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1 Integrating user environments and data liquidity to improve the research experience.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Integrating user environments and data liquidity to improve the research experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Integrating user environments and data liquidity to improve the research experience

2 2 Challenged traditional ideas of original, authoritative sources, books, role of libraries, places of learning, discourse 1996 view

3 3 Content Services

4 4 What modern scholarship requires is for research institutions to be comprehensively attuned not only to how the bit-streams of these newly created resources are best technically derived and maintained, but also to how they are best socially exchanged and governed. Nora Daly on Growing Knowledge outcomes

5 5 Information overload or filter failure? (Clay Shirky)


7 7 Aspects of the demand Annotate & share buy cite collaborate compare & contrast (n-gram search) count occurrence of idea create 3D models create tag cloud create geo-temporal visualisations do morphology find more like this one find similar & different get graph highlight map mine datasets print publish rank reformat remove from my list renew save to my list search content of search my list semantic analysis summarize trace citation forward & backward trace idea forward & backward translate

8 8 Library response to demand - projects Metadata standards Integrating traditional and new processes Extending and deploying services Starting to think more about the tools that analyze, visualize and annotate data to improve social exchange and flows Starting to internalize the project experience

9 9 BL Digital Research & Curator Team - community partnerships commercial curatorial services & reading rooms academic funding bodies digital consortia media users digital scholars social networks systems & services marketing eIS/STM exhibitions search & retrieval preservation services DR&CT machines

10 10 Team plan Consolidate Collaborate Extend Digital Curation as process: content, acquisitions, tools & Digital Asset Register Cross-directorate initiatives: project management, apps, exhibitions, events, strategies Digital Scholarship: horizon scanning, communities of practice Training & development : seminars, conferences, courses, debates

11 11 [ Engagement + Social Media ]

12 12 JING British Newspaper Archive Launching in November

13 13 Applying Gephi visualisation to UK Web Archive

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17 17 Users and libraries heading towards a relationship of equals [In future] the catalogue will be less about inventory and ownership. Instead it will be more about access and usefulness. Eric Lease Morgan (2008)

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