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E.C. BIC OF EPIRUS “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Innovative Actions under the ERDF 2000-2006 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 KATERINA.

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Presentation on theme: "E.C. BIC OF EPIRUS “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Innovative Actions under the ERDF 2000-2006 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 KATERINA."— Presentation transcript:

1 E.C. BIC OF EPIRUS “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Innovative Actions under the ERDF 2000-2006 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 KATERINA FILIPPOU - KERAMIDA Managing Director BIC of EPIRUS

2 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 E.C. BIC OF EPIRUS 1996-…… An E.C. BIC is a public and private partnership offering a complete and integrated range of excellent services and activities to SMEs, with the intention of creating and developing innovative and independent action. E.C. BIC of Epirus is a non-profit organization, which acts according to the model of “local sponsors” as : Region of Epirus, the 4 Prefectures of Epirus, University of Ioannina, the 4 Chambers of Commerce, Technological Institutes, Municipalities, Banks and Private Companies

3 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 E.C BIC OF EPIRUS 1996-….. The European Dimension The E.C BIC OF EPIRUS is currently implementing or is involved in the following E.U. programs:  LEONARDO DA VINCI I  ADAPT  ECIP  JOP PHARE  RIS OF EPIRUS  RECITE II – Finestra Project  EQUAL – Ministry of Athletics  EQUAL – REGION OF EPIRUS  KETA of EPIRUS  A Regional employment & Innovation Strategy of Epirus-REISE  INNOVATIVE ACTIONS UNDER THE ERDF 2000-2006  INTERREG IIIC – DREAM Project


5 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” REGION OF EPIRUS MAIN ADVANTAGESMAIN DISADVANTAGESFORESEEN OPPORTUNITIES The geographical locationThe cull rent geographical isolation from the rest of the country The region’s appointment as the New Greek West Gate of Europe to the North Greece The city of IoanninaThe low development rate & the potential lack of working opportunities for the young people The rich cultural heritage of the region The University of Ioannina & the Technological Institute of Epirus The strong inter-prefecture inequalities The tourism sector that is growing The rich natural & cultural environment The lack of International LinksThe University of Ioannina, the Technological Institute, the Hospital of Ioannina and the new Science & Technology Park

6 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” AIM of the Program To promote the innovative entrepreneurship through the identification of innovative opportunities and the application of innovative techniques.

7 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” MAIN DIRECTIONS of the Program are:  The identification and promotion of new investment opportunities for the creation of new enterprises mainly in the services industry as a result of infrastructures development in the region  The pilot application of innovative training methods for the creation and support of innovative Entrepreneurship  The promotion and diffusion of private capital in the region  The pilot promotion of e-commerce and information management to local firms  The implementation of a regional foresight exercise  The creation of an innovation policy interface committee  The application of an awareness campaign

8 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” MAIN TARGETS of the Program are:  Regional economies based on Knowledge and technological innovation  E-EuropeRegio : the information society at the service of regional development  Regional industry and sustainable development

9 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” PROGRAMME STRATEGY The development of the region as the new western gate of Greece to Northern Greece and Europe and the use of competitive advantages created by the new transport infrastructures The development of Tourism – the protection and development of the natural and cultural regional resources The sustainable development of the non-urban areas The qualitative development of the Human potential

10 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Development of policy orientations, through the collaboration of the local actors and the use of already existing infrastructures as well as the future ones. The result of such collaboration is the following strategic orientations:

11 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Strategic Orientations: the competitive positioning of Epirus that is expected to change in the future the development of an innovation culture that will provide us with innovative enterprises and Knowledge. This may be attained through a constant training either on new enterprises or in existed ones that seek for new methods of development and differentiation financial opportunities such as the Business Angels, and Corporate Investors as well as other financial methods that will help new enterprises to develop in good terms in the future The technological support of the companies and especially innovative SMEs in the region through e-commerce and other methods Awareness campaign through seminars, conferences, workshops, exhibitions and advertising material that is appropriate to understand the meaning of “Innovation” and how this can be used by an enterprise.

12 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Project: INNOVATIVE ACTIONS UNDER THE ERDF 2000-2006 Title: “ ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Financing: 1,380 MEURO Duration: 1/6/2003 – 1/6/2005 Undertaker/contractor: REGION OF EPIRUS Managing Body: E.C BIC OF EPIRUS Paying Body: Regional Fund and Development of Epirus Local Partners: UNIVERSITY OF IOANNINA, Technical Institution of Epirus, Development Companies, local Chambers, etc External consultants: Dr. John Bakouros, Dr. Nikos Komninos, Dr. George Strogilopoulos etc.

13 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Action 1 New investment opportunities for the creation of new enterprises in the services industry as a result of the new transport facilities and infrastructures in the region. New options for development and firms creation Pilot action on three key areas Support of entrepreneurs (60) Alternative options for human resources employment Intra-regional and Interregional collaboration

14 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Action 2 Innovative and flexible training Design of new training schemes based on the experience of entrepreneurs Pilot integrated and innovative training programmes Creation of new trained entrepreneurs (120) Development of extrovert strategic thinking for SMEs Development of the SMEs ability to collaborate and network

15 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Action 3 Efficient diffusion of private capital Identification of investment opportunities (one guide) (working groups) Networking Attraction of Business Angels Matching events (working groups) Presentations to investors Seminars on private funding mechanisms

16 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Action 4 e-commerce and information management Documentation of e-commerce services Participation of 35-40 enterprises from the selected areas and new services sectors Development of e-commerce portal facility Use of national programmes for financing website development (35-40 companies) Awareness raising actions - training Good practice guide

17 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Action 5 Innovation policy interface committee 4 progress synergy papers Action 6 Regional foresight exercise Develop a common understanding of the main threats and opportunities in a 10-15 years horizon and create alternative scenarios for future development. Emphasis 3 sectors and 2 main issues: –Tourism, Transport, ICT –Epirus as the new link-gate with the Western Europe and the role of transport Impact of EU enlargement on structural and cohesion funds that constitute the major source of development support for the region

18 Crete, Heraklion, 22-24 June 2003 “ENTREPRENEURSHIP THROUGH INNOVATION IN EPIRUS” Action 7 Awareness Campaign Exhibitions, workshops, innovation week, training seminars, visits, brochures, leaflets Action 8 Technical Assistance for Evaluation How the program is implemented (on going evaluation) The overall good performance of the program (ex post evaluation)


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