sub Repeat( intNumTimes As Integer ) Dim intCounter As Integer For intCounter = 0 to intNumTimes - 1 Response.Write( Word ) Next End Sub File Name: WordRepeater.ascx

10 Exposing Properties and Methods in User Controls <%@ Register TagPrefix="SuperCompany" TagName="WordRepeater" Src="WordRepeater.ascx" %> Sub Page_Load myWordRepeater.Repeat( 50 ) End Sub DisplayWordRepeater.aspx <SuperCompany:WordRepeater ID="myWordRepeater “ Word="Hello" Runat="Server" /> File Name: DisplayWordRepeater.aspx

11 Exposing Web Controls in User Control Street Address: City: State: ZIP: File Name: Address.ascx

12 Exposing Web Controls in User Control <%@ Register TagPrefix="SuperCompany" TagName="Address" Src="Address.ascx" %> DisplayAddress.aspx Billing Address Shipping Address File Name: DiaplayAddress.aspx

13 Exposing Web Controls in User Control Public Property Street As String Get Return txtStreet.Text End Get Set txtStreet.Text = Value End Set End Property Public Property City As String Get Return txtCity.Text End Get Set txtCity.Text = Value End Set End Property Public Property State As String Get Return txtState.Text End Get Set txtState.Text = Value End Set End Property Public Property ZIP As String Get Return txtZIP.Text End Get Set txtZIP.Text = Value End Set End Property Street Address: <asp:TextBox ID="txtStreet" Runat="Server" /> City: <asp:TextBox ID="txtCity" Runat="Server" /> State: <asp:TextBox ID="txtState" Runat="Server" /> ZIP: <asp:TextBox ID="txtZIP" Runat="Server" /> File Name: AddressProperties.ascx

14 Exposing Web Controls in User Control <%@ Register TagPrefix="SuperCompany" TagName="Address" Src="AddressProperties.ascx" %> Sub Button_Click( s As Object, e As EventArgs ) lblOutput.Text = " You entered the following values: " lblOutput.Text &= " Billing Address: " lblOutput.Text &= " Street: " & ctlBillingAddress.Street lblOutput.Text &= " City: " & ctlBillingAddress.City lblOutput.Text &= " State: " & ctlBillingAddress.State lblOutput.Text &= " ZIP: " & ctlBillingAddress.ZIP lblOutput.Text &= " " lblOutput.Text &= " Billing Address: " lblOutput.Text &= " Street: " & ctlShippingAddress.Street lblOutput.Text &= " City: " & ctlShippingAddress.City lblOutput.Text &= " State: " & ctlShippingAddress.State lblOutput.Text &= " ZIP: " & ctlShippingAddress.ZIP End Sub DisplayAddressProperties.aspx Billing Address <SuperCompany:Address ID="ctlBillingAddress" Runat="Server" /> Shipping Address <SuperCompany:Address ID="ctlShippingAddress" Runat="Server" /> <asp:Button Text="Submit" OnClick="Button_Click" Runat="Server" /> <asp:Label ID="lblOutput" Runat="Server" /> File Name: DiaplayAddressProperties.aspx

15 Exposing Events in User Control Sub Page_Load Dim RanNum As New Random Select Case RanNum.Next( 3 ) Case 0 lblQuote.Text = "A penny saved is a penny earned" Case 1 lblQuote.Text = "Look before you leap" Case 2 lblQuote.Text = "He who hesitates is lost" End Select End Sub <asp:Label id="lblQuote" Runat="Server" /> File Name: ControlEvents.ascx

16 Exposing Events in User Control <%@ Register TagPrefix="SuperCompany" TagName="Quote" Src="ControlEvents.ascx" %> <SuperCompany:Quote Runat="Server" /> File Name: DisplayControlEvents.aspx

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