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Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 European information: Where & How to Find it Eva Koundouraki European Information Specialist EUI Library

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Presentation on theme: "Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 European information: Where & How to Find it Eva Koundouraki European Information Specialist EUI Library"— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 European information: Where & How to Find it Eva Koundouraki European Information Specialist EUI Library

2 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 From where to start?

3 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 Europa website

4 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 Institutions and bodies of the EU

5 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 Policy areas of the EU

6 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59


8 Access to European Union Law: EUR-Lex EUR-Lex is a website and a database that provides free access to European Union law and other documents considered to be public. Search for documents and OJs Browse Selection of new documents Newsletter Set your preferred language Consult daily editions of the OJ online

9 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 Consult the Official Journal via Eur-Lex The OJ consists of two series: Series L (Legislation) Series C (Information and Notices) * E and A are Official Journals published as annexes to the C series (e.g. C 307 A, C 309 E). ** The S series is the supplement to the OJ of the European Union containing invitations to tender. It is accessible on the TED website (Tenders Electronic Daily).

10 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 How to find information in EUR-Lex Simple Search (1) Search using keywords

11 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 Search by natural number How to find information in EUR-Lex Simple Search (2) Document type Year Number

12 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 Impact assessment in EU lawmaking (2008) Meuwese, Anne C.M How to find information in EUR-Lex : Simple Search – An example

13 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 How to browse information in EUR-Lex : Collections Treaties: the founding Treaties (original versions and later updatings), the amending Treaties, the Accession Treaties for each of the six enlargements, plus other essential documents. International agreements Legislation in force Preparatory acts: COM and SECCOM SEC Case-law Parliamentary questions: Oral and WrittenParliamentary questions

14 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 EUI Catalogue!!!!

15 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59

16 Monitoring of the Decision-making Process between Institutions: PreLex PreLexPreLex contains the work of the various EU institutions involved in the decision-making process (i.e. European Parliament, Council of the European Union, European Commission, European Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions).

17 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 PreLex - the REACH example (1)

18 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 REACH: COD 2003/0256 PreLex - the REACH example (2)

19 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59

20 Legislative Observatory The Legislative Observatory is an administrative, forecasting, information and research tool for EU legislative and non-legislative procedures involving the European Parliament. The Observatory consists of a series of procedure factfiles listing all the documents and key events relating to a given procedure and the players involved at each stage. There are three main stages in a procedure: the pre-legislative stage, possibly in the form of a preparatory document supplying the context of the procedure; the actual progress of the procedure, from the initial proposal or vote in committee to the legislative act or final opinion; the follow-up to the legislative act, including the replies provided by the Commission, the Commission's mandatory periodic reports and the implementing acts.

21 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 How to find information in Legislative Observatory

22 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 How to find information in Legislative Observatory

23 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 How to find information in Legislative Observatory

24 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 Legislative Observatory vs. PreLex

25 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 What happens afterwards Inteparliamentary EU information exchange: IPEX

26 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 Official EU current awareness RAPID EU calendar Agendas and Minutes of the EU institutions: Agendas of European Commission meetings Minutes of Commission meetings European Council conclusions Council meetings (agendas, briefings etc) European Parliament: Committees meetings and Plenary sittingsCommittees meetings Plenary sittings News on Europa website Inter-institutional news European Parliament news European Council news

27 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 Agence Europe Daily Bulletin Agence Europe Online (DanteWeb) Agence Europe Online Agence Europe - In print European Sources Online EurActiv EUobserver EUROPOLITICS Think tank Directory Europe Non-official EU current awareness

28 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 European University Institute – Historical Archives of the EU Links to the Historical Archives of the EU institutions European Parliament Council of the European Union European Commission Legal acts, meeting minutes, articles, press releases and internal Commission working documents (database DORIE) Legal acts, meeting minutes, articles, press releases and internal Commission working documents (database DORIE) European Court of Auditors European Economic and Social Committee Committee of the Regions European Central Bank European Investment Bank EU Archives

29 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 EUI Library Catalogue ECLAS The European Commission Libraries Catalogue And do not forget …

30 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 The official directory of the European Union List of European Parliament Committees Register of Interest representatives (European Commission)Register of Interest representatives

31 Friday 29 October 2010 16/02/2014 09:59 Any Questions?

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