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CMOS Device Model Objective CMOS transistor models

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1 CMOS Device Model Objective CMOS transistor models
Hand calculations for analog design Efficiently and accurately simulation CMOS transistor models Large signal model Small signal model Simulation model Noise model

2 Large Signal Model Nonlinear equations for solving dc values of device currents given voltages Level 1: Shichman-Hodges (VT, K', g, l, f, and NSUB) Level 2: with second-order effects (varying channel charge, short-channel, weak inversion, varying surface mobility, etc.) Level 3: Semi-empirical short-channel model Level 4: BSIM models. Based on automatically generated parameters from a process characterization. Good weak-strong inversion transition.

3 Transconductance when VDS is small

4 Transconductance when VDS is small

5 Transconductance when VDS is small

6 Effect of changing VDS for a large VGS

7 Effect of changing VDS for a given VGS

8 Effect of changing VDS for a given VGS

9 Effect of changing VDS for various VGS

10 Effect of changing VDS for various VGS

11 Effect of changing VDS for various VGS

12 MOST Regions of Operation
Cut-off, or non-conducting: VGS <VT ID=0 Conducting: VGS >=VT Saturation: VDS > VGS – VT Triode or linear or ohmic or non-saturation: VDS <= VGS – VT

13 With channel length modulation

14 Capacitors Of The Mosfet

15 CBD and CBS include both the diffusion-bulk junction capacitance as well as the side wall junction capacitance. They are highly nonlinear in bias voltages. C4 is the capacitance between the channel and the bulk. It is highly nonlinear and depends on the operation of the device. C4 is not measurable from terminals.

16 /2

17 Gate related capacitances



20 Small signal model

21 Typically: VDB, VSB are in such a way that there is a reversely biased pn junction.
Therefore: gbd ≈ gbs ≈ 0

22 In saturation: But

23 In non-saturation region

24 High Frequency Figures of Merit wT
AC current source input to G AC short S, D, B to gnd Measure AC drain current output Calculate current gain Find frequency at which current gain = 1. Ignore rs and rd,  Cbs, Cbd, gds, gbs, gbd all have zero voltage drop and hence zero current Vgs = Iin /jw(Cgs+Cgb+Cgd) ≈ Iin /jwCgs Io = − (gm − jw Cgd)Vgs ≈ − gmVgs |Io/Iin| ≈ gm/wCgs

25 At wT, current gain =1 wT ≈ gm/(Cgs+Cgd)≈ gm/Cgs or

26 High Frequency Figures of Merit wmax
AC current source input to G AC short S, D, B to gnd Measure AC power into the gate Assume complex conjugate load Compute max power delivered by the transistor Find maximum power gain Find frequency at which power gain = 1.

27 wmax: frequency at which power gain becomes 1

28 BSIM models Non-uniform charge density
Band bending due to non-uniform gate voltage Non-uniform threshold voltage Non-uniform channel doping, x, y, z Short channel effects Charge sharing Drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) Narrow channel effects Temperature dependence Mobility change due to temp, field (x, y) Source drain, gate, bulk resistances

29 “Short Channel” Effects
VTH decreases for small L Large offset for diff pairs with small L Mobility reduction: Velocity saturation Vertical field (small tox=6.5nm) Reduced gm: increases slower than root-ID

30 Threshold Voltage VTH Strong function of L Process variations
Use long channel for VTH matching But this increases cap and decreases speed Process variations Run-to-run How to characterize? Slow/nominal/fast Both worst-case & optimistic

31 Effect of Velocity Saturation
Velocity ≈ mobility * field Field reaches maximum Emax (Vgs-Vt)/L reaches ESAT gm become saturated: gm ≈ ½mnCoxW*ESAT But Cgs still 2/3 WL Cox wT ≈ gm/Cgs = ¾ mnESAT /L No longer ~ 1/L^2

32 Threshold Reduction When channel is short, effect of Vd extends to S
Cause barrier to drop, i.e. Vth to drop Greatly affects sub-threshold current: 26 mV Vth drop  current * e 100~200 mV Vth drop due to Vd not uncommon  100s or 1000 times current increase Use lower density active near gate but higher density for contacts

33 Other effects Temperature variation Normal-Field Mobility Degradation
Substrate current Very nonlinear in Vd Drain to source leakage current at Vgs=0 Big concern for static power Gate leakage currents Hot electron Tunneling Very nonlineary Transit Time Effects

34 Consequences for Design
SPICE (HSPICE or Spectre) BSIM3, BSIM4 models Accurate but inappropriate for hand analysis Verification (& optimization) Design: Small signal parameter design space: gm, CL (speed, noise) gm/ID, ID (power, output range, speed) Av0= gmro (gain) Device geometries from SPICE (table, graph); may require iteration (e.g. CGS)

35 Intrinsic voltage gain of MOSFET
Sweep V1 Measure vgs Intrinsic voltage gain = gm/go = Dvds/Dvgs for constant Id

36 Electronic Noise Noise phenomena Device noise models
Representation of noise (2-ports): Motivation Output spectral density Input equivalent spectral density Noise figure Sampling noise (“kT/C noise”) SNR versus Bits Noise versus Power Dissipation Dynamic range Minimum detectable signal

37 Noise in Devices and Circuits
Noise is any unwanted excitation of a circuit, any input that is not an information-bearing signal. • External noise: Unintended coupling with other parts of the physical world; in principle, can be virtually eliminated by careful design. • Intrinsic noise: Unpredictable microscopic events inherent in the device/circuit; can be reduced, but never eliminated. Noise is especially important to consider when designing low-power systems because the signal levels (typically voltages or currents) are small.

38 Noise vs random process variations
Variations from one device to another For any device, it is fixed after fabrication Noise Unpredictable variations during operation Unknown after fabrication Remains unknown after measurement during operation May change with environment

39 Time domain description of noise

40 What is signal and what is noise?

41 Signal and noise power:

42 Physical interpretation
If we apply a signal (or noise) as a voltage source across a one Ohm resistor, the power delivered by the source is equal to the signal power. Signal power can be viewer as a measure of normalized power. power

43 Signal to noise ratio SNR = 0 dB when signal power = noise power
Absolute noise level in dB: w.r.t. 1 mW of signal power

44 SNR in bits A sine wave with magnitude 1 has power = 1/2.
Quantize it into N=2n equal levels between -1 and 1 (with step size = 2/2n) Quantization error uniformly distributed between +–1/2n Noise (quantization error) power =1/3 (1/2n)2 Signal to noise ratio = 1/2 ÷ 1/3 (1/2n)2 =1.5(1/2n)2 = n dB or n bits

45 C=0: n1 and n2 uncorrelated C=1: perfectly correlated

46 Adding uncorrelated noises
Adding correlated noises

47 For independent noises

48 Frequency domain description of noise
Given n(t) stationary, its autocorrelation is: The power spectral density of n(t) is: For real signals, PSD is even.  can use single sided spectrum: 2x positive side ↑ single sided PSD

49 Parseval’s Theorem: If If x(t) stationary,

50 Interpretation of PSD Pxf1 = PSDx(f1) PSDx(f)



53 Types of “Noise” “man made” “intrinsic” noise Interference
Supply noise Use shielding, careful layout, isolation, … “intrinsic” noise Associated with current conduction “fundamental” –thermal noise “manufacturing process related” flicker noise

54 Thermal Noise Due to thermal excitation of charge carriers in a conductor. It has a white spectral density and is proportional to absolute temperature, not dependent on bias current. Random fluctuations of v(t) or i(t) Independent of current flow Characterization: Zero mean, Gaussian pdf Power spectral density constant or “white” up to about 80THz

55 Thermal noise dominant in resisters
Example: R = 1kΩ, B = 1MHz, 4µV rms or 4nA rms

56 HW Equivalently, we can model a real resistor with an ideal resistor in parallel with a current noise source. What rms value should the current source have? Show that when two resistors are connected in series, we can model them as ideal series resistors in series with a single noise voltage source. What’s the rms value of the voltage source? Show that two parallel resistors can be modeled as two ideal parallel resistors in parallel with a single noise current source. What’s the rms value of the current source?

57 Noise in Diodes Shot noise dominant
– DC current is not continuous and smooth but instead is a result of pulses of current caused by the individual flow of carriers. It depends on bias, can be modeled as a white noise source and typically larger than thermal noise. − Zero mean – Gaussian pdf – Power spectral density flat – Proportional to current – Dependent on temperature

58 Example: ID= 1mA, B = 1MHz, 17nA rms

59 MOS Noise Model

60 Flicker noise –Kf,NMOS 6 times larger than Kf,PMOS –Strongly process dependent −when referred to as drain current noise, it is inversely proportional to L2

61 BJT Noise

62 Sampling Noise • Commonly called “kT/C” noise
• Applications: ADC, SC circuits, … R von C Used:

63 Filtering of noise x(t) y(t) H(s) |H(f )|2 = H(s)|s=j2pf H(s)|s=-j2pf

64 Noise Calculations 1) Get small-signal model
2) Set all inputs = 0 (linear superposition) 3) Pick output vo or io 4) For each noise source vx, or ix Calculate Hx(s) = vo(s) / vx(s) (or … io, ix) 5) Total noise at output is 6) Input Referred Noise: Fictitious noise source at input:

65 Example: CS Amplifier Von=(inRL +inMOS)/goT VDD goT = 1/RL + sCL RL M1

66 wo=1/RLCL

67 Some integrals

68 HW In the previous example, if the transistor is in triode, how would the solution change? HW If we include the flicker noise source, how would that affect the computation? What do you suggest we should modify? HW In the example, if RL is replaced by a PMOS transistor in saturation, how would the solution change? Assume appropriate bias levels.

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